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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program EmptyFri Oct 03, 2014 11:23 am by DesperateInRI

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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 9:17 am by pbrad009

Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program EmptyThu Sep 25, 2014 11:56 pm by pbrad009

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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program

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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program Empty Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program

Post by rhiannonj Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:05 pm

Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program. In order to pay these benefits, the law requires that the Maryland unemployment rate be at certain levels. If the United States Department of Labor determines that Maryland's total unemployment rate based on specific criteria in the Federal and State Extended Benefits law falls below the legal requirements, Maryland will not be able to pay these additional benefits. If Maryland can pay Extended Benefits, the program may provide up to an additional 13 weeks of benefits. The individuals must still be unemployed, be ineligible for any other type of unemployment insurance benefits and must meet the requirements of the EB law.

Posts : 141
Join date : 2011-02-20
Age : 72
Location : Southern Maryland

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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program Empty Re: Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program

Post by Guest Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:26 pm

That's interesting. I wonder what type of program this is and who is funding these benefits. Any way you look at this, I am so happy for all exhaustees in Maryland. Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program 34243


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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program Empty Re: Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program

Post by rhiannonj Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:35 pm

I haven't a clue MaryKay... but will stay on top of it. Smile

Posts : 141
Join date : 2011-02-20
Age : 72
Location : Southern Maryland

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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program Empty Re: Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program

Post by Guest Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:58 pm

I am trying to get the information and can't find it. It may be attached to a bill they passed last month regarding states meeting certain requirements they can then have the Federal Government kick in for these benefits. States have to comply with the legislation and the unemployment rate has to be above the trigger point, I am trying to find this out now. Will post if I find it. Thanks for sharing this with everyone rhiannonj


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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program Empty Re: Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program

Post by Guest Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:16 pm

That is great news for the people in MD! I don't think they were ever eligible for Tier 4.

You are lucky to have Governor O'Malley on your side!


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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program Empty Re: Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program

Post by rhiannonj Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:21 pm

Maryland has never been eligible for Tier 4. Our unemployment rate has been too low so this kinda puzzles me.

And yes, us Marylanders are lucky to have Governor O'Malley and Senator Barb Mikulski on our side and fighting for us.

Posts : 141
Join date : 2011-02-20
Age : 72
Location : Southern Maryland

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Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program Empty Re: Effective October 1, 2011, the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Law will provide for an Extended Benefits (EB) program

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