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Why you can't find a job? - Page 3 Empty Why you can't find a job?

Post by dreamslides Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:31 pm

First topic message reminder :

I just really want to hear why you think you cannot find a job? What caused it and do you believe it will continue? I'm going to list a few examples for why I feel finding a job is very near impossible at this point in time.

1. Human Resources - They want to look busy so they create fake job listings they never have any intention of filling, and if they do they draw the process out so long they waste your time and mine because in doing so they are seen as doing more work than they actually do. In my opinion they do nothing but hire, fire, or cause trouble and if they filled jobs based only on qualifications they'd be filled in 1-2 days not weeks! Then their hours would be cut since they aren't working.

2. Social circles - Friends employee friends therefore anyone not as good at making friends and fitting in will have a harder time getting employed, especially at a place that is retail because there you WANT friends to kill time with and make your life less dull. So for me it's hard since I basically have no friends and am outcast, I keep to myself mostly.

3. Baby Boomers - I blame them considerably because they sent the jobs overseas while I was growing up only caring about themselves and planning for retirement, but oops wait what's that you say THEY cannot find jobs now and cut into those very retirement savings to stay afloat? Oops....... So in the end they didn't help themselves either, only a small percentage are rich and not loosing money. I understand not all baby boomers are to blame but they grew up and could've prevented this by looking further down the road and seeing it - I was not working when they were alive. THINK AHEAD.... the ironic thing is they wanna take the social security away and medicare cuz the government overspent so they're just as screwed as me now.

4. The People - I blame alot of this on people too, you know the ones who took low wage jobs instead of ignoring or demanding more money. If every person working negotiated for a fair wage or didn't take the job then we'd all have fair WAGES and be much better off, but nooo you have them taking minimum wage jobs 2 or 3 and that means companies can do whatever they want not just to you but everyone that they employ.

5. Government - I blame them yes, they are bad people that TAX us like hell and spend it on frivolous nonsense that doesn't help US. Exactly why would I want my tax dollars spent to pay for a military base in another country or some war that doesn't benefit me? How much oil did the wars they fought BURN UP? More than they got in exchange? I don't recall giving them my permission to tax the death out of us to spend the money abroad do you?

Anyways I can go on but am also interested in your ideas. I blame Human Resources first though because they keep posting fake ads for jobs, the you go and it's either entirely a different position or they never call you back. You know why they don't call you back???? Because they're just trying to look BUSY and get hours like everyone else.


Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-07-25
Age : 43
Location : Bolingbrook, IL

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Why you can't find a job? - Page 3 Empty Re: Why you can't find a job?

Post by nfpexec Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:46 am

I had a roller coaster week, starting with several phone interviews and ending with no follow up calls for in person interviews. Today I totally zoned out so I am going to see what happens if I edit out the first 15 yrs of work experience. Obviously they will know I'm not 30 when they meet me but at this point I just need them to meet me in person.

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Join date : 2011-03-22
Location : new york

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