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Post by tristen303 Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:54 am


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Post by elvis44102 Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:39 am

i have looked into the XL pipeline a little and it seems like it is not quite "oil" is a mixture of a sandy sludge that has to be heated to a high temperature to "flow" at all...

granted a simple oil pipeline sounds inocuous enough, but things dont seem to be so simple...

honestly we do need the oil, but couldnt they partially refine it or something? before its shipped...

i am sure there is a way to ship the oil safely....but in this case perhaps the lowest bidder should not get the project....

we have seen enough oil related disasters (at least i have) to see that safety and its cleanup cost are probably not figured into the cost of these things....we had double and triple backup on the NASA space program when it functioned correctly in the 1960's....

Perhaps a billion or so should be added into the cost to help prevent catastrophic failure....we have the engineers who have the knowledge
if only we keep the short-term beans counters away from them

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Post by Hurtin@home Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:21 pm

I have seen numbers on the pipeline that show building this would max at 6k jobs if that and they are temp jobs. The oil also will not stay in this country it will be sold abroad. It will do nothing for the US except line the pockets of investors and oil companies. It will NOT lower our gas prices here in the US. The speaker of the house is one of those investors btw.


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Post by elvis44102 Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:33 pm

i hate to even ask, but why would we ship oil overseas????

other than, because of those blessed "Free Market" principles....

those same ones were we ship all the raw materials to some gd forsaken place that has none and then build it there...(because labor is cheap)

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Post by Hurtin@home Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:15 am

Keystone XL is an export pipeline. According to presentations to investors, Gulf Coast refiners plan to refine the cheap Canadian crude supplied by the pipeline into diesel and other products for export to Europe and Latin America. Proceeds from these exports are earned tax-free. Much of the fuel refined from the pipeline’s heavy crude oil will never reach U.S. drivers’ tanks.

Interesting huh...


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Post by elvis44102 Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:19 am

yes thats interesting, something sounded fishy when they said it was a sandy mix of oil...

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Post by Hurtin@home Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:28 am

Republicans are full of it when they try to beat up Obama over this pipeline. Boner himself would profit from the pipeline! It's all a butt load of distorted facts. Obama said no to the pipeline for two reasons that I notice. 1) It does nothing for the US 2) Republicans wanted to tie it to the middle class tax break, the two had nothing to do with the other. It was simply a way for oil companies and investors to make more money. I'll scratch your back if you line my pocket...


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Post by tristen303 Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:07 am

It actually is pretty smart to have a pipeline running through and pumping oil to refineries in your country. Going to the open market in peace time? So what, but having a secure supply line in bad times, well thats something different.
As for attaching it to the payroll tax cuts....that's how it works up there lol
But please keep the talking points coming over logic on this one.


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Post by Hurtin@home Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:54 am

Running a pipeline of sludge through the center of an aquifer and farmland where there can and will be leaks. Add to that the fact that it does nothing for our country but line the pockets of rich people that clearly don't give a rats a** if it pollutes, only care about cash they don't live there so who cares. That's logical to nobody but dirt bags! Why don't they refine the sludge up in Canada and tanker it to their coast where they can pollute their country? Because they won't make as much money then, waaaaaaa.
Keep your pollution, and money it does nothing for the American people anyway and that is a FACT!


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Post by tristen303 Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:05 am

Because of the EPA restrictions there have been no new refineries built. The refinery the pipeline is going to is capable of refining high sulfur (which the tar sands are). Said refinery is built near a port and various distribution nodes, the pipeline will go to a node that supplies not only gas but heating oil for the East Coast. This makes using the tech to retrieve the tar sands cost effective via cost cutting in distribution.
Presently there are close to 22,500 mile of pipelines that go over various points of the Aquifer presently and this is the most studied and scrutinized project in the history of the oil industry so the environmental BS is just that BS. The whole purpose of this is the left wants no more cheap fuel; they want expensive fuel so that alternative energy is cost effective and competitive with it (this is such liberal tinkering and BS).

Talking points are clever but never fact (execpt that somebody God forbid may make money) upon thier complete examination in the light they are baseless and silly. This is not only in the best interests of America it should be considered a defense initiative.


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Post by elvis44102 Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:11 am

""The whole purpose of this is the left wants no more cheap fuel; they want expensive fuel so that alternative energy is cost effective and competitive with it (this is such liberal tinkering and BS).""

I'll buy that, i have always felt the tree hugging far left and the far right really have way more in common than they would like to believe, such as both tend to act self-righteous and morally superior.....

Most of us people just want something that works correctly and efficiently...

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Post by Hurtin@home Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:31 am

Honestly there are many pipelines running through the us and one more isn't the end of the world. My point is that it doesn't have any place in the middle class tax break bill. I have no doubt that this will pass. The president specifically said if they tie it to that bill he will veto it. So why do it? He wanted the tax break left alone. They took it upon themselves and jammed it in there anyway. This pipeline does nothing for our gas prices to come down. It does nothing for the US. Make the bills stand alone bills don't create rhetoric over it. He is our commander and chief, the leader of our country. I'm not saying kiss his butt. When he says something listen to the man. Try working with this guy not constantly trying to go against him.


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Post by elvis44102 Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:34 am

cause they in DC are always puting apples and oranges together...thats the way they resemble fuctioning.....dont try to make sense out of it youll get a headache....

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Post by Hurtin@home Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:36 am

Too late...


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