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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by Guest Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:20 pm

Obama Betrayal Liberal senators are "holding their breath," worried that President Barack Obama will capitulate to Republican demands for a large spending-cuts-only package in the final push to avoid a debt default by the Tuesday deadline. Sen. Bernie Sanders said giving in to Republican demands for deep budget cuts under the threat of not paying the nation's bills would set a "horrendous precedent," Roll Call reported.


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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:34 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
Obama Betrayal Liberal senators are "holding their breath," worried that President Barack Obama will capitulate to Republican demands for a large spending-cuts-only package in the final push to avoid a debt default by the Tuesday deadline. Sen. Bernie Sanders said giving in to Republican demands for deep budget cuts under the threat of not paying the nation's bills would set a "horrendous precedent," Roll Call reported.

If Obama does not end the tax cuts, I am done with him. No more grass roots support from me. We need to find a new progressive candiate.

capitil hill Hope and change is more like SMOKE UP MY AZZ!

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Age : 50

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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by Guest Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:16 pm

Yes, so very disappointing, not only did the GOP who voted in the tea folks get it stuck to them, but those of us who voted for him, stand in almost shock and bewilderment of what we thought we had in a President.


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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:26 pm

he betrays his own party for his own glory! I am not a dem. and presently not a repub. because both are full of betrayal and self serving! Its no longer about the American people but about special partys and interest groups. Both sides have them!


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Age : 77

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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by Falcon7 Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:52 pm

I think he has given up, I would not be surprised if he decides not to run in 2012.


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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by TOO OLD TO HIRE IN PA Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:37 pm

Falcon7 wrote:I think he has given up, I would not be surprised if he decides not to run in 2012.

If his approval ratings go down the toilet, then we need a strong Democratic/Independent candidate to run. The Republican candidates running are total loons.


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Location : Pennsylvania

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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by lendmeflight2 Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:52 pm

I'm pretty sure he will run. The only three candidates that have a chance of beating him are Romney (Maybe) Pawlenty, and Huntsman. The republican voters will eliminate all three of these more reasonable candidates and all you will be left with is the crazies.

I personally think that the final three candidates will be Romney, Bachmann, and Rick Perry of Texas. Perry will be the candidate for the republicans. He will run on a "states rights" platform and lose.

Obama needs to face a primary challenger but I think he will overcome that. His approval ratings are down but so are everyone's.
He will get rid of the tax cuts, they won't be able to hold unemployment extensions over the president's head anymore because the deadline will pass in December and not be renewed. The choice that people will have is to either vote for extending the Bush tax cuts or vote against them. The only way they will be extended again is if Obama loses. This will be the cornerstone of his campaign, I'm sure.

I don't know what else he could run on.

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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by rprp Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:45 pm

Falcon7 wrote:I think he has given up, I would not be surprised if he decides not to run in 2012.

You know, considering he managed to dupe us so much (or me at least) in the beginning and most think he'll run again, maybe you're right. Maybe he is just full of surprises.


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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:30 am

saw the news this morning about pres. saying he was disappointed in the deal and one mention was no entitlement cuts and reform!!! Wow... who does he care for. seems like he's a repub to me!


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Age : 77

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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:31 am

Falcon7 wrote:I think he has given up, I would not be surprised if he decides not to run in 2012.

If his approval ratings go down the toilet, then we need a strong Democratic/Independent candidate to run. The Republican candidates running are total loons.

Seems to me that there is NO strong candidate on either party looks good enough to vote for?


Posts : 863
Join date : 2011-02-17
Age : 77

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Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal' Empty Re: Bernie Sanders: 'Obama Betrayal'

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