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Obama: Stop insults and compromise over debt

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Obama: Stop insults and compromise over debt Empty Obama: Stop insults and compromise over debt

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:07 am

Barack Obama called Saturday for an end to insults and demands in the negotiations over the debt ceiling, after they broke down Friday night.

"We can come together for the good of the country and reach a compromise; we can strengthen our economy and leave for our children a more secure future," he said. "Or we can issue insults and demands and ultimatums at each another, withdraw to our partisan corners, and achieve nothing."

"Well, we know the right thing to do. And we know what the American people expect us to do," Obama added.


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Obama: Stop insults and compromise over debt Empty Re: Obama: Stop insults and compromise over debt

Post by stillnutty Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:36 am

This has just been a political game on both sides. They will end up raising the ceiling only, with no package. Then they will waste MORE time arguing about the budget. Anything to keep their lack of knowledge on job creation, and the the issue of unemployment out of the limelight.


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