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Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political

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Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political Empty Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political

Post by Kathleen Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:35 am

Only one of the postings out there... I notice a disturbing trend in local news postings on these stories saying that protests happening today are the result of "paid protesters" and the messages that they convey are nothing or unfocused or rambling. You supply your own discredit of protestors from your local news.
Anyone see that the discredits on these blog sites are more than likely to be paid posters? Given today’s technology and everyone trying to make money in an unethical job situation are from paid posters sitting at home—not from paid protesters out in the cold for the most part?
Makes me wish I still admin’d some good media site to know for sure.

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Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political Empty Occupy Wall Street should be a moral, not political, movement

Post by mistermunster Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:43 am

And that is exactly where we sit today. As I listen to the Occupy Wall Street protesters and watch as their protest spread across the country, similar to the lunch counter sit-ins that spread like wildfire across the South in 1960, the goals and ideals sound eerily familiar. While in the 1960s it was about race, the civil rights battlefront today is about class. It is about the widening gap between the rich and poor, and how the middle class is being pushed down to the poor, rather than being helped upward.


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Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political Empty Re: Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political

Post by Sad American Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:27 am

Well... the Revolution (I hope!) begins!
My blood is flowing and I really feel this may begin to change things. But it has to be a human thing - not a Democrat or Republican thing - right or left - or any of the other crap that divides us.
Know that those of us out there today are out there for all of you, too...
Terry & John
Sad American
Sad American

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Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political Empty Re: Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:28 am

I hope to someday stand with those seeking an Israeli Spring, a Palestinian Spring, a Japanese Spring, a European Spring, a Chinese Spring and an American Spring where jobs and justice for the many will defeat the greed and selfishness of the few. Where freedoms will flourish and hatreds will fade. When wars against poverty and joblessness will replace inequity and carnage against those who are different.

Will I agree with everything done by the Occupy Wall Street movement? No. It is a spontaneous movement without clear leaders and detailed programs. That is fine. These things evolve.

The Occupy Wall Street movement has opened a powerful, new chapter in an old battle. The 99 percent has only begun to fight. True change will never be easy, but the American Dream will never die.


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Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political Empty Re: Wall Street sit-in goes global Saturday /Movement should be moral, NOT political

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