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Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:08 pm

Is the White House getting serious about trying to fix the economy?

The Obama administration is mulling whether to extend a payroll tax holiday for employees and to cut payroll taxes for employers in a bid to spur hiring, President Obama's spokesman said yesterday.

The news is the first real sign that the White House sees a need to take aggressive measures to get the economy humming again since the recent spate of bad economic news suggested the recovery is in serious jeopardy. Job growth last month was disastrously weak, and many forecasters are reducing their expectations for second quarter GDP. Nearly fourteen million Americans are out of work.


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:14 pm

This "tax holiday" to create incentives to hire and consumers to spend was first implemented in 2009 - before the first 99ers appeared and the unemployed had some money in their pockets - and continued through the end of 2010, when it was taken out in order for the GOP to let 4213 pass. IT DID NOT WORK THEN AND IT WILL NOT WORK NOW! According to our "Jobless Workers Losing their Lifeline" clock - there at 8.5 million less consumers today than when this program was first implemented two years ago! IMO, this plan is a joke!


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by mj33 Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:21 pm

this plan is not even a joke, its worse than a joke, not even worth laughing at, and the rhetorical speach sounds good, but we need direct job action plan involving projects with employers across many industries, not one specific industry or just passing out grants or co-op's for indiv's not posessing a 4 year degree. And, the summer program jobs are important, however nowhere near enough to put dent into establishing furthe long term continual employment as we on here all know.


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:43 pm

The tax holiday, if implemented should be two parts. If you are currently someone who benefited from the Bush Era extension, you are not eligible. If you are willing to hire a 99er and an unemployed individual you get a holiday. We need our legislators to reach out to the companies that are always asking for help and cuts and get them to "pay it forward". Two year holiday for hiring a 99er, one year holiday for hiring from the unemployed. They need a job fair, matching skills to jobs and work it that way. No more holidays for nothing. First, if consumers aren't spending and banks aren't lending, then employers don't hire. If they don't hire, consumers don't spend, companies don't sell and therefore don't need to hire. They will use that excuse forever. We need benefits, they need to start reaching out and asking them to hire, based on skills. Once even half of the 99ers and half of the unemployed are working, revenues increase, spending increases and it starts to roll. If Congress and the Senate can lobby to get breaks for employers, then they can damn well lobby for jobs for the 99ers/Unemployed to the same group that hits them up for breaks all the time. It's time for our legislators and employers across the country to "pay it forward". Originally in 2009, the bill also included the wording, hire an unemployed individual at a living wage. Let's not forget that. I also feel it's time for our legislators to reach out to the very people that created this mess, the banks. Time to start "pushing" lending to small and medium businesses and start ups. Time for the banks to "donate" some "scholarship" money to the unemployed to improved their skills to get their degress. Yes, it should be in fields where the greatest employment needs are, right now medical comes to mind, engineering, civil, electrical and mechanical. I myself would love the opportunity to be educated and certified in MRI or ultrasound, even medical administration. We helped them, now they can help us. It takes a conversation. The banks are constantly reporting they are trying to revamp their image and lose the "bad name" that people have given them. (They gave it to themselves, but it's one way to change their image). The infrastructure repairs we need will require very specific skills, let's start training people. If we get that going, mfg. picks up, companies start hiring without tax breaks.


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:53 pm

mj33 wrote:this plan is not even a joke, its worse than a joke, not even worth laughing at, and the rhetorical speach sounds good, but we need direct job action plan involving projects with employers across many industries, not one specific industry or just passing out grants or co-op's for indiv's not posessing a 4 year degree. And, the summer program jobs are important, however nowhere near enough to put dent into establishing furthe long term continual employment as we on here all know.

Oh, I agree, I am not laughing at this joke, I am pulling my hair out! Don't they understand we can't wait, even if this program was implemented again and worked this time, hiring is not going to happen overnight. Companies are not going to hire, even with tax incentives if there is no demand for their product, and with at least 8.5 million 99ers with no buying power, nothing is going to move forward!

As far as summer jobs, we should have seen that reflected in the past few weeks jobs and unemployment claim numbers. The first time claims numbers should be well below 400k! In the past hundreds of thousands of summer jobs existed due to the "tourist season". Every sector of the economy is being affected and it is going to get much worse when people do not have the money to spend to put back into the economy!


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by mj33 Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:54 pm

At least it has been properly identified that job demands including specific fields in STEM, came up twice over past week, by Obama himself and the economic panel in its research hearing , and some of those specialized health care jobs indeed would be rewarding if proper certification/training could co-exist , and offering incentives to companies and employees, both benefiting each other out, it's been done before on smaller scales in other occupations.

A large hurdle however to solve is getting the universities and colleges etc.. to make necessary curriculum modifications for the necessary schooling to complete programs and offer them accordingly and conveniently to students/prospective employees. We know its long difficult process but they have to become more proactively involved themselves not to mention some sort of tuition breaks as public/private instituations are vastly overpriced and unnafordable to vast majority.


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by mj33 Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:57 pm

the thing about the summer time jobs is that for some reason obama and his party last summer and now CBC are making it imperative and in my opinion little bit too much of importance as its not goint to cure anything and is temporary solution, just like many of the temporary services that hire for PT or FT but don't amount to much, tired of no politician recognizing this and flat out admitting it, or at least 85% of these types of jobs. Now infranstucture with new homes such as construction etc... is different story and line of work as it brings in millions as we know and sustainable income for everyone.


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by lam Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:05 pm

Payroll taxcuts and whatever else will not work. It does not help me or anyone else who does not have a job. I still can't pay my bills. Obama and the Senate and Congress need to create at the least 200,000 per month until all 99ers have jobs. Until then they need to extend or add a tier5 to benefits. It's their responsibity to help us out. They don't want to help anymore but too bad!!! I sure didn't ask to be unemployed for this long and no one else who is unemployed did either.
I'm tired of being given the shaft while everyone else gets to enjoy summer, vactions etc.


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:14 pm

I read somewhere that if we invested in updating and fixing our infrastructure that it would create at least 2 million or more jobs, quickly. I know its not nearly enough, but it would certainly help.


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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by laine25 Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:24 pm

I can tell you this. I just drove on some really bad roads today. Now why isn't there more emphasis on fixing our infrastructure? We could use some help to repair our roads. I had to go to the DMV and waited over an hour because the DMV laid off a bunch of workers. Instead of hiring more people to help in the office, people were laid off so the rest of us have to suffer. Go figure...

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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by mistermunster Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:14 am

If the White House is inching toward action on jobs, I'll see flying monkeys zip out my @ss first. The WH has dodge this issue worst than

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Is White House inching toward action on jobs? Empty Re: Is White House inching toward action on jobs?

Post by laine25 Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:38 am

Love your comment. I needed a laugh. Spent the entire day calling everyone in the AZ legislature who voted against extending the EB for 15,000 unemployed people. Got a lot of voice mails. Did talk to one staff member who seemed to care. To tell you the truth, I am so fed up with this country, I'm considering a move. Everything is going down the toilet.

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