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extension reverting back to old claim?

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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by marymc Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:03 pm

I filed for UI on Jan 26, 2012. I have been receiving benefits since then, and they have just run out. I was told I may qualify for extended benefits, and would be notified by mail if that was the case.

Today, I received a claim form for a claim that is old, (filed 02-05-11, expired 2/5/11) and I have no idea what to do. I am no longer on that claim, as I found work and once that job was done, had been there about 8 months, so a brand new claim had been opened. (I made more money at that job, so my benefits were higher on this 1/26/12 claim, as well) I have no received any other paperwork that says I have qualified for extended benefits on my 2012 claim. Since I was on an extension for my 2010 claim when I got my last job, does that mean I go back to that extension now, even though a new claim has been filed? or is this a case of messed up paperwork?

Anyone else have this issue? I'm in CA, although I'm not sure if the state matters. (although the little 'work search' box was checked on this one, which is odd.)


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by MarilynL Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:48 pm

It appears that you had money left from your first claim, when you got your last job, which is why you were reverted back to it. You must have worked longer at the job you had before, so your employment insurance lasted longer. But I would call the Unemployment office, just to have them explain it.


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:38 pm

The work search is required now for everyone receiving EUC.


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by MarilynL Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:41 pm

desperateinri wrote:The work search is required now for everyone receiving EUC.

The last time I collected 1 1/2 year ago, for 99 weeks, they never once asked me about my job search, knowing that there were no jobs out there.


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by elvis44102 Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:00 pm

The computer system probably reopened the first claim because it is a computer....Call the Unemployment office and straighten it out .

You are entitled to whichever claim is of the higher dollar amount as of a law passed in July of 2010 (i believe) specifically dealing with just this type of thing (multiple claims and dollar amount)

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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:44 pm

marymc. Sorry you are having confusion. As stated above, the work search is now required on all extended benefits. In the past it was up to the individual States, but now it was made part of the bill passed last year.

Some States require that you finish out an existing claim before moving on to the newer one. It's always best to check with your UC service center reps for the way your State handles it. What's true in PA or NJ or CA may not apply to other States. If they require the work searches, make sure to include them as it will hold up your claim in any State .

Please let us know how you make out. It's good to see you here.


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by Guest Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:04 am

MarilynL wrote:
desperateinri wrote:The work search is required now for everyone receiving EUC.

The last time I collected 1 1/2 year ago, for 99 weeks, they never once asked me about my job search, knowing that there were no jobs out there.
Unfortunately, when they renewed the extensions last winter, there were stipulations and phase out dates. Another requirement for receiving EUC is attending a mandatory orientation to learn whatservices are available to you to help get you back to work ..(I know, its a joke).

Requirements for EUC, and the phase out of the program are now underway and have changed drastically from the beginning the year.

Members, please take note of this and don't count on "99" weeks anymore. Please prepare and plan accordingly. I can't stress this enough!


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by marymc Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:09 am

Thanks everyone. I think what terrified me the most was that it was only for one week, with the second week xxx'd out. I can't remember what it was like when I went from claim to tier to tier the last time, but I thought it would be for 2 weeks. But now that I'm calm, I realize that I was last paid on the 21st, and this claim form is for the 22nd-29th. I have to mail it this week (tomorrow!), so perhaps they are just getting the ball rolling.

I also found a 916 number on here, and called EDD. they could not access my records, but gave me general information just like you all have, and will have someone look into my claim and call me. I just hope it is the larger amount, as that was $51 more per week. I will research that law you mentioned, Elvis, just in case.

I'll sleep a little better tonight because of your replies. Smile


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by Guest Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:28 am

marymc, it's all so unsettling, but I am sure it will work out. It may be that you only had one week left on the old claim, they will use that up and move on to your second claim.

Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by marymc Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:38 pm

that's what's weird. I had just started my second extension. I may have collected one week on it before I got my job and went off UI. So if I am being reverted, I have much more time on it.

Hopefully I'll get a call soon. We should be able to access our own records. Would save these mini heart attacks we all have from time to time. In a perfect world....


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by snday Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:02 am

Waiting for the updated information.


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by marymc Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:21 pm

Ok, I received an email from EDD (no call yet), but it is exactly what has been said in this thread already -

from the email -

"There was not a mistake made on the claim, the federal government does not allow a new extension to be opened if there is already an extension from a previous claim. Now, once you finish all the extensions on the previous claim, than EDD can possibly file the 1st extension on the most recent claim, possibly because the extensions are in general going to stop at the end of the year, EDD will give you benefits until then. "

So I assume if I exhaust my 3rd and 4th extensions before the end of the year, they will possibly file the 1st extension on my second claim, although that will also stop by the end of year deadline. huh.


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by marymc Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:49 am

And of course, I'm back down to the rate I was at in 2010, which is $51 less per week. This is ridiculous.


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extension reverting back to old claim? Empty Re: extension reverting back to old claim?

Post by Guest Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:37 am

Yes, marymc it's ridiculous, but most of us found that if there is an existing claim, you have to finish that before moving on to a new one. It's an antiquated system and it's different in every State, which really makes no sense since it's a federally administered program, but that's the system unfortunately. I know it's disappointing to lose that extra money, but thankfully it allows you to still collect.

Please keep posting and let us know how you are doing. We are attempting to gather as much information as we can in the event of the expiration of all benefits in December.

Thank you for taking the time to update all of us. Have a great weekend.


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