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The courage factor:  Has Barack Obama ever been brave? Perhaps more pertinently, will he ever be?  EmptyThu Sep 25, 2014 11:56 pm by pbrad009

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The courage factor: Has Barack Obama ever been brave? Perhaps more pertinently, will he ever be?

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The courage factor:  Has Barack Obama ever been brave? Perhaps more pertinently, will he ever be?  Empty The courage factor: Has Barack Obama ever been brave? Perhaps more pertinently, will he ever be?

Post by Guest Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:57 am

There is a danger here of letting Mr Obama off too lightly. He made hope and audacity his running mates, so he should answer for their defection. With the exception of health reform the big fights—on global warming, immigration and the deficit—have been put on hold and many of the smaller ones ducked.

The courage factor:  Has Barack Obama ever been brave? Perhaps more pertinently, will he ever be?  20110310


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Post by Guest Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:02 pm

I voted for this guy because he promised Hope & Change. So far, it is not working for me.


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Post by Guest Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:19 pm

I wonder myself where "Candidate Obama" went. He has had so many opportunities to stand up to the GOP but caves in to their demands every time. He really had no real experience in politics, two years in the Senate and a couple of years in the Illinois Senate. His nomination as the Democratic candidate was because of the late Senator Ted Kennedy's endorsement. If he hadn't gotten that, Hillary would be our president today and the country would be in much better shape than it is now. I really believe she would have stood up to the GOP much better than Obama has.


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