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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by Guest Fri May 27, 2011 11:42 am

Today the Republican Leadership chose not to consider H.R. 1745, which was paradoxically named the Jobs Act of 2011. The ‘Jobs Act’ would have stripped unemployment benefits and denied millions of Americans the ability to make ends meet. It would have eliminated federal payments for temporary extended unemployment benefits on July 6, 2011. Four million Americans would have lost their extended benefits in early July unless states provide coverage for them. The CBC is truly committed to doing our job to create jobs and protect our most vulnerable. This is the reason all but one of the Democratic amendments came from the CBC."

GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! 944440

Last edited by DesperateInRI on Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by RookieCAF Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 pm

Thats a good thing.

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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by hello Fri May 27, 2011 12:34 pm

No its not. They want us to join the ranks of poverty in batches so we cant become a large group which poses a threat.

Would have been nice to have 20 million ppl join our ranks in 1 day.


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by RookieCAF Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 pm


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by Guest Fri May 27, 2011 12:45 pm

Thank god it was pulled back!! Although I fear what will come next from the GOP. they are very unpredictable at times. just when you thing they are "getting it" they do something even more terrible than before.


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by lendmeflight2 Fri May 27, 2011 12:47 pm

This is the republicans latest attempt to feel the American people into thinking that they have a plan and the desire to help the working class. If they had not backed of this and things like ending medicare they would stand no chance in 2012 of winning any seats anywhere. Hopefully We won't fall for this.

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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by Guest Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 pm

Even if they brought 589 and the best dam jobs bill EVER to the floor today for a vote and passed it unanimously, I would never vote republican at this point. I am Dem, but there was a point when I use to consider ALL candidates no matter what the party. But that has changed. They do not have our interests at heart, even though they pretend to occasionally.


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by lendmeflight2 Fri May 27, 2011 1:08 pm

It's unlikely that I would vote for a republican before but I will never vote for one now. They could bring Lincoln back from the dead and I wouldn't vote for him.

I am afraid that the working Joe in this country will be fooled again by the fall of 2012

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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by Rose Fri May 27, 2011 1:40 pm

I can't even listen to a republican talk for more then 5 seconds.


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by Guest Fri May 27, 2011 1:55 pm

I fear that too lendme, people forget WAY too easy. Although, after trying to strip SS and medicare I am hopeful that at least a few more folks will remember come election time. (fingers crossed)

The GOP have already lost some unemployed republicans after witnessing how they have disregarded the unemployed while catering to the rich.


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 pm

If you think about it forcing people to use coupons is intrusive in itself. Medicare will be there down fall.

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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by Guest Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 pm

I agree lendme and sick and tired. I used to really look at the candidates and the platforms and what best suited the area, township or country. I am firmly in the Dem Camp now. I cannot even listen to their hypocrisy. They created this God awful mess and have tried to play the blame game, using every low-life trick they can. Name calling, pretenting this is a Dem problem, the unemployed are lazy and adding to the deficit. No, No, No. You Republicans allowed this mess to be made, did nothing about making sure it could be fixed and now want to blame the Democrats and the unemployed. My tent is pitched until further notice in the Dem. Camp. nothing to do with unemployment for me, they are just heartless excuse makers covering their collective butts.


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty 4.1 Million Jobless: GOP Finds Revolt on Unemployment Benefits

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 pm


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri May 27, 2011 5:08 pm

O crp I did it again DespINRI beatme to it. Please merge Rolling Eyes

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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by mamroz Fri May 27, 2011 10:45 pm

Sick & Tired wrote:Even if they brought 589 and the best dam jobs bill EVER to the floor today for a vote and passed it unanimously, I would never vote republican at this point. I am Dem, but there was a point when I use to consider ALL candidates no matter what the party. But that has changed. They do not have our interests at heart, even though they pretend to occasionally.

I love this quote that I found on Huff Post:

“There are only 2 kinds of Republican­s, Millionair­es, and Suckers, which are you?”


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GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!! Empty Re: GOP Pulls back Introduction of HR 1745!!

Post by keilowkei Sat May 28, 2011 2:59 pm

Its ridiculous that all these politicians talked about job creation when it was election time..And still we have nothing on the job creation front no jobs bills no hr 589 etc MAD Frustrated


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