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First interview in 3 months:) Empty First interview in 3 months:)

Post by DD Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:46 pm

Hello all,

I have an interview today at 4:30 at a major rental car agency, for a rental agent position that I applied for a month or so ago.

When we set up the interview, the manager immediately made me feel at ease, so I am hoping for the best and am praying for God's guidance through this process, as I really need to get out of the situation I am in.

Mentally, I am trying to cope as best as I can, as this situation has progressed going on 3 years and I have totally had enough.....I have a feeling when I give my notice, and I say WHEN, because there is no IF, that there will be at least one person who will be very unhappy with me, but I don't care anymore, because this person unraveled my life for way too long and there are others who have allowed it to go on too long.

I am the only one who can look out for me, so I am taking my own advice:)

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and keep me posted on your progress as well...good luck to everyone who has interviews coming up:)



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Join date : 2011-04-14

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First interview in 3 months:) Empty Re: First interview in 3 months:)

Post by Hurtin@home Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:19 pm


The suspense has been killing me...
How did the interview go? Get the job?
I hope it all worked out well for you!


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Post by DD Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:47 pm

The interview went pretty well, I thought. I won't be hearing anything for probably another week or so, as she needs to interview another dozen people.
They are basically trying to decide if they would like two part time individuals or one full time. I made it clear that I needed full time, so we'll see.
I have another group interview and company presentation to attend on February 9 for a different position at a benefits consulting firm.
Fortunately, I've attended one of these before, so I'll know a little of what to expect....have to keep trying, right?
Good luck to you as well, I will keep everyone posted on the progress & hope everyone has a good day today....yesterday and Saturday of last week were very off days for me...just extremely crabby and anxious....glad today feels more normal:)


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Post by elvis44102 Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:39 pm

I had an interview for an IT position with a large supermarket chain...
it went well they usually do...i think i usually make it to the final selection but not the final singal individual, and cant help but think its an age discrimination thing...

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