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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:21 pm

Take the pledge: I believe tomorrow can be better and I will not take my own life.

There are millions in this country struggling, fighting to stay alive amidst an economic disaster that knows no yield.

The 99ers and others who have exhausted their benefits and live with nothing, those who are underemployed, foreclosed on, sick without the ability to pay for health insurance and medicine, and our friends and family--those who struggle along side us and see first hand the effect this has on us.

We have heard countless stories of people in this position, people in our position who have taken their lives or tried too and while this page was not made to judge them it was made to advocate life and the fight to continue on through this storm.

I ask you now to simply like this page and take the pledge, a pledge that says “I believe tomorrow can be better and I will not take my own life.”

In taking this pledge you have now promised yourself, your family, and the others who take this pledge that you will continue your life. If ever you feel as if you may break the pledge or if you know someone who seems as if they may do harm to themselves I beg you to utilize some of the resources mentioned on this page.

We have fought too hard to get this far, do not give up, not ever.
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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:18 pm

Bump for those who need it! I know I am getting close. Sad


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:53 pm

Me too desp. Every day is getting harder and harder to bear this life.
New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" 148215 New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" 578472


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:58 pm

Sick & Tired wrote:Me too desp. Every day is getting harder and harder to bear this life.
New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" 148215 New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" 578472

We have to stick it out together. Some days are worse than others. Since March 2008, this is the worst day I have had since I lost my job. All the news of the economy slipping, unemployment up, the number of jobs created last month was a joke, and the realization that no one cares, except the people who are in our situation, has just hit me like a ton of bricks.

Tomorrow is another day, I guess. pouty


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Guest Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:03 pm

Yes you are right, sticking together is important.

I should of NEVER watched CSPAN today!!! Evil or Very Mad
Listening to the GOP talking about the new UE rate made me sick. As if they really care. I wanted to through smash the tv but I cant afford one lol


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Iyar Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:02 pm

"I believe tomorrow can be better" ...
Sorry, but I don't believe that. There's no reason to think that.

- What I understand is that here in my own country, I am a "non-person" : we don't matter, we don't count, we are disposable.

- There's no safety net for anyone like me, and no mercy. What are we supposed to do?

- America is busy talking about "Weinergate". You and me aren't important.


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Kathleen Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:46 pm

Sorry - I won't be taking that pledge! I never "Like" anything on Facebook, except maybe a friend's status.
Real reason I won't suicide is that I am curious...... and curiosity killed the Kat, but satisfaction will bring her back! I am just curious how it all will play out. Still planning for the worst and hoping for the best.
Hey DiRI I have an extra tent (spare bedroom for awhile); paid off my car and plan to drive deep into the forrest if I "burn" through all my 401k and retirement $. I've heard snippets of news for awhile now about "bodies" found in wooded areas - then nothing. My best guess is they were murdered - oh not by a "Bundy", but by society. Death by hypothermia or starvation, beats a botched overdose or slashed wrists any day. If I can 4 wheel deep enough maybe no one will ever find me. But that's months (years? maybe) away..... just bought myself six more months of life by getting a three month temp job. Life can be good; life can be a pi$$er, then you die anyway.

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Age : 68
Location : Auburn WA

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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Guest Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:41 pm

The 401(k) money goes fast, Kathleen, especially when you haven't worked in almost 3 1/2 years.

I hope those that need help, take advantage of this site. We've lost several friends from UFF1 to suicide over the past year, I can't bear to hear about another one.


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by wausauguy Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:25 am

I am nervous about putting this in writing. I have not told anyone that what I am about to say has been on my mind several times.

I do feel that the option of suicide when I deplete any 401k and such is how I keep from falling into a deep despair. I know I would try to tell anyone who was talking about suicide not to do it, but as has been pointed out, what do I do when I am such a burden that I have to beg, live homeless and such.

I avoid even mentioning suicide to my closest friends because I fear that someone would think I am that close that they would have me hauled to the health care center, which would only mean I would end up more desparate as I would have a large bill to pay that would deplete what I have left sooner and make me homeless sooner. I realized this scenario some time ago and have so much more compassion for those that are desperate. I don't see how carting someone off with police to sit in a facility to supposedly get better. And then be sent home with more bills and stigma would help. For me a job, reasonable pay, reasonable respect, etc and that would be good. Is that really so much to ask?

I cannot make the anti-suicide pledge. But, I do wish I could somehow make things happen to help everyone. To provide a job for all.

I have to get going....

Thanks for listening.


Last edited by wausauguy on Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:08 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2011-04-24

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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Guest Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:32 am

I know it is a tough pledge to take, and I can't say that thought has never crossed my mind either. When it does though, I remember how suicide affects the lives of the loved ones left behind. These memories bring back raw emotions for me - I know several people who have chosen this way out. The individuals who have passed on are at peace, but those that remain behind will be tortured for the rest of their lives wondering why they didn't see it coming and why they couldn't stop it. The feeling of guilt eats away at the survivors. I couldn't do that to my family again - they have already endured too much.


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Kathleen Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:53 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:The 401(k) money goes fast, Kathleen, especially when you haven't worked in almost 3 1/2 years.

I hope those that need help, take advantage of this site. We've lost several friends from UFF1 to suicide over the past year, I can't bear to hear about another one.
It's not suicide when forced to live in your car; and then harrassed away from city facilities. IT IS MURDER.
Sorry this pledge is as silly as teens saying they will never have sex. Rape happens.

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Age : 68
Location : Auburn WA

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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Judi58 Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:29 pm

I am with all or most of the others,, I would never take this pledge.. My car is gone I bus to school last job 3 years ago at 6 figures lost everything including my dignity. If and when I have lost my roof I will do what I have to. And I also agree this is murder not suicide.. Not who pulls the triger but all that contribute to. We are a lost generation thanks to the Paul Ryans of the world..

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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Fuentes Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:48 pm

Put me in the 'murder' group...I may be proactive in that regard. Going '99' may take on a going postal connotation before too long...


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by troycomic Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:20 pm

Fuentes wrote:Put me in the 'murder' group...I may be proactive in that regard. Going '99' may take on a going postal connotation before too long...

Every person has their own breaking point. I do not condone suicide, but it has crossed my mind. "Going 99'er" will be a catch phrase. I sincerely hope nobody does it but if you do make it count.

Make it count means go down in a blaze of glory like doing it in such a spectacular way that it makes the news. Don't hurt anybody else but get attention. If I were to do it I would go to Times Square with a bomb attached to me, then when the cops clear the area around me and the news crews come.... YELL "LONG LIVE THE 99ERS" BOOM!!!!

But, if you really want to do it please forget your pride and get help.

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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Judi58 Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:19 pm

troycomic wrote:
Fuentes wrote:Put me in the 'murder' group...I may be proactive in that regard. Going '99' may take on a going postal connotation before too long...

Every person has their own breaking point. I do not condone suicide, but it has crossed my mind. "Going 99'er" will be a catch phrase. I sincerely hope nobody does it but if you do make it count.

Make it count means go down in a blaze of glory like doing it in such a spectacular way that it makes the news. Don't hurt anybody else but get attention. If I were to do it I would go to Times Square with a bomb attached to me, then when the cops clear the area around me and the news crews come.... YELL "LONG LIVE THE 99ERS" BOOM!!!!

But, if you really want to do it please forget your pride and get help.

OKAY.. I understand and yes I think about it often.. BUT never where I would harm anyone at all... I am sorry I think this has gone a little bit to far.. We may hurt the ones that love us by leaving and giving up. But please dont hurt the innocent that have nothing to do with your plight. If you do then we are just as wrong as everyone else...

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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by troycomic Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:29 pm

Judi58 wrote:
troycomic wrote:
Fuentes wrote:Put me in the 'murder' group...I may be proactive in that regard. Going '99' may take on a going postal connotation before too long...

Every person has their own breaking point. I do not condone suicide, but it has crossed my mind. "Going 99'er" will be a catch phrase. I sincerely hope nobody does it but if you do make it count.

Make it count means go down in a blaze of glory like doing it in such a spectacular way that it makes the news. Don't hurt anybody else but get attention. *MODERATED*

But, if you really want to do it please forget your pride and get help.

OKAY.. I understand and yes I think about it often.. BUT never where I would harm anyone at all... I am sorry I think this has gone a little bit to far.. We may hurt the ones that love us by leaving and giving up. But please dont hurt the innocent that have nothing to do with your plight. If you do then we are just as wrong as everyone else...

Don't be sorry you did nothing wrong, and it has not gone too far. Don't forget this blessed forum is also an outlet of therapy. If we all had money we would go to therapy, but we don't have money. Kind of a vicious ironic circle. Part of this forum is an outlet to vent.

And I am sure you wouldn't hurt anyone.

Last edited by Sick & Tired on Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : context a bit over the top)

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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by wausauguy Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:09 pm

While I am not able to sign the pledge, I also must admit, I don't think I could ever get to where I would plan my death, but it still seems like an option.


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by troycomic Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:44 pm

Depression brings on these unnatural thoughts. How many of you have had some good days? On these days did you think of the mortal alternative? Probably not. Suicide thoughts are really not thoughts of dying, they are thoughts of pain relief backed by having control over something.

We have lost control over our lives, so it is only natural to grasp on to any kind of control.

So remember suicidal thoughts are just thoughts of relief and control. And most importantly they are temporary.

You are NOT the only one going through this, and no matter how bad you have someone has it much worse.

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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by Guest Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:01 pm

Kathleen wrote:
DesperateInRI wrote:The 401(k) money goes fast, Kathleen, especially when you haven't worked in almost 3 1/2 years.

I hope those that need help, take advantage of this site. We've lost several friends from UFF1 to suicide over the past year, I can't bear to hear about another one.
It's not suicide when forced to live in your car; and then harrassed away from city facilities. IT IS MURDER.
Sorry this pledge is as silly as teens saying they will never have sex. Rape happens.

Just my opinion, but anything at all that will prevent ONE suicide is not "silly" or childish.


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New Facebook Support Group:  "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge" Empty Re: New Facebook Support Group: "The Economic Disaster Victims Anti Suicide Pledge"

Post by troycomic Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:14 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
Kathleen wrote:
DesperateInRI wrote:The 401(k) money goes fast, Kathleen, especially when you haven't worked in almost 3 1/2 years.

I hope those that need help, take advantage of this site. We've lost several friends from UFF1 to suicide over the past year, I can't bear to hear about another one.
It's not suicide when forced to live in your car; and then harrassed away from city facilities. IT IS MURDER.
Sorry this pledge is as silly as teens saying they will never have sex. Rape happens.

Just my opinion, but anything at all that will prevent ONE suicide is not "silly" or childish.

I agree, let it just save one life.

Many of you know my previous career was a funeral director. 100's of friends, family, and aquaintences get affected by just one suicide.
Anybody who thinks any measure to prevent suicide is silly needs to go to a suicide funeral.

"No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."-Dr. Martin Luther King


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Join date : 2011-03-13

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