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Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill

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Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill Empty Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill

Post by Guest Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:30 pm

"Some see this as class warfare. I see it as a simple choice. We can either keep taxes exactly as they are for millionaires and billionaires, or we can ask them to pay at least the same rate as a plumber or a bus driver. And in the process, we can put teachers and construction workers and veterans back on the job. We can either fight to protect their tax cuts, or we can cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America. But we can’t afford to do both. It’s that simple."

"So I need you to keep making your voices heard in Washington. I need you to remind these folks who they work for. And I need you to tell your Senators to do the right thing by passing this jobs bill right away."



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Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill Empty Re: Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill

Post by Guest Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:17 pm

And I agree. I was in attendance at occupyphilly and happened to be there while the Mayor and Police Commissioner came by. Very interesting conversation with two people who really do support the cause and are being horribly handicapped in running a city with very high unemployment, low revenues as a result and trying to do it without laying off, which they haven't. I gave him a copy of the 99ers letter and he gave me some people to contact regarding this along with a few other Mayors names and contact info to send it to. They all serve on the Maryor's Council in DC. He also feels that we need to keep saying the message over and over again to Congress and hopefully the rallies stay strongly supported. He thinks right now the only way they will get the message is if we keep screaming. They aren't even listening to State Senators, Representatives at the local levels or the Governors, all of whom are struggling. Get Loud and then Get Louder!!!!!
BTW, if any members in the Philly area are not aware, October 12th, occupy philly is marching for the day for JOBS NOW!!! I have many copies our our letter and have some signatures to add, which I will do shortly. If you are in this area, please lend your support. I am happy to report, it's been safe, interesting and is supported by the police dept and the Mayor. To date, no drama or trouble at all. Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill 34243


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Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill Empty Re: Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill

Post by Guest Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:22 pm

I hate to say it, but it is out of his hands. It is up to the people now. Things have gone too far, congress is corrupt and has forgotten who THEIR bosses are...Its WE THE PEOPLE!

They should have to answer to us. I think he is doing the right thing by calling upon the American people. Its long overdue.

Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill 34243 Obama once again urges Americans to push Congress to pass jobs bill 66067


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