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Platform To Employment Making Progress with Long Term Jobless Empty Platform To Employment Making Progress with Long Term Jobless

Post by Guest Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:45 am

Ray Hodge lost his job as an energy company's logistics director in June of 2009.

"The company took a new direction and placed emphasis on being a hedge fund," he said.

Hodge didn't have much luck looking for a new job. "I didn't receive any interviews. People said, 'Nice resume, but you don't fit the criteria as well as some other people we have in mind.' How much of that is true and how much is because I'm a little more senior? A lot of things come into play, but you try not to focus on that because it could lead you into a state of depression."

Now Hodge, who is 64 and lives in Trumbull, Conn., has found work, thanks partly to an innovative Connecticut program targeting "99ers" -- people who have been out of work for 99 weeks or longer and have run out of unemployment insurance. There were nearly 2 million Americans who had been out of work that long in July, according to the Labor Department.

The program is called "Platform to Employment," and it has received a lot of attention since a February "60 Minutes" segment that suggested it could be a national solution to the crisis of long-term unemployment. Its creator, Joe Carbone, has testified before Congress and traveled to other states to share information about P2E, as he sometimes calls it.


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Platform To Employment Making Progress with Long Term Jobless Empty Re: Platform To Employment Making Progress with Long Term Jobless

Post by invisiblecitizen Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:47 pm

Thanks for sharing that. Its been a long time since I have been hopeful. Maybe this will catch on.


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Join date : 2011-05-07

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Platform To Employment Making Progress with Long Term Jobless Empty Re: Platform To Employment Making Progress with Long Term Jobless

Post by Guest Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:24 am

This is indeed good news. Every state should be working on this. I will be contacting my officials today and copying this with my letter.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


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Platform To Employment Making Progress with Long Term Jobless Empty Re: Platform To Employment Making Progress with Long Term Jobless

Post by Guest Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:48 am

Since I asked for ideas, I think this would be a great campaign to start right now. If every member contacts their State Reps., Governor, Senators and copies this to them we might get some traction.

Any thoughts?

I just sent my Senators and the Governor my email and this in the body with the link. We will see if any responses come my way. If so, I will post.


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