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The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee

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The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee Empty The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee

Post by Guest Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:50 am

As we collectively work toward rebuilding the American economy and getting Americans back to work, we must assure the financial security of all long-term unemployed Americans, until such time as the jobs return. It also must be acknowledged, that with so many out-of-work job-seekers and so few available openings, unemployed workers already face a tough job market. But when employers exclude qualified and job ready applicants based upon; credit scores, employment status and age, at a time when we as a country are still trying to gain some form of economic footing, having just exited the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression, the job of finding a job becomes impossible.

To this end, the American 99ers Union offers into record, The Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal. We strongly recommend these measures be considered and integrated into The American Jobs Act or into existing legislation where applicable.

1) A provision must be included in The American Jobs Act include a provision providing for the addition of H.R. 589 in The American Jobs Act.

2) A provision must be included in The American Jobs Act, or an amendment need be added to The Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 (codified at 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.) that would prohibit the use of most employee credit checks.

3) A provision must be included in The American Jobs Act that would create tier based tax incentives for business hiring, as relates to the total time an applicant is unemployed through no fault of their own.

4) A provision must be included in The American Jobs Act that would create tier based tax incentives for business hiring, as relates to the age of prospective job applicants.


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The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee Empty Re: The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee

Post by TR11005 Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:13 am

Although I am happy for their efforts. They should also include workers that have taken short term contract and temporary assignments. For example I worked a day assignment last month. Should now this exclude me for this consideration?

Contract workers have many gaps in their employment record. Some of us have several 6 months or longer gaps. My point is not to discriminate against anyone due to their gaps, length of unemployment, age, disability, etc. Should go by skills and education and whether it was done currently is no longer a factor. Never ask when what year we graduated. Only things that matter is if you committed a serious crime. If you have served the time, it should be forgiven.

Tax incentives are not the answer. Prosecuting employers and having heavy fines would put a scare. The employment laws are fixed for employers. I don't see the Department of Labor, just like the Treasury putting handcuffs on the guilty!


Posts : 541
Join date : 2011-02-17

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The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee Empty Re: The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee

Post by Kathleen Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:09 pm


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The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee Empty Re: The American 99ers Union submits Four Point Plan to a Fair Recovery Proposal to The House Ways and Means Committee

Post by KeeptheFaith Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:05 am

TR11005 wrote:Although I am happy for their efforts. They should also include workers that have taken short term contract and temporary assignments. For example I worked a day assignment last month. Should now this exclude me for this consideration?

Contract workers have many gaps in their employment record. Some of us have several 6 months or longer gaps. My point is not to discriminate against anyone due to their gaps, length of unemployment, age, disability, etc. Should go by skills and education and whether it was done currently is no longer a factor. Never ask when what year we graduated. Only things that matter is if you committed a serious crime. If you have served the time, it should be forgiven.

Tax incentives are not the answer. Prosecuting employers and having heavy fines would put a scare. The employment laws are fixed for employers. I don't see the Department of Labor, just like the Treasury putting handcuffs on the guilty!



Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-02-21

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