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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by MoInSTL Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:47 am

I got a letter yesterday from food stamps. At the top of the letter it says Adverse Action Notice. Is says my benefits will end on 3/31. "The reason for this decision is: Failed to Return the Review Form". What is the review form? I had the mid-certification forms sent and signed and sent them back. I have no idea what this means and plan on calling when they open. I didn't sleep well at all and woke up early from worry.

Does anyone know what this form may be? It's too vague to appear in a Google search.

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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:07 am

Don't lose sleep over it! It happened to me in October. It means that they either didn't get the forms you sent back or they lost them. You will have to go down there, maybe try calling your caseworker first so you don't have to wait. I had to bring all the documents needed when I first signed up and fill the original paperwork out all over. Fortunately, I had called so I was able to fill out the forms online before going in. Call today and keep calling until you talk to a "human" or someone calls you back. Keep track of your phone calls too. You aren't going to lose your food stamps, the offices are swamped so they probably lost your paperwork.

It is a PIA, but you will have it straightened out quickly, once you get someone on the phone. I just sent my recertification in last Tuesday, I'm waiting for a letter like you got myself. I'd rather hand deliver it to the caseworker than mail it. Good luck Mo, just another day in the life of the long term unemployed.


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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by MoInSTL Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:13 am

Thanks for the reply. I know they got my forms as I became a 99er 12/7/10. So on this re-certification I entered $0 income so my benefits went from $170 to $200 this month. So they got the forms and that's why I'm concerned. I will call them as soon as they open. It's only ten after 6 here.

Good bit of news is I got a check for $50 yesterday for participating in a market research study evaluating cat litter. I guess I need to report that.

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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:26 am

The notice you got said "Failure to Return Review Form" - something lost or a mistake in the paper trail on their end. Incidents like this are only going to pile up as more and more become eligible for SNAP and the states have hiring freezes on any new employees. Good luck!

By the way, what kind of kitty litter is the best? I've been meaning to ask you how that study went. I hate buying the stuff, but on the other hand I won't let my cats out because there are too many coyotes and fischer cats in the woods around me.
Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? 508732

If I had that $50, it would be burning a hole in my pocket! Don't spend it all in one place.


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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by MoInSTL Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:46 am

The cat litter I evaluated was made out of paper. I tried two different bags. One bag for one week with bigger pellet size and went and picked up the second bag the following week. They were unmarked! It looks like tiny brown pellets. I prefer they kind that scoops instead of absorb. I use the clumping clay litter. The best deal I have found is for ExquisiCat. At Pet Smart, a 40 pound box is around $11 at the store with a dollar off with their store card. It lasts a long time and I have not found any cheaper anywhere else. It is dusty which is my only complaint.

My boy kitty died so I only have a little runt kitty now. She is the size of an overgrown kitten and turned 16 this month. She is adorable and is missing a top fang so sometimes she drools when sleeping draped over my arm. She only goes outside when I am outside as there are too many other cats roaming around and an occasional off-leash dog. She is too old and too small to defend herself. The squirrels get confused when they spot her as she's so small. They only thing that age has changed is getting down from my bed so I put a step stool next to it. She uses it as my bed is a tad higher than normal.

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Age : 69

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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by MoInSTL Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:36 am

DIRI, you were right. The letter I received was mailed after they received my forms I sent in. My worker did not enter the info in until 3/3 and letter was generated on 3/2. What a relief!

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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:33 pm

that has happened to me a few times seems the workers are very behind due to the increase in applicants. by the way, my worker is very cranky and has NO personality what so ever! LOL The only time she was ever normal is at xmas...she actually made a joke and laughed and I nearly fell over in shock affraid


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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by MoInSTL Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:52 pm

My worker is very nice and even exempted me from the stupid job search thing. I talked with her this morning for over a half hour about jobs and how frustrating my job search has been. I say stupid job search because they only allow 9 online applications and the bulk of them are supposed to be in-person applications! I told her I have no gas money and don't live anywhere near public transportation. I also told her that almost all of the job searches are for in-person. She didn't know that & thought it was stupid too that the forms are so out of date. The career center generates the archaic form, not food stamps.

I reported my whopping $50 check & she said it doesn't make any difference in my benefit amount and it was not from a real job.

I think she knows I am actively looking for a job & was nice enough to exempt me from the work search requirement.

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Age : 69

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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:24 pm

that was very nice of her! Mine hasnt really given us any trouble either, accept for the fact that she is just so rude when talking to her lol.
We had to sign up at the career center for what they call "employment ready"
however the funds are depleted for the program so there is nothing they can do for us. We keep getting letters every month saying we are not in compliance but the worker said its ok, just ignore them. makes me a bit nervous but its been going on for a few months and we are still getting benefits. Every month I panic right before I am due to get the food stamps and cash benefits and I check my acct. online obsessively lol


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Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice? Empty Re: Food Stamps Adverse Action Notice?

Post by PJ Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:09 am

Also when you get a response like this, always read the notice. It usually says what you need to bring in so they can give you your food stamps. Try to remember to send in the Q7 form every 2 months so this doesn't happen.

It's a pain, but you have to do this to get your food stamps. Don't panic..there's always a reason.

Be calm.


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Join date : 2011-03-20

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