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As the unemployment numbers 'improve' the 99ers become even more invisible EmptyThu Sep 25, 2014 11:56 pm by pbrad009

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As the unemployment numbers 'improve' the 99ers become even more invisible

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As the unemployment numbers 'improve' the 99ers become even more invisible Empty As the unemployment numbers 'improve' the 99ers become even more invisible

Post by Guest Tue May 24, 2011 4:30 pm

For all of those who only see the glass half-full perspective and refuse to acknowledge destroyed lives - millions of (formerly middle class) American workers who have lost everything, there is another side - and another perspective to this story but, sadly, until and unless you've been one of the millions of people who are:


and then, (as a result of no longer being counted)

B) NO LONGER MATTER (in context of the so-called 'good news' being reported by the politicians and repeated verbatim by the main stream media) ...and you're literally living at someone else's house and are sleeping on the couch, the floor or worse, in a car and can't find a job then honestly, it feels like a slap in the face every time a polician or some other government spokesperson tells the you and the world how good things are. The tens of thousands of 99ers in Colorado (and millions across the country) who have exhausted all U.I. benefits have been living like this for months and it continues to be brutal. It is brutally cruel.


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As the unemployment numbers 'improve' the 99ers become even more invisible Empty Re: As the unemployment numbers 'improve' the 99ers become even more invisible

Post by americatheneedy Tue May 24, 2011 9:01 pm

They want us to go away and die, disappear, accept our fate and fade away. Brutally cruel, they don't care they spend more on one night's dinner than most of us spend in two-three months trying to get by and maintain dignity.

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As the unemployment numbers 'improve' the 99ers become even more invisible Empty Re: As the unemployment numbers 'improve' the 99ers become even more invisible

Post by jmainframe Wed May 25, 2011 7:10 am

Never thought this country could be so cruel to its people. I suppose all the things I was taught about america was just a bunch of BS and propaganda.

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