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How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis?

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How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis? Empty How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis?

Post by Guest Sun May 15, 2011 11:11 am

At a time when millions of Americans are without work, the political debate has taken a bizarre turn. Instead of discussing how to make the public investments necessary to get Americans back to work, the political right has used the deficit "crisis" to push for cuts in workers' rights and pay, without explaining how the economy can recover if potential consumers are too poor to buy anything. The focus now is on draconian cuts in the social safety net that the unemployed and their families need more than ever and for even less regulation of the finance institutions that brought the economy to its knees.

There are millions of people with talents, skills, and the desire to work. There is a backlog of work that needs doing: people who need food, homes, and education; communities that need bike lanes, rapid transit, renewable and reliable sources of energy, and rebuilt bridges and water systems. There are empty factories and offices, natural resources, and skilled workers ready to pitch in.

But our economy no longer seems up to the task for putting these elements together.


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How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis? Empty Re: How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis?

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Sun May 15, 2011 2:09 pm

Its a complete waste of valuable resources ie people. When engineers have to wash dishes to put food on the table, who does that help really?

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How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis? Empty Re: How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis?

Post by Guest Sun May 15, 2011 3:21 pm

It is just totally scarry to see what is happening all these millions of people living just on the edge. No one in gov't will pay attention, and that by itself is going to take this Country down. Why can't they talk about a jobs bill, find some way to get people retrained for jobs that they need. What ever happened to apprenticeship programs? You hear of very few companies that are actually training people for jobs. Why doesn't the gov't give small business funds to train folks? God, there's got to be something they can do besides just cut programs that are a life line and needed more than ever before. Rant, rant, rant. Feel better though.


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How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis? Empty Re: How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis?

Post by Guest Sun May 15, 2011 3:49 pm

We need to rebuild our infrastructure. that would put MANY back to work. High speed rails would put a good number of people back to work as well. IT HAS TO HAPPEN FAST THOUGH!


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How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis? Empty Re: How Can We Solve the Jobs Crisis?

Post by suri Mon May 16, 2011 11:46 am

How many years has this/can this GO ON?? (Don't think I can take the answer to that?) Waiting


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