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The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class

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The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class Empty The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 12:25 pm

Republicans keep saying it and there disciples continue to blindly
follow them, that tax breaks are needed to spur the economy. With all
due respect YOU ARE LYING! The purpose of tax breaks, according to
Republicans is it would increase investment and spur hiring.

Many Americans are struggling to put food the table. We have many
people on food stamps, WIC and other programs that support needy
families. But as America’s middle class is thinning, those at the top
are getting awfully fat.


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The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class Empty Re: The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class

Post by lendmeflight2 Sat May 07, 2011 2:39 pm

It's because they create jobs. Oh wait, no they don't.

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Post by jchapman Sat May 07, 2011 4:05 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
Republicans keep saying it and there disciples continue to blindly
follow them, that tax breaks are needed to spur the economy. With all
due respect YOU ARE LYING! The purpose of tax breaks, according to
Republicans is it would increase investment and spur hiring.

Many Americans are struggling to put food the table. We have many
people on food stamps, WIC and other programs that support needy
families. But as America’s middle class is thinning, those at the top
are getting awfully fat.
As far as I'm concerned, with all due respect means absolutely none! Twisted Evil


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Post by mistermunster Sat May 07, 2011 7:45 pm

pitchforks and torches people, pitchforks and torches cheers The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class 938557

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The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class Empty Re: The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class

Post by AbusedWorker Sun May 08, 2011 12:55 pm

The Corporatists want to encourage international welfare transfers under the term of "economic labor globalization" and at the same time eliminate the taxes which cover and protect the victims of that practice. The system is totally contradictory. The republicans have transformed themselves from leftist Neo-conservatives into Fascist revolutionaries. They don't understand transition economics -- instead favoring immediate, radical change which would never actually work. It's a setup; they aren't that stupid to not realize the broader plot.


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Join date : 2011-05-06

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The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class Empty Re: The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class

Post by lendmeflight2 Sun May 08, 2011 1:15 pm

I am not sure I would ever have called the republicans leftist, the democrats aren't even leftist in my opinion, but I agree with what you are saying.

They are trying to deny the poor and working people "welfare" benefits that would make our society stronger but give "welfare", or free money, to people that have plenty and don't need it. It's more than contradictory, it's hypocritical.

How people can stand for this I don't know. This is why the republicans always bring up non-issue's like abortion. They want to scare people with one single issue and make them vote against their own self interest.

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The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class Empty Re: The GOP Must Explain How Fortune 500 Tax Cuts Help The Middle Class

Post by Rose Sun May 08, 2011 1:27 pm

Republicans don't care about us middle class. Notice how they are all about cutting our kids education but they still got there tax breaks for the rich that havent created jobs and they wont end tax subsides for the oil after oil made a 33 billion dollar first quarter profit.Even oil companies say they don't need it. Republicans only care about the rich that is it. Mitch McConnell who I absolutely hate he has said his main goal is to make sure Obama doesnt get re-elected. We need to think before we vote in 2012.


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