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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:49 pm

Large U.S. companies increasingly hire abroad and fire in America, according to new government data.

In the last decade, American multinational corporations, which together employ one-fifth of all U.S. workers, decreased domestic employment by 2.9 million workers while adding 2.4 million jobs overseas, the Commerce Department reported on Monday.


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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by New_Wave_Princess Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:12 pm

And it'll get worse. This is the result of free trade.


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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:33 pm

The fact that they are incresingly doing this, amidst the recession is proof and point that these corporations do not care about the country at all.
Something needs to be done to heavily penalize them for doing this. I seem to remember some amendments that were stripped out of HR4213 by the GOP that would do just that too.

Until we all as a nation start doing whats in the best interest of the USA this is not going to improve and will continue to hinder and chance at a recovery.

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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by New_Wave_Princess Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:40 pm

These companies only care about the dollar and their buddies in Congress (most Republicans and a few Democrats) are proof. Yet they often get tax breaks to send jobs overseas! It's disgusting and immoral. If there is a hell these corporate goons will all go there.


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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by jmainframe Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:31 am

Now that these companies, most American-born have gone global, they don't care if this country collapses. They'll just move their headquarters to where the money is (I.E. Malaysia, Hong Kong, or Singapore). After that frontier dries up, I suppose their only alternative after that would be the moon and beyond!

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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by delko Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:28 am

Whoever takes over the White House in 2012 needs to pass Legislation to disincent Corporations from sending jobs overseas, and incent them to keep them here. The simplest and most effective way would be tax breaks for any Corp that keeps jobs here, AND brings jobs back here. On the flip side, control the 'kid in the candy store spending' of the Federal Govt, which has gone to obscene levels the past 2 years. And these tax breaks will be nicely absorbed. Less revenue is just fine as long is there is equally less spending.
And the end result will be...JOB GROWTH....which will have far more reaching effects on the economy than any single Bail Out Package or extension of UI benefits could ever achieve. Not to mention, and most importantly, ease the pain for many of us here on this site!!!
There is one obstacle to my suggestion. BOTH Parties are very much in love with the big dividend checks being recieved on Wall Street every time jobs are sent overseas. But hopefully the incentives for tax breaks can rival any dividend checks they get. That would be the key to the success of this type of Legislation.


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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by lendmeflight2 Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:06 pm

If you look back through history, there has never been economic or job growth in a recession if spending was cut. When the great depression first started all Hoover was concerned about was the federal budget deficit. Sound familiar? We didn't start coming out of the depression the TVA and the WPA were put in action through spending.

There was a tax incentive bill for companies who brought jobs back here from overseas that was pushed by Obama but the republicans filibustered it just like they do every program that would actually help working people or create jobs.

This is why Trump running for president bothers me. He thinks he will be a good president because he is a good businessman but the federal government isn't a business and it isn't intended to be one.

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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by Guest Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:09 pm

delko wrote:Whoever takes over the White House in 2012 needs to pass Legislation to disincent Corporations from sending jobs overseas, and incent them to keep them here. The simplest and most effective way would be tax breaks for any Corp that keeps jobs here, AND brings jobs back here. On the flip side, control the 'kid in the candy store spending' of the Federal Govt, which has gone to obscene levels the past 2 years. And these tax breaks will be nicely absorbed. Less revenue is just fine as long is there is equally less spending.
And the end result will be...JOB GROWTH....which will have far more reaching effects on the economy than any single Bail Out Package or extension of UI benefits could ever achieve. Not to mention, and most importantly, ease the pain for many of us here on this site!!!
There is one obstacle to my suggestion. BOTH Parties are very much in love with the big dividend checks being recieved on Wall Street every time jobs are sent overseas. But hopefully the incentives for tax breaks can rival any dividend checks they get. That would be the key to the success of this type of Legislation.

Whoever takes over the Whitehouse in 2012 cannot introduce or pass legislation.

Whoever takes over the House and Senate can. Just saying...........


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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by MoInSTL Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:18 pm

I think mostly for grandstanding purposes various legislators have introduced bills to tax the corporations with fake headquarters in the Cayman Islands for example who outsource. Lots of corporations do this to avoid paying U.S. taxes altogether. Funny, nothing ever was passed.

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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:21 pm

lendmeflight2 wrote:If you look back through history, there has never been economic or job growth in a recession if spending was cut. When the great depression first started all Hoover was concerned about was the federal budget deficit. Sound familiar? We didn't start coming out of the depression the TVA and the WPA were put in action through spending.

There was a tax incentive bill for companies who brought jobs back here from overseas that was pushed by Obama but the republicans filibustered it just like they do every program that would actually help working people or create jobs.

This is why Trump running for president bothers me. He thinks he will be a good president because he is a good businessman but the federal government isn't a business and it isn't intended to be one.

Yep. I was going to mention Obama trying to pass through an anti outsourcing bill but the Republicans and a few "Democrats" (including buttwipe Lieberman) voted no. Proof that these politicians don't care.

Trump running scares me because he's a big supporter of outsourcing. Actually him running is scary because he's a loon.


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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by delko Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:44 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
delko wrote:Whoever takes over the White House in 2012 needs to pass Legislation to disincent Corporations from sending jobs overseas, and incent them to keep them here. The simplest and most effective way would be tax breaks for any Corp that keeps jobs here, AND brings jobs back here. On the flip side, control the 'kid in the candy store spending' of the Federal Govt, which has gone to obscene levels the past 2 years. And these tax breaks will be nicely absorbed. Less revenue is just fine as long is there is equally less spending.
And the end result will be...JOB GROWTH....which will have far more reaching effects on the economy than any single Bail Out Package or extension of UI benefits could ever achieve. Not to mention, and most importantly, ease the pain for many of us here on this site!!!
There is one obstacle to my suggestion. BOTH Parties are very much in love with the big dividend checks being recieved on Wall Street every time jobs are sent overseas. But hopefully the incentives for tax breaks can rival any dividend checks they get. That would be the key to the success of this type of Legislation.

Whoever takes over the Whitehouse in 2012 cannot introduce or pass legislation.

Whoever takes over the House and Senate can. Just saying...........

Partly true, but where did the disaster pending called Health Care eminate from? The White House my friend. It all starts there, like it or not.


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U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home Empty Re: U.S Multinationals Increasingly Hiring Abroad, Firing At Home

Post by delko Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:50 pm

lendmeflight2 wrote:If you look back through history, there has never been economic or job growth in a recession if spending was cut. When the great depression first started all Hoover was concerned about was the federal budget deficit. Sound familiar? We didn't start coming out of the depression the TVA and the WPA were put in action through spending.

There was a tax incentive bill for companies who brought jobs back here from overseas that was pushed by Obama but the republicans filibustered it just like they do every program that would actually help working people or create jobs.

This is why Trump running for president bothers me. He thinks he will be a good president because he is a good businessman but the federal government isn't a business and it isn't intended to be one.

Your theory would be true. However, back in the day of WPA and TVA, the spending created jobs, that went to American Citizens. Today, I have very high doubts the kind of work that TVA and WPA would create would go to anyone other than Illegal Immigrants. Jobs sourced to contractors, who hire these people. Because they work cheap and no benefits. Sorry, this is why govt spending out of a Recession could never work today.
Forget spending out of it, period..... RATHER WE NEED TO INCENT BUSINESSES TO CREATE JOBS AND EXPAND! One major item I know that wont do that, and is holding businesses back from doing that, is Health Reform. Co's are scared to expand, when they know that employees may start costing them more in overhead. Estimates are $750/month per employee, and thats just the Govt's estimate. You know reality will end up being probably 2-3 times that.


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