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How states fared on unemployment aid applications Empty How states fared on unemployment aid applications

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:10 pm

More people sought unemployment benefits last week, the third increase in the past four weeks and a sign that the job market remains depressed. The Labor Department said Thursday that weekly applications rose by 11,000 to a seasonally adjusted 428,000.

States with the biggest increases:

Kansas: Up 1,969, due to layoffs in the transportation and electrical manufacturing industries

North Carolina: Up 1,450, due to layoffs in the furniture and fixtures, and transportation industries

Washington: Up 1,443, due to layoffs in the construction and manufacturing industries

New Jersey: Up 1,324, due to layoffs in construction, manufacturing, service and retail industries

Texas: Up 1,239, due to layoffs in education-related services, manufacturing and services

States with the biggest decreases:

New York: Down 2,854, due to few layoffs in transportation, education-related services and services

South Carolina: Down 2,118, due to fewer layoffs in manufacturing

Even with these facts, people still call the unemployed lazy? Really get a life! Teabags and GOP have NO real plan for jobs and they fight Obama on his. This is a real MESS!

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Join date : 2011-02-21
Age : 50

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How states fared on unemployment aid applications Empty Re: How states fared on unemployment aid applications

Post by Guest Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:11 pm

A huge reason that the numbers are not moving up to 9.3 or 9.4 is that, as we well know, the 99ers are falling of the books and no longer being counted. Here in NJ, we are still losing jobs. August and September are slated to be the biggest losses for this year. It's not ending. How states fared on unemployment aid applications 34243


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Post by Guest Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:13 pm

Thanks for posting this getthem. It's important for all members to know exactly what's happening in their individual State.


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