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Please Read Congresswoman Lee's Speech Given to the Nat'l Conference of Black Mayors - Lee Urges Congress to Extend Unemployment Benefits When They Return In The Fall? EmptyFri Oct 03, 2014 11:23 am by DesperateInRI

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Please Read Congresswoman Lee's Speech Given to the Nat'l Conference of Black Mayors - Lee Urges Congress to Extend Unemployment Benefits When They Return In The Fall?

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Please Read Congresswoman Lee's Speech Given to the Nat'l Conference of Black Mayors - Lee Urges Congress to Extend Unemployment Benefits When They Return In The Fall? Empty Please Read Congresswoman Lee's Speech Given to the Nat'l Conference of Black Mayors - Lee Urges Congress to Extend Unemployment Benefits When They Return In The Fall?

Post by wantjob Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:41 pm

Please read the last paragraph. What does Lee mean in the Fall?

"Congresswoman Lee Calls For An Extension In Unemployment Benefits

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, released the following statement today calling for an extension of unemployment benefits:

“While Friday’s unemployment numbers represent the lowest number of jobs lost in the last year, they remain a painful reminder that millions of American workers and their families are hurting.

“Although these numbers demonstrate President Obama’s economic recovery program is working, we know that in many regions of the country the pain is more acute. African American and other communities of color always suffer more when our economy is struggling. It is essential that as we get America back on the road to economic recovery, so no American is left behind.

“Congress must continue to work with President Obama to undo the failed economic policies of the former Bush Administration by putting Americans back to work.

“We must heed the urgent call to extend unemployment benefits. This is an important step toward helping the millions of Americans who have been looking for a job for more than six months and will help them feed their families, prevent foreclosure or fall further into poverty. I urge Congress to act swiftly to extend unemployment benefits when we return in the fall.”"


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Post by MoInSTL Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:01 pm

I am exhausted and don't know what to think. It will have to wait util tomorrow to look into it, but if that's correct, it's very discouraging. Sad

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Post by Jobless_in_Ma Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:11 pm

Something doesn't seem right with this article. This completely goes against anything Lee has been saying. I would hold off on making any judgement on this for now.
We are expecting an update from the American 99ers Union in the next few days.

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Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:39 pm

I have been watching her on twitter along with the crewof42. She stressed the budget battles are holding things and she has not forgotten about us. Please Read Congresswoman Lee's Speech Given to the Nat'l Conference of Black Mayors - Lee Urges Congress to Extend Unemployment Benefits When They Return In The Fall? 34243

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Post by mistermunster Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:41 pm

I'm going out on a limb and say this is a TYPE-O. It should say SPRING, not Fall.

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Post by wantjob Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:42 pm

I think this is an old article, very misleading with today's date on the top of the article. In the website link it has the date 2009/08 which could mean that the date is August 2009 other than that it doesn't make any sense. I know Congress will be out all next week but will return the following.

I would like an update from Congresswoman Lee or from the American 99ers Union.


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Post by Jobless_in_Ma Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:43 pm

Please check your PM's wantjob. TY

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Post by CLO Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:07 pm

It is an old article- look t the URL- it is 2009


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Post by CLO Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:10 pm

Excuse the spelling, but this is an archived article. Does look misleading, tho.


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Post by Jobless_in_Ma Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:11 pm

I'm locking topic as its misleading.

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Post by Guest Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:12 pm

She was talking about the extension of DEADLINES to file for Tiers 1 - 4, that will expire on December 31. I believe she wants to start in the Fall because of all the delays with the past deadline extensions, the last one being just before Christmas 2010.

Ms. Lee is NOT referring to HR 589!


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Post by mistermunster Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:22 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:She was talking about the extension of DEADLINES to file for Tiers 1 - 4, that will expire on December 31. I believe she wants to start in the Fall because of all the delays with the past deadline extensions, the last one being just before Christmas 2010.

Ms. Lee is NOT referring to HR 589!

What good is worrying about T1-4. Hell if they are playing games on 14 weeks for 99ers. Why put this cart before the horse? I can see the NEED to be proactive but hasn't it been T1-4 extensions that has kept any focus off 99ers? By Dec I feel they will tell us EVERYTHING is BACK to normal (even though it WILL not be). "Be skeptical and make sure your gun is loaded" Razz

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