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The other unemployment rate Empty The other unemployment rate

Post by USA Citizen Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:59 pm

The other unemployment rate

"Along with the official unemployment rate, the Department of Labor also calculates something called the employment-population ratio, which measures the percent of the U.S. adult population that has a job.
The rate currently stands at 58.7%."

"That paints a much bleaker picture of the job market than the unemployment rate, which has fallen considerably in the last year."

"The ratio makes the employment problem look worse, and in that sense is bad for Obama," Cowen said. "A deeper look, however, shows the ratio has been declining for many years, and that its ongoing decline predates Obama and most likely represents longer-run trends about the world of work."
USA Citizen
USA Citizen

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Join date : 2011-06-06

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The other unemployment rate Empty Re: The other unemployment rate

Post by elvis44102 Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:03 pm


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The other unemployment rate Empty Re: The other unemployment rate

Post by Guest Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:46 pm

Thank you USA Citizen. This is a most interesting article, insofar as it really paints a somewhat high level of American individuals not needing or seeking work. Albeit the percentages are very arguable, the DoL economists do not intentionally skew the numbers - its just their sampling methodology seems so FO'd. I have a friend that is a DoL economic advisor so I know this.

Too many people thinking life ends in their 50s or 60s. If anyone lives overseas you know that age doesn't count - life, living, and listlessness (not) counts!

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