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Panic of the Plutocrats Empty Panic of the Plutocrats

Post by Guest Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:39 am

Consider first how Republican politicians have portrayed the modest-sized if growing demonstrations, which have involved some confrontations with the police — confrontations that seem to have involved a lot of police overreaction — but nothing one could call a riot. And there has in fact been nothing so far to match the behavior of Tea Party crowds in the summer of 2009.

Nonetheless, Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, has denounced “mobs” and “the pitting of Americans against Americans.” The G.O.P. presidential candidates have weighed in, with Mitt Romney accusing the protesters of waging “class warfare,” while Herman Cain calls them “anti-American.” My favorite, however, is Senator Rand Paul, who for some reason worries that the protesters will start seizing iPads, because they believe rich people don’t deserve to have them. Rolling Eyes


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Panic of the Plutocrats Empty Re: Panic of the Plutocrats

Post by Guest Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:24 pm

This is a must read for all members. So much really good information in there.

And, btw, the news isn't portraying the protests quite so badly anymore. This weekend was quite positive as is today's.

Happy to report no real overaction on the part of the police here in occupyphilly. It's been really great! Panic of the Plutocrats 34243


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Panic of the Plutocrats Empty Re: Panic of the Plutocrats

Post by Guest Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:30 pm

RI's starts Saturday. No riots, and Rand Paul can rest easy, we are not planning on stealing any iPads from the rich!


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Panic of the Plutocrats Empty Re: Panic of the Plutocrats

Post by Hunterforjobs Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:49 pm

Proves the protesters are on the right road, these are nervous statements. LOL How long did they think they could get along with their charade.

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