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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! Empty "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:16 pm

Senate Republicans have used a procedural vote to block President Obama's jobs bill. But when it comes to putting Americans back to work, President Obama won't take no for an answer. Watch a message from him about what's next in this fight.

Stand with the President and help him HELP US in the fight for jobs!

"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! 66067 diffrince "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! 66067


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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! Empty Re: "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:11 pm

"Now a lot of folks in Washington and the media will look at last night’s vote and say, ’Well, that’s it. Let’s move on to the next fight.’ But I’ve got news for them: Not this time. Not with so many Americans out of work," he said. "Not with so many folks in your communities hurting. We will not take no for answer." ~ President Obama


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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! Empty Re: "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:55 pm

God damn right! Good for President Obama!


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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! Empty Re: "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

Post by TR11005 Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:33 am

The time for waiting is over. The Republicans and 2 Democrats have to listen, they made there last fatal mistake. Time to recall them all on January 1 or sooner. Didn't listen to the people who they really work for. It is obvious they work for Wall Street. Support the 99%!

Last edited by TR11005 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2011-02-17

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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! Empty Re: "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

Post by lam Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:05 pm

Is there a fight left???

The Repubs are winning and will continue to do so. Now there are Democrats turning away and voting with the Repubs. This bill or anything else that will help some of the unemployed will never pass thru Congress!!!!!

The rest of us the long term unemployed are screwed!!!!!


Posts : 60
Join date : 2011-04-13

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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! Empty Re: "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:51 pm

lam wrote:Is there a fight left???

The Repubs are winning and will continue to do so. Now there are Democrats turning away and voting with the Repubs. This bill or anything else that will help some of the unemployed will never pass thru Congress!!!!!

The rest of us the long term unemployed are screwed!!!!!
If the President is not willing to take "NO" for an answer, neither am I. None of us should, this is affecting our lives and we need to be more visible and vocal than ever before!

I refuse to give up! Even though I will be starting a new job shortly, if this bill, or something very similar does not pass soon, we are all going to feel the trickle down effect of it. People losing unemployment benefits, no help for exhaustees, people who do have jobs very reluctant to spend..........less money going into the economy. Businesses are going to suffer and I see myself in this position again in less than a year, along with millions of others!


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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! Empty Re: "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:32 pm

"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! 34243


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"The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action! Empty Re: "The Fight for Jobs" ~ Stand with the President to take Action!

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