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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by Heather Cox Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:13 pm


Can someone explain to me in plain English how does the Florida EB works and how long it takes to find out if one qualified.

My tier 4 ended on 7/26/11 I was able to claim for two weeks even tho I had enough balance for one week after I claimed the two weeks it gave me a date to claim again witch it was 8/9/2011. when I checked again on 7/27 the info looked frozen in time without the the 8/9/2011 new day to claim weeks. here's a copy below.

The following is current information for your regular unemployment claim:

Your benefit year began on 01/05/10.
Your weekly benefit amount is $275.00.
Your available credits were: $1650.00.

A payment in the amount of $220.00, was issued on 07/26/11 for 1 weeks.

Your Balance is $0.00
Your Current Payment Method: Direct Deposit to my Bank Account

Reminder: Your next date to claim benefits will be on Tuesday, 07/26/2011.

On 7/27 when I saw that above I filled the on line EB application. I have not worked at all since 2010. I did the skill test yesterday, I also received in the mail yesterday a letter saying that I might qualified for the EB extension with an application, and it suggest you to do it on line for faster handling well I already done that on 7/27/2011 and the letter says not to do it on line nor fax the hard copy if you already applied.

so what now? I've been trying to call since yesterday and no luck getting thru I just want to have an Idea how long it takes. Like I said I haven't worked at all since 2010 and for the past 3 months I have provided 5 job contacts per week. do I have a chance to get the EB and how long will it takes for me to find out?

If I'm asking for too much I'm so sorry I'm feeling desperate and scare. I'm just hopping that someone here has a similar situation like mine and received the EB benefits recently and might be able to answer some of my questions.

Thank you in advance. I love you

Heather Cox

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-08-01

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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by Guest Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:55 pm

Im not familiar with how long it takes in Fla...Im guessing a week or two? I would keep trying to call just to be safe and make sure your claim went through with out any problems. Im sure once some of our Fla members see this question they can answer better than I.

Good Luck and welcome to the forum! Very Happy


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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by fb2011 Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:30 pm

I just went through the transition to EB 6 weeks ago. It took about a week after doing the online app for EB for it to update. I just kept checking my claim info and it reset to the EB account balance. I claimed my last T4 on a Monday, did my EB app the next day and it was updated the next Monday I believe. Anyway, I didn't miss any weeks to claim or anything, I claimed my next 2 weeks exactly 2 weeks after finishing T4.

Good luck!


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Join date : 2011-04-11

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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by Heather Cox Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:26 pm

Thank you Sick & Tired and fb2011.

I'm freaking out because a friend of mine ended he tiers at the same time as me but filled her EB application a day after me has a new balance of $5,500 today 8/4/11 and mine still says $0.00

I wonder why? we were both layoff the same day and started Unemployment at the same time and like I said before she did her EB a day after me and yet she has a new balance today but not me Sad

could of be that we are in different counties?

Heather Cox

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-08-01

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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by fb2011 Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:37 pm

I am not sure, and there is no telling with those people at AWI, but could it have something to do with SS numbers? I mean, does she claim on a Monday and you a Tuesday or vice-versa? I think the system runs a check to make sure you haven't earned enough for a new claim, maybe hers just got done faster? I am sorry you have to go through this frustration. I get freaked out by them a lot also pale and you can call and ask 3 different reps and get 3 completely different answers.


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Join date : 2011-04-11

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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:52 pm

They do go by your SS# (I think its the last digit)...I hope this helps!


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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by Heather Cox Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:26 am

I guess I won't be getting EB, it's been 7 days and no $ on my Unemployment acc. since August 1st I've been calling every day and no luck getting thru to talk to anyone, I'm guessing that there's thousands like me who ended tier 4 on the same week. . I have a prepaid phone now I'm out of minutes after listening to the darned recordings from AWI for hours and days. Now I'm stuck with no cellphone minutes no $ to add more minutes and rent it's due on the 11, God Bless America .

Can I google nearest pay phones? I guess I'm gonna have to drive around and find one, my neighbor its gone for the weekend. I haven't seen a pay phone in years. hopefully there won't be a time limit on how long I can be on it because I will stay on the phone again all day today till I talk to someone if not Monday then. No

I don't know what else to do, This is very frustrating.

Heather Cox

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-08-01

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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by Heather Cox Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:30 am

I finally received my EB a while back, I started a partime job 25 hrs a week at $9.45 like 2 weeks ago, I'm exited, I hated staying at home, I was very happy when they called me.. anyway my question is, I filled my unemployment on Monday, I added how much I earned on the orientation day before taxes on one week and 3 days pay on the second week of my claim even tho I haven't got paid yet as they request on unemployment, I still went job hunting so I added 10 job searches 5 per week, my claim it went tru but I didn't get paid from unemployment tho (hey I'm working I'm happy) anyway for some reason It says that I have to claim again in 2 weeks. why? how long do I have to keep claiming weeks even tho I found a partime job and unemployment is not paying anything anymore?

I'm still doing job searches hopping to find a full time job or at least a another partime job so I can have more income...

thank you in advance..
Excuse my grammar and misspelling, I just got home from work I'm exhausted LOL bah, who carest it feels good to be working... cheers

Heather Cox

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-08-01

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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by tunit Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:45 pm

What is your weekly benefit amount? If you are earning in excess of your weekly benefit amount your weeks will not pay. The system will tell you when to claim again, as your claim is still active.

If you are earning in excessive of your weekly benefit amount you may stop claiming and reopen your claim under reduced hours if you start earning under the weekly benefit amount.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-08-31

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Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me? Empty Re: Ended Tier 4 what's next EB or is it over for me?

Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:13 am

Thank you Heather for the slowly inboud pouring af fact's dat I think you need to relay on your UI dept more than diggin' in dis ditch. It's not a crap shoot, honest. Dey care!

yours... exodus.


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