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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:20 pm

They are giving in again, just like they did in December with the Tax Cuts. Who runs this country anyway?

Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown 681285


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:21 pm

They're not going to. Republicans are threatening to shut down government as a tactic to get Democrats to vote for its passage. They're hoping that Democrats that discover the ruse and pass it under fears of shutting down the government.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:26 pm

They cannot give in on this. When the republicans shutdown the government it always goes bad for them.

However, they have been good at outsmarting the dems so the democrats will probably let the republicans blame them for the shutdown.

I have no idea who is running their strategy but I think I could do a better job.

Politics is a game, play it!

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:37 pm

It's already been reported the Huffington Post that Republicans are using it as a bluff on the Democrats. If Democrats vote for this without getting anything in return, then they deserved to be replaced.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by mistermunster Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:11 pm

Dems are WEAK and the GOP is EVIL. Rock and a hard place anyone??? affraid

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:21 pm

Very weak. Just like how they let the GOP outsmart them and keep the filibuster. It's embarrassing really.

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:47 pm

I wouldn't say that either party is weak. I would just describe the situation as being that the Democrats have lost their fire that made them a powerful voice in Congress. They just need to regain that fire and start standing up for their convictions.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:01 pm

To me that is weakness, I agree with you in principle kemcha.

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:08 pm

Exactly. I think the problem is that both parties consider that strength is in numbers. That's just a misleading belief. Ideals and beliefs are what makes us stronger, what makes us passionate. Democrats just need to regain that belief. Very Happy


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:10 pm

Well, yeah. Liberals are honestly the only people that have ever made positive change and I challenge any conservative to prove me wrong. The founding father's were the liberals of their day when they said there could be another form of government besides monarchy.

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:24 pm

I think both parties have great ideas. It just seems that Republicans ideas are just more intense, more radical, than what the American People will be able to live with.

If these budget cuts pass and the President signs it, you can bet that every American citizen is going to be impacted by it and I don;t mean in a positive way, either.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by tristen303 Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:44 pm

I dont know Im on the fence everytime Im told that I know from my personal experiences that having cut my budget sucked and hurt I learned that I was spending money on a lot stuff I thought I needed and didn't. I cannot imagine it would be any different for the government; where I take exception is when they wil cut this but won't cut that it has to be across the board including defense, entitlements (both corp and indiv) and at some point a tax increase. If we are in crisis then every option must be on the table to wright the ship once that is accomplished then we can start tweaking things.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:48 pm

What you need to understand is that the bill, even if it passes both chambers, needs to get signed by President Obama, who has threatened to veto the bill.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by tristen303 Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:04 pm

Which is what I think the Repubs want they can pass bill after bill without worry of it really ever being put into law and still get to blame the Dems and Pres and with the mood of the country about the budget crisis this puts them in a great position. The funny part will be if Obama puts it into law because Im sure that the Repubs didnt model that.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:08 pm

The republican's can't really lose over the budget unless they cut social security. If they pass a budget and Obama signs it, they will pass the blame to him when services get cut and disaster looms. If he doesn't sign it they will just make him look like a tax spend democrat. As long as they don't shut the government down their won't be disaster for their party. However, in any case, I still don't think they will beat him in 2012 which is their true goal.

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by tristen303 Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:50 pm

i hope not i like a unbalanced system


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:23 pm

I think it's more that that, lendmeflight. The problem is that I don't think Democrats are going to be as willing to agree with the CR. While American voters agree that spending is out of control and that the Federal budget needs to be cut, the kind of cuts that Americans voted Republicans in to effect these cuts.

However, the degree of cuts that Republicans and the Tea Party have announced cut too drastically to vital programs and services that our country needs to survive. Nowhere in the cuts are plans to lower the Defense Budget or the budget for the Pentagon. They have been declared "off the table."

President Obama and the Democrats state that we must "share the sacrifice" but nobody hears anything about Federal agencies, the military or the Pentagon being involved in these cuts.

If Obama doesn't sign the bill, I think American voters will see this as a result of Republicans trying to cut too much out of vital government services when they weren't willing to do the same to the military or the Pentagon.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:49 pm

it all very curious and concerning! Would hurt this country very badly!


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:53 pm



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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:55 pm

I think the Republicans were goaded into this because they were only going to originally cut something like 42 billion from the budget but Tea Party Republicans decided that they wanted 100 billion cut.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:04 pm

is it at the 40 mill or 100 mill mark now?

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:50 pm

It's close to the 100 billion mark. It was 60 billion earlier this week.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:54 pm

So, here is what I think will happen. It will be reduced back to 40 billion or less and then the tea party will take a crap on republicans in 2012. The dems will be back in majority.

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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by wilcal Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:01 pm

lendmeflight2 wrote:So, here is what I think will happen. It will be reduced back to 40 billion or less and then the tea party will take a crap on republicans in 2012. The dems will be back in majority.
The Election is in Nov of 2012. That will either
elect new or re-elect a President. Also a good
number of seats in the Senate are up as well as
in the House again. Those elected in that election
will take office in Jan of 2013.


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Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown Empty Re: Democrats Considering Budget Cuts to avoid Govt. Shutdown

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:03 pm

wow, both sides looking for any excuse to go home!


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