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Sad-Sack Congresscritters Hate Themselves Almost As Much As Everyone Else Hates Them  Empty Sad-Sack Congresscritters Hate Themselves Almost As Much As Everyone Else Hates Them

Post by Guest Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:22 am

Sen. Lindsey Graham is so embarrassed about the 9 percent approval rating — released Tuesday night in a New York Times/CBS poll — that he’s going incognito.

“It’s so bad sometimes I tell people I’m a lawyer,” the South Carolina Republican told POLITICO on Wednesday. “I don’t want to be associated with a body that in the eyes of your fellow citizens seems to be dysfunctional. It matters to me.”

“We’re below sharks and contract killers,” added freshman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).

Yesterday, Sen. John McCain was sounding a similar refrain, joking on Twitter that the 9% approval ratings meant that they were "down to paid staffers and blood relatives." How similar a refrain was it?

Seems to me that round about the seventeenth time you've joked about how incapable you are of doing anything that people don't hate, it sort of becomes incumbent on you to try to do something about it. And since none of these guys want to resign, today -- which is an option! -- I'm going to generously assume that they actually want to work within the system to improve the way their institution is viewed by the public.


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Post by Guest Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:52 am

msnbc last night, Ed and Rachael Maddow did a spot about 100 Dems and Republicans signing a petition (another one), but this one is to work together. Maybe a sign they are getting the message? Or just looked at the approval ratings. Cynical I know, but after three years, it's hard not to be. I am looking for the link and will post when it comes up. Sad-Sack Congresscritters Hate Themselves Almost As Much As Everyone Else Hates Them  34243


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Sad-Sack Congresscritters Hate Themselves Almost As Much As Everyone Else Hates Them  Empty Re: Sad-Sack Congresscritters Hate Themselves Almost As Much As Everyone Else Hates Them

Post by lendmeflight2 Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:08 pm

It's funny that Senator Graham would say this considering that it's his party that is holding everything up.

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Sad-Sack Congresscritters Hate Themselves Almost As Much As Everyone Else Hates Them  Empty Re: Sad-Sack Congresscritters Hate Themselves Almost As Much As Everyone Else Hates Them

Post by Guest Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:30 pm

I didn't want to get any Republicans annoyed at me, but I had the same thought, given that he is hardly a moderate, it was odd coming from him. Although, it's never too late for a change of heart. I think the poll numbers are really shaking them up. Congress is at 9% and the President is now at 43-46% depending on the time of day and the news station you watch. But still, he's climbing, they aren't.


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