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Tax the Rich. Problem Solved.
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Tax the Rich. Problem Solved.
What if there was a group of terrorists holding your family hostage with a gun pointed at themselves, demanding the account number to your pension fund? Would you negotiate with the terrorists by allowing them access to your savings, or would you let them shoot themselves and keep your retirement money intact?
Congressional Republicans are threatening to default on the debt unless President Obama caves to their demands to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security spending. Regardless of the market-crashing consequences of a debt default, actually doing so would be unconstitutional. Section 4 of the 14th Amendment clearly states that “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions…shall not be questioned.” Republicans are violating the constitution by threatening a debt default. End of discussion.
A truly principled leader would refuse to negotiate with terrorists, and allow them to turn the gun on themselves. Our President needs to stand firmly behind these common-sense proposals, and remove from the table any cuts to the programs we’ve spent our lives funding from our own paychecks. No exceptions.
Guest- Guest
Re: Tax the Rich. Problem Solved.
If you taxed those making $250,000.00 + at 100% that would raise $1.7 trillion . Not nearly enough as it would fund the govt. for approx. 141 days. Not that simple a solution.
stansmad- Member
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Join date : 2011-02-18
Re: Tax the Rich. Problem Solved.
Well, it's really not quite as simple as just adding up all the money the rich have. Any of these debt reduction plans are over 10,15, or 20 years. Taxing the rich would solve most of the problem but reducing defense spending, bringing soldiers home, and bringing jobs back here is the other component to a strong economy.
lendmeflight2- Member
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Join date : 2011-02-21
Re: Tax the Rich. Problem Solved.
There are some things about Ronald Regan that the Republicans won't tell you. One thing is that after initially cutting taxes, he actually raised taxes, with alot of the revenue going toward such programs as the JTPA. Not only that, but Bill Clinton did the same thing, like welfare to work. There were economic expansions during both Presidencys of 19 & 21 million jobs respectively.
In that deal where Obama caved in to the Republicans & extended the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%, the money was supposed to go into the economy, but who believes that crap? The money that they would be paying is going into Chinese investments & Swiss bank accounts. At least if this segment were paying taxes, the money would most likely be spent in the USA somehow, & it could be used to fund a WPA style work program.
That might not completely solve the problem, but it could be a start.
In that deal where Obama caved in to the Republicans & extended the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%, the money was supposed to go into the economy, but who believes that crap? The money that they would be paying is going into Chinese investments & Swiss bank accounts. At least if this segment were paying taxes, the money would most likely be spent in the USA somehow, & it could be used to fund a WPA style work program.
That might not completely solve the problem, but it could be a start.
Last edited by jchapman on Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
jchapman- Member
- Posts : 70
Join date : 2011-02-18
Re: Tax the Rich. Problem Solved.
Good article.
gettheminNOVEMBER- Member
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Age : 50
Re: Tax the Rich. Problem Solved.
jchapman wrote:There are some things about Ronald Regan that the Republicans won't tell you. On thing is that after initially cutting taxes, he actually raised taxes, with alot of the revenue going toward such programs as the JTPA. Not only that, but Bill Clinton did the same thing, like welfare to work. There were economic expansions during both Presidencys of 19 & 21 million jobs respectively.
In that deal where Obama caved in to the Republicans & extended the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%, the money was supposed to go into the economy, but who believes that crap? The money that they would be paying is going into Chinese investments & Swiss bank accounts. At least if this segment were paying taxes, the money would most likely be spent in the USA somehow, & it could be used to fund a WPA style work program.
That might not completely solve the problem, but it could be a start.
You are absolutely right.
lendmeflight2- Member
- Posts : 1219
Join date : 2011-02-21
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