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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by Guest Mon May 16, 2011 11:48 am

Aha. Paul Ryan is whining about people playing the class warfare card. That, folks, is the sound of desperation.

Actually, for the most part critics of his plan haven’t focused on the distributional issues so much as on the nonsense he’s talking; they’ve been playing the arithmetic card, not the class warfare card. But yes, the Ryan plan does impose huge sacrifice on the poor and the middle class, while cutting taxes on the rich and corporations.

And this is, of course, the game conservatives have played over and over again since Reagan. Without exception, their policy proposals call for sacrifice on the part of most people, but lavish tax cuts on high incomes — and when you point this out, they yell “class warfare”.

Again, the big problem with the Ryan plan isn’t the unfairness — although there’s plenty of that. It’s the fact that the plan is a fraud.
The budget debate we all deserve

By Paul Ryan

May 16, 2011

Despite Washington coming to grips with the fact that the debt threat is real, policymakers still are not having the debate Americans deserve.

The talk is too often restricted to "shared sacrifice." This sets up a debate where we are really just arguing over whom to hurt and how best to manage the decline of our nation. It is a framework that accepts permanently higher taxes and bureaucratically determined access to health care as givens.

A better name for this approach is "shared scarcity." It represents a deeply pessimistic vision for the future of this country — one that would lead us to a diminished future.

The House-passed budget — "The Path to Prosperity" — offers an alternative vision. It is rooted in the recognition that spending discipline and economic growth are the keys to balancing the federal budget.,0,7194041,print.story


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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by Guest Mon May 16, 2011 12:01 pm

It seems to be a knee jerk reaction from the right to say we are playing the class warfare card whenever someone doesn't agree with their agenda.

I had right wing extremist (it says so in his profile) on twitter tell me I was waging class warfare because I think that they should make the rich sacrifice just like everyone else has. he also accused me of wanting to steal what is his.

I'm still confused as to what he THINKS I am trying to steal from him. scratch


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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by mistermunster Mon May 16, 2011 1:16 pm

Sick & Tired wrote:It seems to be a knee jerk reaction from the right to say we are playing the class warfare card whenever someone doesn't agree with their agenda.

I had right wing extremist (it says so in his profile) on twitter tell me I was waging class warfare because I think that they should make the rich sacrifice just like everyone else has. he also accused me of wanting to steal what is his.

I'm still confused as to what he THINKS I am trying to steal from him. scratch

he also accused me of wanting to steal what is his. What is HIS is the continued ABILITY to PROFIT at any cost. This stealing "OUR" money mantra is absurd. WHAT about all the MONEY "WE" paid for decades in income tax and GOT squat for???? We didn't give it to them, THEY took it and said TOO BAD. They took it and ENRICHED the thieves, started WARS of conquest and profit under the guise of protection. AND THEY STILL DO IT TODAY!!! We have NO voice. Stealing whats BLeep

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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by TR11005 Mon May 16, 2011 1:50 pm

Give to them mistermunster! Don't forget them outsourcing the jobs and then expect us to continue to buy their products. “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity 545210


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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by Guest Mon May 16, 2011 4:12 pm

mistermunster wrote:
Sick & Tired wrote:It seems to be a knee jerk reaction from the right to say we are playing the class warfare card whenever someone doesn't agree with their agenda.

I had right wing extremist (it says so in his profile) on twitter tell me I was waging class warfare because I think that they should make the rich sacrifice just like everyone else has. he also accused me of wanting to steal what is his.

I'm still confused as to what he THINKS I am trying to steal from him. scratch

he also accused me of wanting to steal what is his. What is HIS is the continued ABILITY to PROFIT at any cost. This stealing "OUR" money mantra is absurd. WHAT about all the MONEY "WE" paid for decades in income tax and GOT squat for???? We didn't give it to them, THEY took it and said TOO BAD. They took it and ENRICHED the thieves, started WARS of conquest and profit under the guise of protection. AND THEY STILL DO IT TODAY!!! We have NO voice. Stealing whats BLeep

That just about sums it up!! LOL “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity 938557


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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by Abbie Mon May 16, 2011 5:15 pm

I had some RWNJ from the tea party on Twitter, tweet me and say he was all for PTP as long as the Socialists die. Apparently, some in the the tea party are OK with PTP as long as it is evil Socialists who suffer from it, like they never will or their kids and grandkids either.

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Join date : 2011-02-22

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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by Guest Mon May 16, 2011 5:20 pm

The reaction from many Republicans when anyone opposes their plans, such as they are, is that we are playing class warfare and paying for people to stay home, live off the government etc. That is class warfare at it's best. Anyone living in this country who watches ten minutes of news knows that we are no where near a full recovery, we are slowly trying to climb out of a depression. Are jobs being created, yes, slowly, but not the jobs that pay the bills. The housing market could collapse again, which will be catastrophic and many states are now trying to cut off benefits which will put many, many more into the "99er" category, even if they haven't collected 99 weeks, they will be cut off from all benefits and thus be a 99er. After one year and two weeks of this, I can tell you, as many can, tax breaks for millionaires, large corporations not paying taxes and working people starving and becoming homeless IS class warfare and not one Republican cares. If they did, the benefits would not be cut and the 99ers would never have become the 99ers, they would have sponsored a bill of their own.

Not one unemployed person has stolen a thing from anyone. BP, GE, Exxon Mobile, Conoco Phillips, oh yes, although not technically stealing, have contributed nothing to revenue raising in this country. Townships, municipalities, cities all across the country are being forced to cut basic services, layoff employees, police, firemen, teachers, administrative employees and not one major corp is asked to make a small sacrafice. In PA, Gov. Corbett won't consider taxing Marcellus Shale Drillers and the reason . . . they won't stay here and drill???? They will go elsewhere - - only where they know that they have natural gas and are allowed to drill. Secret meetings, not allowing the EPA to regulate here, bad drinking water showing up all over. Who is stealing from who.

Our revenues are at an all time low and we have NO Real Jobs.

Who is stealing from who?


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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by Guest Mon May 16, 2011 5:24 pm

The TP is becoming more and more like a brainwashed cult. I have one following me that I can't get rid of. I finally followed the person's link to their site and was shocked to see some faces I have come to know since joining these forums over a year ago. They have infiltrated everywhere.affraid

If being fair when it comes to taxation is Socialist, then I am proud to be one!


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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by Abbie Mon May 16, 2011 5:36 pm

MaryKay wrote:The reaction from many Republicans when anyone opposes their plans, such as they are, is that we are playing class warfare and paying for people to stay home, live off the government etc. That is class warfare at it's best. Anyone living in this country who watches ten minutes of news knows that we are no where near a full recovery, we are slowly trying to climb out of a depression. Are jobs being created, yes, slowly, but not the jobs that pay the bills. The housing market could collapse again, which will be catastrophic and many states are now trying to cut off benefits which will put many, many more into the "99er" category, even if they haven't collected 99 weeks, they will be cut off from all benefits and thus be a 99er. After one year and two weeks of this, I can tell you, as many can, tax breaks for millionaires, large corporations not paying taxes and working people starving and becoming homeless IS class warfare and not one Republican cares. If they did, the benefits would not be cut and the 99ers would never have become the 99ers, they would have sponsored a bill of their own.

Not one unemployed person has stolen a thing from anyone. BP, GE, Exxon Mobile, Conoco Phillips, oh yes, although not technically stealing, have contributed nothing to revenue raising in this country. Townships, municipalities, cities all across the country are being forced to cut basic services, layoff employees, police, firemen, teachers, administrative employees and not one major corp is asked to make a small sacrafice. In PA, Gov. Corbett won't consider taxing Marcellus Shale Drillers and the reason . . . they won't stay here and drill???? They will go elsewhere - - only where they know that they have natural gas and are allowed to drill. Secret meetings, not allowing the EPA to regulate here, bad drinking water showing up all over. Who is stealing from who.

Our revenues are at an all time low and we have NO Real Jobs.

Who is stealing from who?

VERY well said Mary Kay.

Posts : 144
Join date : 2011-02-22

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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty Re: “Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity

Post by americatheneedy Mon May 16, 2011 7:31 pm

I am sick over the future of our country and we would have the visible signs of a depression (soup lines etc.) if it wasn't for the unemployment benefits. How is it that they can call people lazy after the slews of people that showed up for jobs at McDonald's. They aren't stupid or unaware, they are well aware and don't care because they got their financial needs met for life and spend more for dinner out that we do on groceries in a month. There are not Fricking jobs!!!

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“Class Warfare” The Path to Prosperity Empty The sad part is...

Post by Kulkulkan Tue May 17, 2011 2:33 am

Sick & Tired wrote:It seems to be a knee jerk reaction from the right to say we are playing the class warfare card whenever someone doesn't agree with their agenda.

I had right wing extremist (it says so in his profile) on twitter tell me I was waging class warfare because I think that they should make the rich sacrifice just like everyone else has. he also accused me of wanting to steal what is his.

I'm still confused as to what he THINKS I am trying to steal from him. scratch

This guy is probably getting Medicare, all sorts of government benefits, and most importantly, really isn't all that rich, The sad part is that he has been so conditioned to fear "socialism" that he does not see that he is on the edge of being in the same state we are. Mad

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Join date : 2011-02-28
Age : 52
Location : Santa Maria

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