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Post by Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:52 pm

I have been reading a lot of articles lately about people in the age group of 18 to 35. Alot of them of are delaying buying a home and taking on car loans. The reasons are myriad from heavy student loan debt, being unemployed, working partime, gas prices, etc... This bodes very badly for the economy. If people in this age group are not forming families and buying homes, cars, furniture etc... it is going to further depress the economy. Again the equation is the same NO DEMAND=NO JOB creation.

This is suppose to be your prime career building time, and a lot of them cannot because of lack of jobs, many of them are even homeless, living on friends couches and or basements.

We are in a major demand crisis, with people barely making it, or only spending money on necessities. I don't know how we are ever going to get out of this spiral.

don't get me wrong I do feel for the over 50 also, they are being discriminated against and that is wrong.

Who is going to provide the DEMAND, Somebody has to spend the money to stimulate the economy, otherwise jobs will not be created. I think the government would be the entity to do so, but the government is getting less taxes because of so many unemployed, instead they are cutting again a catch-22 problem.

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Post by Springflowers Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:00 am wrote:I have been reading a lot of articles lately about people in the age group of 18 to 35. Alot of them of are delaying buying a home and taking on car loans. The reasons are myriad from heavy student loan debt, being unemployed, working partime, gas prices, etc... This bodes very badly for the economy. If people in this age group are not forming families and buying homes, cars, furniture etc... it is going to further depress the economy. Again the equation is the same NO DEMAND=NO JOB creation.

This is suppose to be your prime career building time, and a lot of them cannot because of lack of jobs, many of them are even homeless, living on friends couches and or basements.

We are in a major demand crisis, with people barely making it, or only spending money on necessities. I don't know how we are ever going to get out of this spiral.

don't get me wrong I do feel for the over 50 also, they are being discriminated against and that is wrong.

Who is going to provide the DEMAND, Somebody has to spend the money to stimulate the economy, otherwise jobs will not be created. I think the government would be the entity to do so, but the government is getting less taxes because of so many unemployed, instead they are cutting again a catch-22 problem.

People in their 40s can't even buy homes or cars. I know several men at home with their 60-70 year old mothers, out of work. Generation X, we could at least afford the rented rooms and milk crates and beater cars. Now Generation Y is even in more dire straits, and I have cousins, all age 25-27, I don't see them ever leaving home, yes it is that bad. Who can afford a house? The only people I know in Generation X who own a home had family money or an inheritance. Generation Y is in trouble. I feel for them given what kind of future we seem to be getting here. If I had a young person, I would tell them seek an ALTERNATIVE way of life, off the grid, a strong religious/rural community, and other options. Learn to FIX and DO stuff. Don't go into debt and rethink college.


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Post by DesperateInRI Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:04 pm

"Rethinking" college is like shooting yourself in the foot. Even grocery clerks, file clerks, cashiers, assemblers, etc. have a better,chance of getting a job if they have a degree! Certainly not glamorous jobs, but keeps a roof over your head!

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Post by Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:32 pm

I'am Generation X iam 37, we certainly cannot afford a house, i'am working, but my husband is unemployed, we are barely making it. We were barely able to pay the rent the last 3 months.

As far as a college degree, that is no guarantee of a job anymore. I know many people with college degrees that are unemployed. The reason simply because their are not enough jobs because their is no demand. Also young people have saddled themselves with student loans, and many without a way of being able to pay them back. I would not advise anyone to go back to college and load themselves up with debt.

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Post by DesperateInRI Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:40 pm

I am fortunate here in RI. Unemployed individuals can take courses at state colleges for free while collecting, and up to six months after. All you pay for is books. Anyone who has the opportunity to take classes towards a degree, certificate, or trade without going into a great deal of debt should go for it!

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Post by Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:50 pm

Not here in California, state college tuition has gone up actually. The other thing, get a degree or certicate in what? Nurses, 43% of graduates cannot get jobs and supposedly nurses are in demand, what does that tell you? It does not matter anymore college degree or not, employers do NOT WANT TO hire period. They would rather just do with what they have because of the economy. I don't have a college degree, I have never had a problem getting a job, but then again I have not been laid off since 1997. The only industry that appears to be hiring is credit card processing, that is the industry I work in, but it is a very niche industry. I have been in that industry since 1999.

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Post by DesperateInRI Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:00 pm

Of course they aren't going to hire a RN when a certified aid or medical assistant can do the same job for a quarter of the pay! Certifications and trades like that are worth pursuing now, around here those are about the only jobs around. I have a degree, but it won't do me any good if I don't keep current with technology advances. You can't just assume that certification will get you nowhere. If you and I were applying for a job in a call center, and you had recent training and certifications, you would get the job, not me with my antiquated degree from years ago.

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Post by jmainframe Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:20 pm

Hi Desp, on a totally different subject, it may be my imagination, but I think some joker is going around and changing the thread headings!

Jobless Get Lust?
No, I Don't Speak Spamish?
Postal Stamps...For Pets?
Things Are Going To Get Worst?

What is going on here? That joker may even be changing people's posts into gibberish.

Last edited by jmainframe on Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:41 pm


their is no certifications and training for working in a call center. I have worked in a call center for 12 years, believe me i know, call center work is something that you learn on the job.

In California their is no free college for certifications in training in anything, everything cost money. My husband has the experience he needs to get a job in the industry he worked before, their just are not enough jobs out there, that is the problem. We cannot move to another state, because I have a job in the credit card processing industry here in California, so far it has been a stable job and I will not find such job elsewhere as easily as I found this one, so we are stuck in this state. It is expensive to live in California, believe me I wish we could move, but if we move then we have no income, since i'am the only one working.

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Post by 503Depressed Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:11 pm

No money left for the employment department to help with certifications or degrees in Oregon, and the sequestration will kill off any that is left. You can go to school online for free, however employers in Oregon or Washington, do not count ANY kind of online degree or certification as viable and/or useful. Here is the degree/employer formula that I have discovered: If your degree is from an Ivy League school, then it is worth it's weight (must be less than 2 yrs old which is the hidden expiration date on all degrees)...if your degree is from a lower-grade school, then it's worth is deducted by 10%, if your degree is from an online school, then it is not worth the paper it's printed on. The hidden experiation date on all certificates is 6 months, regardless of the length of time it normally is good for.

Having a degree or certificate won't get you the job, however having it is REQUIRED for consideration, not having it automatically washes you out of the possibility of even being considered.

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Post by DesperateInRI Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:25 pm

A lot has changed in the time I've been out of work. At least if I can show that I am trying to stay on top of all these changes, I have a better shot at getting the job. Not trying to improve my skills is going to get me nowhere!

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Post by DesperateInRI Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:37 pm

jmainframe wrote:Hi Desp, on a totally different subject, it may be my imagination, b Twisted Evil ut I think some joker is going around and changing the thread headings!

Jobless Get Lust?
No, I Don't Speak Spamish?
Postal Stamps...For Pets?
Things Are Going To Get Worst?

What is going on here? That joker may even be changing people's posts into gibberish.
Thanks, I'll check the moderation log. I hadn't noticed! There is no way to change a post, but you can edit a title if you know what you're doing. The log will tell me! Thanks again!!!

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Post by Guest Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:02 pm

Isn't this title amendment restricted to the original poster of the thread? The first post of the thread?

Reminds me of that episode several months ago when MaryKay, who was quite active on this site as an administrator and advocator, went bizarre with claims of aliens invading this site.

Gotta be someone with time on their hands, for sure!


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Post by DesperateInRI Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:50 pm

That was pretty bizarre, maybe you are right! Oh well, let the alien have fun! Some of the titles are amusing. Postage Stamps for Pets!

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Post by elvis44102 Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:41 am

DesperateInRI wrote:That was pretty bizarre, maybe you are right! Oh well, let the alien have fun! Some of the titles are amusing. Postage Stamps for Pets!

my cats cant reach the mailbox

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Post by Guest Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:17 pm

Maybe a new issue of stamps with Lassie pictured?


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Post by Loser Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:33 am

At 25 years old, I'm in Generation Y.

One of the barriers to employment for people my age is that employers are replacing full-time entry-level workers with interns who are willing to work for free. These days, you'll often see jobs listed as "entry-level" requiring 1-3 years experience!

It's bad enough that trust fund babies can usually use their parents' connections to get the best jobs; now they're pricing out poorer people like me by working for free! That doesn't sound like "equal opportunity" to me!

Also, I'm pretty sure that 90% of the unpaid internships (for for-profit companies) that I see posted are illegal. Federal law states that internships are not supposed to replace paying jobs and are supposed to benefit the intern more than the employer. 90% of internships that I see posted look awfully similar to entry-level jobs. . .

I'm broke and unemployed because I refuse to give free work to a for-profit organization. I only do pro-bono work for reputable non-profit charitable organizations that are helping others in need. I hear all the time through the media about how people don't deserve handouts and entitlements; why should I treat companies any differently?

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Post by elvis44102 Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:52 am

Loser wrote:At 25 years old, I'm in Generation Y.

One of the barriers to employment for people my age is that employers are replacing full-time entry-level workers with interns who are willing to work for free. These days, you'll often see jobs listed as "entry-level" requiring 1-3 years experience!

It's bad enough that trust fund babies can usually use their parents' connections to get the best jobs; now they're pricing out poorer people like me by working for free! That doesn't sound like "equal opportunity" to me!

Also, I'm pretty sure that 90% of the unpaid internships (for for-profit companies) that I see posted are illegal. Federal law states that internships are not supposed to replace paying jobs and are supposed to benefit the intern more than the employer. 90% of internships that I see posted look awfully similar to entry-level jobs. . .

I'm broke and unemployed because I refuse to give free work to a for-profit organization. I only do pro-bono work for reputable non-profit charitable organizations that are helping others in need. I hear all the time through the media about how people don't deserve handouts and entitlements; why should I treat companies any differently?

My resume says i am currently completing fourth year of college, which is technically true, so i get my share of Internship offers, i have been approached by the same "very large insurance " company going on four or five times now....when they get to year graduated from high school?

and i reply 1973....there is silence and NO more interview....

Welcome to the forum.

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Post by Loser Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:19 am

elvis44102 wrote:
Loser wrote:At 25 years old, I'm in Generation Y.

One of the barriers to employment for people my age is that employers are replacing full-time entry-level workers with interns who are willing to work for free. These days, you'll often see jobs listed as "entry-level" requiring 1-3 years experience!

It's bad enough that trust fund babies can usually use their parents' connections to get the best jobs; now they're pricing out poorer people like me by working for free! That doesn't sound like "equal opportunity" to me!

Also, I'm pretty sure that 90% of the unpaid internships (for for-profit companies) that I see posted are illegal. Federal law states that internships are not supposed to replace paying jobs and are supposed to benefit the intern more than the employer. 90% of internships that I see posted look awfully similar to entry-level jobs. . .

I'm broke and unemployed because I refuse to give free work to a for-profit organization. I only do pro-bono work for reputable non-profit charitable organizations that are helping others in need. I hear all the time through the media about how people don't deserve handouts and entitlements; why should I treat companies any differently?

My resume says i am currently completing fourth year of college, which is technically true, so i get my share of Internship offers, i have been approached by the same "very large insurance " company going on four or five times now....when they get to year graduated from high school?

and i reply 1973....there is silence and NO more interview....

Welcome to the forum.

That's another thing about internships - most will only hire current students. That's because the colleges are in on this scam. Most unpaid internship employers offer college credit as compensation to get away with not paying wages. Then, many colleges charge the interns tuition for the credit, even though no one from the college did the teaching!

As for internships that allow college graduates to apply, well, I've been out of college for almost 4 years now, and apparently that's too long! They want someone who graduated within the last two years. How do people change careers without going back to school?

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Post by 503Depressed Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:26 pm

Welcome to the hidden expiration date for all college degrees, what they don't tell you about. A college degree is good for 2 years, certificates expire after 6 months.

I got my associate's via U of Pheonix's online school, and guess what, employers act like it isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Had a couple interviewers tell me how they rate degrees/certificates, which is: the only time they are worth what you paid for them, is if you obtained them from an Ivy League school, otherwise the value decreases exponentially. With online schools are still being considered worthless. As one local interviewer put it, "Online schools offer substandard education and are nothing more than diploma mills".

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Post by jmainframe Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:42 pm

503Depressed wrote:Welcome to the hidden expiration date for all college degrees, what they don't tell you about. A college degree is good for 2 years, certificates expire after 6 months.

I got my associate's via U of Pheonix's online school, and guess what, employers act like it isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Had a couple interviewers tell me how they rate degrees/certificates, which is: the only time they are worth what you paid for them, is if you obtained them from an Ivy League school, otherwise the value decreases exponentially. With online schools are still being considered worthless. As one local interviewer put it, "Online schools offer substandard education and are nothing more than diploma mills".

Well, they can say what they want, but a degree is an achievement that no one can take away from you. It shows, if nothing else that you have the focus, discipline, and perseverance to finish a long-term project that you started, qualities that used to be sought after when America had the greatest workforce and companies on the planet.

And that person on the other side of the desk giving you the blank stare? The reason for that blank stare just may be because he/she doesn't have one!

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Post by elvis44102 Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:00 pm

by jmainframe Today at 11:42 am

""Well, they can say what they want, but a degree is an achievement that no one can take away from you. It shows, if nothing else that you have the focus, discipline, and perseverance to finish a long-term project that you started, qualities that used to be sought after when America had the greatest workforce and companies on the planet.

And that person on the other side of the desk giving you the blank stare? The reason for that blank stare just may be because he/she doesn't have one!""

I am not sure "substance" matters anymore, its all about image and "brand name"...

the US GDP is around 1/3 financial industry stuff, bundling IOU's and selling them as securities and other such near meanigless non-productive stuff


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