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Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide?

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Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide? Empty Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide?

Post by Angelicrisis Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:28 pm

Just ran across this recent article. I'm far too much of a pessimist at this stage to comment fully but at least it's something positive.


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Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide? Empty Re: Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide?

Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:37 pm

That sounds like a great program. Washington should take a look at that idea and try to implement something like that nationally. I don't know why RI doesn't look into programs like these, with an unemployment rate at 10.9%, not including the 99ers (which state officials admit Shocked ). If programs like this aren't implemented, we will never get out of this mess!


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Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide? Empty Re: Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide?

Post by Angelicrisis Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:51 pm

Very True Desperate. Everything you just said makes perfect sense. The Unemployment where I'm at here in Kentucky is close (10%). It' does make more sense to spread the program nationally to help; however that makes waaaaay too much sense and lately although with the extention of pre-99er unemployment and this now showing that theres hope, Washington still has'nt proven to me that they aren't out to just step over the dead bodies in the street.


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Post by laine25 Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:39 pm

This program sounds promising. At least it's a start. Here in AZ our unemployment rate is 9.1% and after tomorrow 15,000 people will be dropped from the EB. It certainly is worth considering for the rest of the states as there is high unemployment and growing numbers of 99'ers.

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Post by mrmarti Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:44 pm

I live in Ct. and this is the first i heard of it - will have to look into it more next week -

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Post by ExhaustedinCA Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:30 pm

CA could really use something like this!

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Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:38 pm

This is a fabulous idea. Sure hope it spreads like wildfire throughout the country.

Thanks for this post. It'll surely help some friends very soon, and that's what counts.


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Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide? Empty Re: Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide?

Post by Guest Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:41 pm

This is fantastic! I hope it catches on nationwide. Washington could learn from this...


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Post by lendmeflight2 Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:40 am

This is the obvious fix to the economic crisis. It's a jobs program. However, this requires government expenditure to accomplish. The right says "spend less, spend less". Spending less will never end the jobs crisis. It's amazing how we never learn from history.

I don't think this will happen but it would be the very definition of irony. Carter was voted out of office in 1980 because of the economy which lead to 8 years of Reagan. Reagan did more to begin the destruction of the middle class than anyone which lead, eventually, to the current job crisis is much worse than the one from the 70's. Then Obama becomes president and the situation doesn't improve much. He is voted out for a Reagan like republican and the whole process starts all over again. Considering that more than 50% of people polled now look favorably on Carter and his policies I find it odd that we don't learn anything,.

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Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide? Empty Re: Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide?

Post by Fuentes Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:01 am

lendmeflight2 wrote:This is the obvious fix to the economic crisis. It's a jobs program. However, this requires government expenditure to accomplish. The right says "spend less, spend less". Spending less will never end the jobs crisis. It's amazing how we never learn from history.

I don't think this will happen but it would be the very definition of irony. Carter was voted out of office in 1980 because of the economy which lead to 8 years of Reagan. Reagan did more to begin the destruction of the middle class than anyone which lead, eventually, to the current job crisis is much worse than the one from the 70's. Then Obama becomes president and the situation doesn't improve much. He is voted out for a Reagan like republican and the whole process starts all over again. Considering that more than 50% of people polled now look favorably on Carter and his policies I find it odd that we don't learn anything,.

"History teaches us that Man learns nothing from history."


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Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide? Empty Re: Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide?

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:13 pm

Every state could use something like this, however, depending on how it's funded and whether the state controls the funds, it would only happen in states with a Dem. Governor and Dem. legislature. Look at how Jan Brewer is having trouble just keep regular benefits for non-exhaustees and she's a Republican. It would be great. But states whose Governors don't want to do it would get no help regardless of the unemployment rate in that state and the feds are powerless to make them.


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Post by laine25 Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:03 pm

Hi MaryKay,

No, I don't have any hopes about this happening in AZ. The Governor here is in a power play with our legislators. We sure could use a program like this though. And I agree with you, it depends on who is the Governor.

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Post by flowergirl Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:27 am

This could be done with leadership of our members in every state. Has anyone looked at the $MILLIONS given to your local OneStop/Career Centers? Majority of that money is used for blue collar workers. Little if ANY is directed toward professionals and/OR 99er's. Sadly MANY Board Members of these Workforce Center's are small business owners and/or Members with their own limited business agenda. I'm not saying they are all "bad", I'm simply saying they are Board Members with goal to help their own businesses and power in the community.

If groups would join in each State and then each County to petition either the Workforce Center Boards or a local non-profit dedicated to workforce development and PUBLICLY ASK for funds to help re-employ the 99er's and others eventually the majority of these agencies would be forced (thru negative publicity) to address this REAL problem. This didn't happen miraculously in happened because someone or some group of people spearheaded the GOAL to help the 99er's. The trick is to make these agencies look like Angels while holding their feet to the fire to be the Angels!!

I haven't given up, but I do believe many of us have a much clearer and broader understanding of governmental systems today than we did THREE years ago. Perhaps it's time to join with some of your local friends to develop a strategy and approach either your State or Local Workforce Boards DEMANDING they address a CRITICAL issue in their own State or Community.


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Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide? Empty Re: Examiner article: 99ers getting help in Connecticut-this could work nationwide?

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:09 pm

I couldn't agree more flowergirl. Problem with PA and NJ, those funds were exhausted almost two years ago. It would have to be a joint venture in many states, with the private sector and the Work Force Developments across the country. Many white collar employers do not use the Work Force Development Centers at all for recruiting and many never did, so that's why in PA/NJ it's mostly labor jobs.


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Post by flowergirl Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:10 pm

Here is a link to the 2011 and 2012 Workforce Investment Act Budgets.
WIA or Workforce Investment Act is renewed annually and then allocated to each state. Then states decide which areas get biggest portions. Workforce Centers are funded with WIA funds, customer services, programs, etc. also come from WIA funds. ETA or Employment and Training Act Funds administer WIA funds and ETA can retain $MILLIONS for Federal and State Training Grants. ANY non-profit can propose "program" to Fed's or State... (I've managed $9M Federal Grant Programs/ETA Programs and Fed's do offer and WANT more Training Programs for professionals...just typically get fund training "proposals" from businesses instead of "group of professionals or even 99er's with support from a non-profit)

Please note the small decrease is only 5% from 2011.
Funding for the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), which administers the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and other federal job training and employment programs, is set at $9.9 billion, compared to just under $10.6 billion in FY 2011.

Once these funds are released to individual states the Fed's have LITTLE IF ANY POWER over how it's EVENLY distributed amongst customer base as long as the regulatory statutes are met by each WIA Board. This is where the power of members comes into play. Members must understand how these "mandates" work and how they can be applied to professionals/99er's and others. This could happen by joining forces with a non-profit and publicly and privately DEMANDING these funds be spent EQUITABLE. I know from working with these agencies for years that WIA funds are RARELY allocated equitable but rather allocated to those groups with the strongest voices and media contacts.

If the IBM's/AllStates/Merrill Lynches can get $MILLIONS to train their professionals then why can't the 99er's under the "umbrella" of a non-profit approach ETA to receive WIA funds for training? They would take time with no guarantee...but don't we all have more time than job offers right now? Question


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