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just shakes my head Empty just shakes my head

Post by Shakingmyhead Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:51 pm

I'm new to the forum

I have been looking for work for 2 years since the indusrty which I was in lost over 40% in the few months after 2008

I am a degreed person with many certifications and have over 20years of experience. I have managed teams, departments for top flight companies.

My house that was valued at 210,000 in 2007 is now worth 155,000 and impossible to sell as there are over 2,000 new homes sitting empty in my city alone.

I have less than 50.00 in the bank, all of my saving used up trying to save my house, have had to sell prized personal posessions collected from all over the world ( was in the army for 10 years) and have even had to borrow money from my kids just to put food on the table.

Of the few interviews I have gotten called in to the best so far was the opportunity to work for 9.00 an hout sitting by the phone 7x24 365 and I will only get paid if I get called.

So thank you American business, wall street, insurance companies, and yes you our wonderful government that allows these folks to just keep stealing our future. All of these businesses got billions in bailout money because they were to big to fail. The largest economic entity in this country was allowed to fail with not a cent in bailout money. US! the middle class.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-12-27

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just shakes my head Empty Re: just shakes my head

Post by Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:05 am

My husband was originally laid off in July 2010 from a 12 year, good job that he liked alot. Then he got another job April 2011, was laid off again January 2012, he's had only 2-3 month temp jobs since then. last temp job ended October 15.

Thankfully I have a job, but it is tight to pay the bills with just me working. I'am hoping he finds something before unemployment runs out, thankfully he is still only on his first 26 weeks.

I understand your frustration, it is hard to see my husband not working, but companies just don't want to hire, it is really bad out there, a lot of people suffering. I don't know what is going to happen

Posts : 48
Join date : 2011-02-24

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just shakes my head Empty Re: just shakes my head

Post by pbrad009 Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:12 pm

You may have to start back at the bottom. Nine/ hour sounds a little steep to be answering phones. Try volunteer work, do part time, odd jobs. Use what's left in the bank as a nucleus of capital to rise up to your potential.


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Join date : 2011-03-07

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just shakes my head Empty Re: just shakes my head

Post by pbrad009 Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:39 pm

Our house is assessed at just below $155k, but that is up from the $92k bought for in 1998. As far as stealing our future, our investment vehicles - 401k, 529 for son, wife's TSP, private investment accounts - are up about 9% since January. Yes, that includes our contributions, but still respectable growth. Its all what you make of it.


Posts : 46
Join date : 2011-03-07

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