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Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans Empty Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans

Post by USA Citizen Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:29 pm

Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans
Where the Jobs Are: Domestic Service

What jobs can be off-shored will be off-shored.
What's left: Domestic Service Jobs.
This article by Paul Craig Roberts makes it clear that what jobs can be off-shored will be off-shored. Look for domestic service jobs that cannot be off-shored: bar tenders, barbers, dentists, lawyers, teachers, medical doctors, hospital workers, waitresses, and government work. Trade jobs can and will be exported such as engineering, design, and research. Many professional jobs will be done in the U.S. by foreigners with HB-1 and L-1 visas.

The Federal Reserve will have to keep printing money to make up for lost taxes due to fewer workers paying taxes, eventually bringing inflation and higher prices for commodities. The massive U.S. debt was created by allowing U.S. jobs to be off-shored, so there are fewer taxpayers. The International Monetary Fund reported that the U.S. economy has practically been destroyed and that America will never regain its former glory. An important point made was that off-shoring of jobs is not free trade. Some politicians think that eliminating food stamps, unemployment insurance, unions, regulations, and minimum wages would be the incentive to make Americans get back to work, even though there are not enough jobs to go around. We can expect Social Security and Medicaid to be cut to the bone and government services to dry up.

Although education has been promoted as the key to good jobs, many with degrees and professional training are finding that jobs in their fields have been off-shored or done here by foreigners who get less pay. They now have massive student loans and must live with their parents. They can't get married because their partner would have to share in their debt.
There is no way that a jobs program will be enacted to create jobs anytime soon, so we need to focus on finding jobs that can't be easily off-shored, such as domestic service jobs.

The Fed will have to keep printing money until it is worthless and the next depression is upon U.S. The not so funny part is that countries such as the U.S. who have off-shored jobs will be hit hardest. After the dust settles the people and governemnt will realize that manufacturing and professional jobs have to return to the U.S.
USA Citizen
USA Citizen

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Join date : 2011-06-06

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Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans Empty Re: Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans

Post by americatheneedy Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:07 am


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Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans Empty Re: Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans

Post by Drol80 Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:27 pm

Companies moving and hiring overseas has nothing to do with being subjected to the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world. They just do it because they want to screw over Americans.

Govt cant force u.s. companies to remain and hire here either. They can just dissolve and reform in a different nation and stick their middle finger at the u.s. govt/IRS which is what many of them are doing now and will increasingly do.


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Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans Empty Re: Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans

Post by New_Wave_Princess Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:39 pm

USA Citizen, great article and true. It used to be told that the jobs going overseas were jobs most didn't want, like various jobs and they would be replaced by high income jobs. This happened with IT jobs, but those jobs too went overseas only to be replaced by low service jobs. Now many of these jobs are being taken by illegals at the lower end (like factory jobs) or H-1 and other visa holders at the higher end. This means people like me who played by the rules finds myself unemployed 3 1/2 years with a masters degree, lots of skills but no one wants to hire me. Add in that I am 40 and a woman and it gets scary for me. I am terrified because all I want is a decent job where I can buy a house, get married and possibly have a family and this dream seems far fetched for me.


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Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans Empty Re: Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans

Post by USA Citizen Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:44 pm

New_Wave_Princess wrote:USA Citizen, great article and true. It used to be told that the jobs going overseas were jobs most didn't want, like various jobs and they would be replaced by high income jobs. This happened with IT jobs, but those jobs too went overseas only to be replaced by low service jobs. Now many of these jobs are being taken by illegals at the lower end (like factory jobs) or H-1 and other visa holders at the higher end. This means people like me who played by the rules finds myself unemployed 3 1/2 years with a masters degree, lots of skills but no one wants to hire me. Add in that I am 40 and a woman and it gets scary for me. I am terrified because all I want is a decent job where I can buy a house, get married and possibly have a family and this dream seems far fetched for me.

Here in Silicon Valley, the IT jobs are being done by visa holders in many cases and many service jobs are done by illegal aliens. It is scary that you have a masters degree and can't find a job because I am going back to school and getting great grades. The article quoted states that domestic service jobs are not easily outsourced, but there are only so many positions for bar tenders and waitresses.

One solution would be for the government to stop legal and illegal immigration, but Obama wants the Latino vote and so does little in that regard. Another possibility would be to enact another "New Deal" such as done by FDR, but Obama doesn't have the courage to do that either. Extending unemployment benefits would help the unemployed, but the House would not approve of anything like that. Even the media is reporting that the unemployment rates for the long-term unemployed is now worse than the Great Depression.

What's left? Create a way to save the lives of the unemployed. Government funded social programs have run dry or have been frozen and charities have been stretched to the limit. Without a job, you are not eligible for food stamps or rent subsidies. The next step it would seem would be the establishment of thousands of Obamavilles across America to care for the unemployed.
USA Citizen
USA Citizen

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Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans Empty Re: Off Shoring Ruined Incomes and Jobs for Most Americans

Post by New_Wave_Princess Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:03 pm

USA Citizen wrote:Here in Silicon Valley, the IT jobs are being done by visa holders in many cases and many service jobs are done by illegal aliens. It is scary that you have a masters degree and can't find a job because I am going back to school and getting great grades. The article quoted states that domestic service jobs are not easily outsourced, but there are only so many positions for bar tenders and waitresses.

One solution would be for the government to stop legal and illegal immigration, but Obama wants the Latino vote and so does little in that regard. Another possibility would be to enact another "New Deal" such as done by FDR, but Obama doesn't have the courage to do that either. Extending unemployment benefits would help the unemployed, but the House would not approve of anything like that. Even the media is reporting that the unemployment rates for the long-term unemployed is now worse than the Great Depression.

What's left? Create a way to save the lives of the unemployed. Government funded social programs have run dry or have been frozen and charities have been stretched to the limit. Without a job, you are not eligible for food stamps or rent subsidies. The next step it would seem would be the establishment of thousands of Obamavilles across America to care for the unemployed.

Unfortunately having a masters means nothing. Mine is in communications and rarely do I see any jobs I can do. When I do the salary is either very low I apply and get rejected, ot a good salary and get rejected. I graduated with a 3.7 for what? To be in debt the rest of my life?

Illinois has a problem with illegals and it's getting worse because of the state's generous welfare for those with kids, regardless of immigration. However, those without kids don't get it, so in effect there are people on welfare here that never worked while I can't get anything!

I used to waitress so I've been applying for those jobs and am getting rejected because I haven't waitressed in 10 years. Then again the servers I know are working only a few days a week and said the restaurants or bars are dead anyway.

We need to fix the illegal, offshoring, and visa problems before we will have more employed people here. Both parties are ignoring this but we need to push it otherwise it'll get worse.


Posts : 378
Join date : 2011-02-21

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