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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:53 am


Propose nothing and run out the clock until November 6, 2012. Never mind that House Republicans have offered no jobs plan. Never mind that so much of what is in the President’s American Jobs Act was supported in the past by Republicans. Never mind all that. This is Washington where nothing can get done. This is from House Majority Leader Eric Cnator yesterday at his weekly press availability. Reporter’s Question: “The $447 billion jobs package as a package: dead?” A reporter asked him. “Yes,” said Cantor. Notice also: How quiet the White House is. Shouldn’t they be yelling and screaming and making noise right now? Where is the communications strategy? This morning on the Senate floor, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said this:


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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by Hunterforjobs Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:37 pm

One thing I will say, Bush stood up to the democrats, I didn't like him but he didn't take any crap from them. Why isn't Obama standing up to the republicans?

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Join date : 2011-02-18

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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:45 pm

Their agenda couldn't be any clearer. To hell with the American people, make Obama a one term president! Harry Reid, the sponsor of the American Jobs Act, and his fellow Dems in the Senate should be making a lot of noise right now. Their silence sickens me. The president has said he wants this passed by the end of October, but he can't do it himself.

Although I am not at all pleased with S. 1549, it is a start. After 272 days of holding the majority in the House, the Repulicans have not addressed job creation or suggested any solutions to put Americans back to work.

The American Jobs Act will put only 1.9 million of the 40+ million unemployed or underemployed back to work, and there is not one bit of help in this piece of legislation to assist the exhaustees, the hardest hit of this depression recession. If they can't break the gridlock on this piece of legislation that, for the most part, only keeps current programs in place, no way we will ever see help for the "99ers".

Definitely time to get real mad, but more important to get mad enough to take some action. It makes two years now since the original "99ers" have been in limbo. This time two years ago, we were fighting for HR 3548, which added Tiers 3 and 4. We went almost 2 months with no benefits, and once again it came down to the last minute before that was enacted mid-November of that year. I am so sick of my life being used in a political game to see who gains control of what in 2012!

Wake up, Unemployed Citizens!! What are we going to do?????????????


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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by tristen303 Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:17 pm

Hey don't forget that Ried put it on the back burner too..everyone up there has dirty hands and is playng politics..


Posts : 663
Join date : 2011-02-24

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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:25 pm

well, can't really kill a bill that is DOA anyway!


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Age : 76

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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:26 pm

exhaustedandtired/1208 wrote:well, can't really kill a bill that is DOA anyway!
So, what are we going to do????


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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by tristen303 Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:28 pm



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Join date : 2011-02-24

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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:43 pm

tristen303 wrote:MARCH!
First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act 938557


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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:00 pm

Get Loud. Have to keep our displeasure front and center. Have to get refocused on JOBS,JOBS and Benefits. First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act 34243


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First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act Empty Re: First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:01 pm

BTW, Cantor is a snake. And, Mr. Leader, what's your JOBS PLAN????? First Cantor, Now McConnell: The Slow, Quiet Killing of the President’s American Jobs Act 34243


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