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A Possible compromise... Empty A Possible compromise...

Post by Marian Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:02 pm

"Possible tradeoffs for dropping the millionaire surtax could be Republicans backing off their demands to reduce jobless benefits and tighten Medicare eligibility."

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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by Sammy Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:27 pm

This is a no-brainer......I don't agree with it, but any proposal including a surtax on Millionaires will end up DOA with The GOP. They need to GET TOGETHER and negotiate instead of hiding behind closed doors.

Good sign, least The Dems are willing to make some concessions.

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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by Marian Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:29 pm

Yes, I think that taxing the wealthy is good, but also know that there is no way that the greedy Repuplicans will go for that... I kind of knew that if the Dems took that out of the equation there might be a compromise and hopefully the UI benefits will be restored to at least 99 weeks. It's not as if employment has really improved so...come on, Obama help us!

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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by Guest Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:07 am

Sammy wrote:This is a no-brainer......I don't agree with it, but any proposal including a surtax on Millionaires will end up DOA with The GOP. They need to GET TOGETHER and negotiate instead of hiding behind closed doors.

Good sign, least The Dems are willing to make some concessions.
They have made too many concessions over the past three years, that is why the GOP knows they can hold these programs hostage.


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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by Marian Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:09 am


This is an election year too and the Repuplicans are doing what they can just to make Obama look bad which is horrible on their part--unethical, mean spirited creeps!

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Post by tristen303 Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:51 am

Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich no wonder this country is in such trouble. I feel so sorry for a party whose only solution to anything is stealing money from one that earned it, God help this Republic.


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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by ranbrow123 Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:18 am

tristen303 wrote:Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich no wonder this country is in such trouble. I feel so sorry for a party whose only solution to anything is stealing money from one that earned it, God help this Republic.

Yeah I totally had this argument with steveR about 3 months ago. Probably would save us a lot of back and forth if you just read this thread.

After all that, if you still really want to discuss this, I think we should try to avoid derailing this thread. Maybe you could start a new one and let me find you there?

And if you don't feel like reading, long story short it boils down to steveR and I having a fundamental disagreement on what constitutes theft.


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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by tristen303 Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:51 am

Yeah well that argument tugs at the heart strings but is wrong. I don't owe you anything no matter how much I make or how much you need period.
The moral high ground the left does not hold; our country was great when it was free and that ideology was laughed at, now that one party realizes keeping people on the doe by stealing from another keeps them in power says it all (teaching one group by voting for them they can vote themselves money instead of earning it).

I suppose in sports then the top 3 bikers should be what, held back from a race by how many miles? Just becasue the majority can't hang and deserve ribbons too? Or is stating the obvious hurting feelings and self esteem?

No need to discuss, no minds will be changed here.


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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by ranbrow123 Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:29 am

tristen303 wrote:Yeah well that argument tugs at the heart strings but is wrong. I don't owe you anything no matter how much I make or how much you need period.

Did you actually read the thread, or did you read one thing that pissed you off and decide to jump down my throat? Because this is addressed. You don't owe ME or anyone else anything. You DO owe the government taxes. My point is I think as Americans we should be more receptive to paying somewhat more in taxes if that will help the government help fellow struggling Americans.

The moral high ground the left does not hold; our country was great when it was free and that ideology was laughed at, now that one party realizes keeping people on the doe by stealing from another keeps them in power says it all (teaching one group by voting for them they can vote themselves money instead of earning it).

You're using the word stealing again. Taxes are not stealing. Seriously, read the thread. As for "voting themselves money." I guess everyone who votes democrat is just rollin' in dough right now. Rolling Eyes

I suppose in sports then the top 3 bikers should be what, held back from a race by how many miles? Just becasue the majority can't hang and deserve ribbons too? Or is stating the obvious hurting feelings and self esteem?

Didn't MaryKay shoot a similar argument down before by telling you that starving children cannot be compared to a race that awards effin ribbons? I'm paraphrasing, of course, but in this case, "can't hang" means "can't eat." In that case, yes, I am very interested in making sure that everybody "can hang."

No need to discuss, no minds will be changed here.

If you feel there's no need to discuss, why are you discussing it? I spent 3 days arguing this with somebody, so there's no way you could assume that MY mind would be changed. If there's no need to discuss it, stop discussing it and let's not derail this thread further.


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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:57 am

Howdy peeps, friendly reminder to stay on topic. Very Happy

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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by Hurtin@home Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:12 am

If I made a million dollars a year why would I care if the government raised my taxes to the middle class levels? Why would I care if they raised them to 35%? I would care if they raised them to 90%! Why were they at 90%? Because the country needed their help. It was this country that was the source of their income, that is to say they wouldn't have that income had they not resideded here. Taxes were raised but not forever they came back down once the situation returned to some normalcy.

The problem with this country is that many people have no sense of community any longer. I know my neighbors, we talk, help
eachother as best we can. We may not like one another on occasion but we still respect each other enough to say, hey this is my neighbor! I still have to live next door no matter what, might as well get along.

I'm am sorry but there are those that just won't work as a team don't care about anyone but themselves. It's having values, some have them, others do not. It's not getting better it's getting worse. Not sure of its the sewers were raised, the generation, society or what?

Here's what I have seen over the years. For twenty years I worked at a kitchen and bath remodeling company. Worked up the ladder from the bottom. Made $75k my best year. No college degree. What I noticed to be true every single time it happened was this. Average bathroom cost $30k
Average kitchen was 60k. Average mind you. Highest I saw in 20 years bathroom 65k kitchen 110k. Those people didn't even cook! Not kidding either. It was all for show nothing else.

Now here's the interesting part to me. The customers that were really rich were pretty nice folks generally. It was the ones that wernt really rich but either wanted to be really rich but wernt or it seemed as if they were trying to hold on to it really tight they were the ones that were not nice at all. Snotty, rude, and constantly complaining and trying to get things for free. They were unbelievable, a real nightmare. It's all about perception. How do others perceive me, keeping up with the joneses, it was all so fake it was creepy!

I miss the paycheck but not those fake a** customers.
I may need a job but honestly my life has become believe it or not, less stressful.

I clearly don't understand. We are all
On this planet together for a short time only. What happens when we die?
If anyone believes in God, why would they act like a snot? Don't they know they will be expected to explain themselves?

I dont get it.
Must be why I'm not rich...


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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by Marian Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:48 pm

I don't see the point in arguing about taxing the rich or not... At this point, we just want our benefits, right? At least that is what I want!

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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by DD Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:20 pm

Hurtin@home...I like your philosophy:) I am of the belief that there should me a medium ground and I feel that taxing the rich more will not hurt at all.
In the same token, I hope that those who truly need assistance would be able to continue to receive it while looking for work.
It is those people, unfortunately, who abuse much needed programs and file fraudulent UC claims that I have a hard time with.
I also like your ideas about having a sense of "community" , so to help & support one another any way we can.
If not financially, then there are other ways....even listening to others who are having a much harder time may really make their day and keep them from going crazy from stress!


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A Possible compromise... Empty Re: A Possible compromise...

Post by Hurtin@home Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:51 pm

I have been scratching and clawing for three years solid. I'm still here, not getting any place but still kickin! All we want is a decent job for decent wages! Honestly I don't care what I do
For a living, just want to pay my bills like everyone else. I am fortunate to have my children grown and out of college. I'm only 44! My heart goes out to those that are trying to raise children during this mess. Ex wife filed for divorce when all this began and I was blessed to reconnect with my high school sweetie! She is able to support my unemployed butt. However I feel like a slug because I contribute very little where the bills are concerned. I'm basically a stay at home mom with no little children. Talk about being demasculated! Had to rent my house. Cuz can't sell now.

God I want a job so bad it makes me sick! I'm not used to this kind of life! I'm used to working! The great depression took ten years? So we have six more of this? American people are impatient as heck! This can't go on that long. I refuse to believe that the people will stand for it!

I love the occupy protests, cudos to everyone involved! That's what we need more of. People of all
race, creed, color, age, etc. coming together, one voice, one goal! Together we stand, united we will never fall! It is the most impressive display of team work I have ever experienced in my entire life time!
This is our time, our chance, to make a difference, to make a change, to make it better, better than our parents had it! I love to see the people come together! It really would be an awesome moment in our history to be part of if it if only it didn't cause so much pain on everyone. I guess pain is part of the aspect of fighting for a worthy cause.

Keep the faith people! We shall overcome!
Stick together, help your brothers and sisters.
This is NOT the end, it IS just the beginning!
They can take our homes, our cars, our lives,
But they will never take our DETERMINATION!
Stay the course!


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