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Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people

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Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people Empty Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:57 pm

Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people | Republican lawmakers should take note. As Raw Story reports, a new study that compared 54 nations found that “the more progressive a tax system” — a system in which higher incomes have higher tax rates — “the happier citizens are.”

Gives them less money to buy our politicians, makes me happy Very Happy Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people 468390 Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people 895764 Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people 938557

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Age : 50

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Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people Empty Re: Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people

Post by TOO OLD TO HIRE IN PA Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:14 pm

gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:

Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people | Republican lawmakers should take note. As Raw Story reports, a new study that compared 54 nations found that “the more progressive a tax system” — a system in which higher incomes have higher tax rates — “the happier citizens are.”

Gives them less money to buy our politicians, makes me happy Very Happy Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people 468390 Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people 895764 Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people 938557

I have been saying this for years! LOL Social Security should be the same way. People who make $50,000 a year have to pay 6.2% on their whole salary, while people who make over 106,000 a year pay SS tax on the first 106,000 of income. Employers should not have to match the tax for the high wage earners.


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Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people Empty Re: Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people

Post by tristen303 Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:52 pm

And I'm sure that it must be fact coming from, I'm sure if had facts showing the opposite it would be discounted based of off who was taking the poll, the hypocrisy of the left. How about this: how many progressive countries are going broke or experience civil unrest...I don't know the answer just curious more then anything. I agree with Getthem on the last note until we reform how money is raised for our elections we are doomed.


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Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people Empty Re: Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:22 pm

tristen303 wrote:And I'm sure that it must be fact coming from, I'm sure if had facts showing the opposite it would be discounted based of off who was taking the poll, the hypocrisy of the left. How about this: how many progressive countries are going broke or experience civil unrest...I don't know the answer just curious more then anything. I agree with Getthem on the last note until we reform how money is raised for our elections we are doomed.

Don't take the progressive view just look at history. During Clinton the tax rate for the rich was just 4% higher and we did just fine on JOBS. Problem is the Bush tax were created to spur jobs growth and they failed miserably. They added 3 Trillion to the debt and lost 8 million jobs. Its not a left thing, its a factual thing. Corporatons are getting record tax breaks and earning record profits. We have a revenue problem and that is a fact no matter what right wing radio tells you. The very people telling you not to end the Bush tax cuts are cashing in on them. Tristen you know this is right my friend.

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Age : 50

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Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people Empty Re: Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people

Post by tristen303 Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:41 pm

No I agree with the revenue issue (n fact your whole statement) in doing my research the only time tax rates dropped and rev increased was during Reagan which he accomplished with massive stimulus spending (deficit) which is the start of what got us here to begin with.


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Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people Empty Re: Study: Nations with progressive tax systems have happier people

Post by lendmeflight2 Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:47 pm

gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:
tristen303 wrote:And I'm sure that it must be fact coming from, I'm sure if had facts showing the opposite it would be discounted based of off who was taking the poll, the hypocrisy of the left. How about this: how many progressive countries are going broke or experience civil unrest...I don't know the answer just curious more then anything. I agree with Getthem on the last note until we reform how money is raised for our elections we are doomed.

Don't take the progressive view just look at history. During Clinton the tax rate for the rich was just 4% higher and we did just fine on JOBS. Problem is the Bush tax were created to spur jobs growth and they failed miserably. They added 3 Trillion to the debt and lost 8 million jobs. Its not a left thing, its a factual thing. Corporatons are getting record tax breaks and earning record profits. We have a revenue problem and that is a fact no matter what right wing radio tells you. The very people telling you not to end the Bush tax cuts are cashing in on them. Tristen you know this is right my friend.

I agree except the bush tax cuts were an attempt to buy a second term.

So many people at the time asked me who I was voting for and I told them I couldn't afford to vote for Bush, There response was "I can, he gave me $300". What a cheap vote.

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