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Destroying the American Economy and Workers by Plan?

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Destroying the American Economy and Workers by Plan? Empty Destroying the American Economy and Workers by Plan?

Post by Springflowers Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:04 pm

Yeah I think its by plan...

The lack of decent jobs in the United States is one of the primary reasons why we are in an economic crisis that never seems to end, and things are not going to turn around any time soon. We truly are witnessing the slow, tortuous death of the American worker, and politicians from both political parties are just standing aside and letting it happen.


Posts : 215
Join date : 2011-04-14

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Destroying the American Economy and Workers by Plan? Empty Re: Destroying the American Economy and Workers by Plan?

Post by elvis44102 Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:51 pm

I am not one to think this is all some "evil" plot or even a well formulated plan, however

!) the English Empire ruled the world for some time (english central banking system)
2) the US joined the english around a hundred years ago, and has been the default super military power/economic power for some time...

3) the peroid after the second world war was infact a "unique" period,
as most industrial capacity was destroyed for a generation or more.

the current crisis "plan" seems to have begun around the oil embargos of the mid-seventies, and American wages have not risen since...

You must remember money has no "nationality" or "allegiance" so to speak..

there are those that propose wall street bankers financed the comunist revolution as a way to get at the russian rulling class for "not cooperating"
with the central bankers


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Destroying the American Economy and Workers by Plan? Empty Re: Destroying the American Economy and Workers by Plan?

Post by Springflowers Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:53 pm

elvis44102 wrote:I am not one to think this is all some "evil" plot or even a well formulated plan, however

!) the English Empire ruled the world for some time (english central banking system)
2) the US joined the english around a hundred years ago, and has been the default super military power/economic power for some time...

3) the peroid after the second world war was infact a "unique" period,
as most industrial capacity was destroyed for a generation or more.

the current crisis "plan" seems to have begun around the oil embargos of the mid-seventies, and American wages have not risen since...

You must remember money has no "nationality" or "allegiance" so to speak..

there are those that propose wall street bankers financed the comunist revolution as a way to get at the russian rulling class for "not cooperating"
with the central bankers

Just like the Russian Revolution, the bankers are managing things now...notice that every country we go to "war" with is not integrated into the international banking system. Think about that one. I always wonder what punishment they will come up with for Iceland. The history that carried forth things like the Communist Revolution is happening now. The USA is being used as the world's police man to PUNISH, CORRAL and HERD up the nations that so far are not part of the centralized world banking system. You are right that greed is running a lot of the show. Remember the multi-national corporations can make more money off the rest of the planet now, America is on the back burner. They also are doing probably the biggest money clean out ever. The bankers got their trillions via the bail-outs.


Posts : 215
Join date : 2011-04-14

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