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WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program

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WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program Empty WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 8:08 am

Gov. Scott Walker wants a change in state law that would allow the continuation of federally funded extended benefits jobless pay and is calling for a one-week waiting period before regular benefits are paid out.

The bill, which is expected to be considered by an advisory panel on Thursday before it can be sent to the Legislature, would give Wisconsin access to an estimated $89million in federal money for extended benefits.

Extended benefits are available to individuals who have exhausted regular unemployment insurance benefits during periods of high unemployment. Earlier this year, the Obama administration told state officials that extended benefits would no longer be available in Wisconsin as of April 16 because the state's unemployment rate had gone down. The March jobless rate in Wisconsin was 8.1%.


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WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program Empty Re: WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 1:43 pm

Wow, surprise This is what I thought would start happening with republicans...they know they are about to be kicked to the curb. I bet we will see a few come out (kicking and screaming) and start claiming they support help for 99ers to get votes.

What ever the reason may be, It will certainly help jobless Wisconsinites!! I hope it goes through for them. Praying


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WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program Empty Re: WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 1:56 pm

I couldn't believe it when I saw the article. After all he has done to destroy the unions in WI!


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WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program Empty Re: WI: Governor endorses bill to reinstate State EB Program

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu May 19, 2011 2:11 pm

I find this astounding. The faces of the new fascist party in America, Walker and that fat b@****d Chris Christie both signed their a year look back for their state but NC can't seem to get this done. It's shameful.

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