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Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that?

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Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that? Empty Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:44 pm

For now, the question on the minds of most Americans remains — when do increases in corporate profits actually translate into hiring? Traditionally, profits lead hiring in an economic recovery.

Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that? Job-vo10

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Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that? Empty Re: Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that?

Post by js123 Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:56 pm

Corporations are greedy and want to keep the money in their bank accounts, with the tax cuts for the wealthy they are making millions. Hiring is the question, they are either not hiring overworking their employees or hiring people for pennies.


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Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that? Empty Re: Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that?

Post by zimbu Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:41 pm

Jon Stewart Rips GE, Obama over Taxes & NBC for Not Covering It.
Where's WaldObama ?
Busy answering G.E.'s Booty-call

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Location : Sarasota Fl

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Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that? Empty Re: Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that?

Post by js123 Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:03 pm

zimbu wrote:Jon Stewart Rips GE, Obama over Taxes & NBC for Not Covering It.
Where's WaldObama ?
Busy answering G.E.'s Booty-call

Link To Story

Jon Stewart hits the nail on the head. mad

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Age : 65
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Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that? Empty Re: Strong corporate profits amid weak economy - What's up with that?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:28 pm

The thing that is so absolutely nauseating about this is all we heard at the end of last year was how business would create jobs with the guarantee of the tax extensions. Why was there no plan? What business, who would create, what types of jobs, what areas of the country, when would they start this mass hiring they could now afford with these extensions?

It seems to me that if every unemployment extension was dragged out sickeningly, making millions sweat, sick and worried, because the big argument was PAY-GO, why isn't anyone pushing back now that the recipients of these massive cuts are not hiring or creating jobs? They are not paid for, we have reduced revenue significantly and we have created hardly any jobs that allow the unemployed to earn a living wage.

Where is the legislation being pushed to give additional breaks for hiring the 99ers, Long and Short Term unemployed? Where is the legislation preventing the discrimination of the unemployed?

They are giving us nothing.

God help us if those elected last November get another term.


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