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"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" or If these idiots had their way....

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"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" or If these idiots had their way.... Empty "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" or If these idiots had their way....

Post by broken72 Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:15 pm

In the paper today, there was an article about some bus drivers on strike over a broken promise of a living wage. Is the community sympathetic, no. Instead, they give the "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", response of "Why should they be paid more money just for driving around?" Of course, if these idiots had ever ridden the bus, they'd know what kind of crap they go through on a daily basis!

Which brings me to my rant. It seems to me that these idiots, make five to six figures, and live in nice homes in the suburbs (the kind with neighborhood associations.) who take vacations twice a year, and drive around in SUV's and Hummers, taking up three parking spaces,... if these people had their way, the working class would be making a penny an hour, work 7 days a week, 23 hours a day, no vacations, no benefits, (Except for a glass of orange juice, which the workers will have to pay out of pocket... you know for the vitamin C.) No lunch breaks, and no safety.

To make matters worse, these same people also want to do away with unemployment benefits, (which we pay into!) because they think it's so easy to find work! THey even go on record saying "Try the call centers, they are always hiring." Anyone who has ever worked for a call center can tell you it is one of the worst jobs out there. Yes, it's safer than mining coal, but you have to do so many calls per minute. If you do more than the minimum, you get a bonus. You do the bare minimum, you might just keep your job. If you do less, however, you are out!

Honestly, I wish there was some way to make people like that go through, what real people go through! However, their lack of empathy frightens me.

As mentioned before, I am going to be laid off, and I really don't want to have to take out my unemployment, but I have no choice. But if I do, I will be seen as another leech in our society.

I am especially angry about the lack of job prospects in my community. I wish I could leave, but I cannot, because of my mother's health.

And then there are those who are worse off. People who are about to lose their homes, evicted from their apartments, they have a terminal illness and no insurance! What do those idiots want these people to do? Die? (seems so.)

How much longer can we last? And why do these idiots not give a crap? Don't they realize we live in a symbiotic circle, where whatever affects one, will inevitably affect everyone else?


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"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" or If these idiots had their way.... Empty Re: "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" or If these idiots had their way....

Post by elvis44102 Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:50 am

"Let America Be America Again," by Langston Hughes

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