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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyWed Feb 06, 2019 3:59 pm by Sad American

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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyThu Mar 02, 2017 1:02 am by DesperateInRI

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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyWed Mar 01, 2017 8:19 pm by DesperateInRI

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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyTue Jun 07, 2016 1:24 pm by Knight1009

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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyTue Nov 17, 2015 9:42 am by my_lucid_bubble72

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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptySun Apr 05, 2015 5:25 pm by Sandra5yearsunemployed

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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyTue Jan 20, 2015 5:48 pm by Prof_NSA

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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 10:50 pm by jmainframe

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Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyFri Oct 03, 2014 11:23 am by DesperateInRI

» Hey Guys!!!!
Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 9:17 am by pbrad009

Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) EmptyThu Sep 25, 2014 11:56 pm by pbrad009

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Post by Guest Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:58 am

Write your elected officials about this issue!
On this page are weblinks to stories (recent and few months ago on the Unemployed - 99ers) and how you can take action to tell Congress to stop ignoring these issues and help us now!

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Post by Guest Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:09 am

Please, please. Keep contacting. Your voice DOES matter. Congress.Org Soapbox - JOBS, HR 589, HR 1113 - Help 99ERS! (Employers Are Not Hiring Fairly And Not Enough) 34243


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Post by cps70 Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:32 am

I completely agree that something must be done as far as discrimination against the long term un-employed I find this a disgrace and utterly appaling. I do however take exception to the statement that buisness are not hiring enough because even though we all know the employed are working harder and more hours cause employers are clearly taking advantage of the situation in a free society this is acceptable furthermore to regulate what the hired worker should be protesting would cross the line.Now do I think this is right of course not but being a former small buisness owner I know I didn't start that buisness for the good of all mankind lol I started it to make money and the more the better lol seriously though that's what its about to turn a profit and companys have found out the american worker at this point in time will go above and beyond allowing the buisness to reap huge profits.To sum it up its called capitalism ladies and gents.Like it or not its the American way.


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Post by Guest Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:46 am

cps70 I don't think that insuring fair hiring practices puts any limitations on small or large business owners. It does exactly what is should do, keep them from bad hiring practices. Discrimination is against the law. A bill like this would not force any business owner to hire if he doesn't want to. I agree that businesses are opened to make money for the owners, as theirs is the largest investment. However, creating a stable, productive work environment is largely been proven to increase company productivity and profits. No one ever gets everything they want and compromises have to be made on all sides, a reality check if you will. Compromise is a word that is thrown around alot and seldom really utilized. Fairness is another. There are many ways for employees to win and Owners to win as well. As people we don't give each other enough credit for sitting down and talking things out, it always has to come to drawing a line in the sand and a complete stand off. Lots of money can be made by owners with very loyal, happy employees. Just takes work on both sides.


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Post by cps70 Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:09 pm

I agree with what you said but what worries me is I hear more and more people saying companys should be required to hire x amount of people and that companys are here for the good of the US. Those phrases scare the he double hocky sticks out of me. I agree as far as a leval playing field and all but it boils down to shouldn't make a difference how long you have not worked.If you are the most qualified and a good fit for the company you are applying for than it should be a no brainer unfortuneatly to my dissmay we live in a society where everything must be legislated.....What kills me is we don't even inforce the hiring laws on the books now cause more now than ever its who you know not what you know....


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Post by JoanB Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:58 pm

cps70 wrote:I agree with what you said but what worries me is I hear more and more people saying companys should be required to hire x amount of people

Who said that? I've never heard anyone say that. Aren't you building a straw man, cps? I have heard people say that the top 1% are sitting on their money and not creating jobs with their wealth, and that's true. Do they have to create jobs with their money? No...but then you can't argue that giving them yet more tax breaks will create more jobs since it already hasn't, has it?

As for companies existing for the good of the US, well, again, we're always fed the line that we have to give them tax breaks and subsidies, and on and on, so yes, I want something in return for all of that, i.e., jobs. Doesn't that seem fair?

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Post by New_Wave_Princess Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:00 pm

I think corporations need to be fair with whom they hire. For instance they need to look at older people just as much as younger people. I see so much age discrimination. Now I hear people age 18-24 are a "protected class". They need to hire all kinds of people and shouldn't hire based on race or gender.


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