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fed ed ending, still have 4th tier to collect? and 2nd claim

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fed ed ending, still have 4th tier to collect? and 2nd claim Empty fed ed ending, still have 4th tier to collect? and 2nd claim

Post by amyh Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:14 am

hi, i have a confusing situation and thought i would check here to see if anyone has anything similar. okay so i was originally unemployed as of july 2009. i collected the first 26 weeks and then three tiers. at the middle of my second tier i qualified for a new claim at the bye date but the woman at edd said she would just keep me on the extension. then i got an award letter for a new claim with only 15 dollars less than my original. i never got anything from that claim and i continued to collect benefits at the higher amt. until i reported income and there was a pause in my benefits for a self employment issue. i didn't appeal it and just kept working part time and freelance. my part time freelance job ended in july so i called to see if i could either open a new claim or reopen my extension. i guess i didn't make enough for a new claim so the man said he would put me back on my extensions....okay this is where it gets weird.

i recieved my extensions and they were for fed ed. i got a letter when my original tier 3 ended the time saying i qualified for fed ed but i never used it because of my freelance work. they put me on fed ed originally on dec 5 2010, before tier 4 and i have recently found out that that happened to a lot of people because congress didn't extend the dates until dec 17. so my questions are:
1. will i be receiving the tier 4 that i never collected after fed ed runs out?
2. when these tiers run out will i collect on the 2nd claim that i never collected on?

i don't expect to collect anything else after tier 4 but i just don't know why they didn't put me on my 2nd claim, as i have read in order to defer it has to be 100 or more less (which it wasn't) and original claim had to expire after july 2010 and mine expired june 2010. sorry for the lengthy post, i just figured someone here would know the answer! calling or emailing edd with this confusion will probably be a bad idea! Smile thanks! any advice would be appreciated.


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Join date : 2011-08-02

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fed ed ending, still have 4th tier to collect? and 2nd claim Empty Re: fed ed ending, still have 4th tier to collect? and 2nd claim

Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:50 am

amyh, it's really hard for me to say. I have been calling different UC offices for updates, since the laws changed last spring in some states. I don't know where you are, so I can't really answer the questions.

Some states with HUP high unemployment period, will have you collect all of that benefit amount and then move to tier 4. You need to definitely contact a rep. and find out the balance of our account and what your eligible weeks remaining are. However, please note, if you only have tier 4 remaining, you will then exhaust. We are advocating for HR589 for the 99ers (those that have exhausted).

I am sorry I couldn't be more clear, but it is always best to check for yourself, they do not give out individual information to anyone except the claimant, I can only get general information.

I am sorry you are having difficulties and are in the same position as most members are, but hope you find you have friends here.

Please let us know how you make out. Happy Thanksgiving.


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