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Now That Bin Laden Is Dead, Let's Pump Life Into Forgotten Americans

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Now That Bin Laden Is Dead, Let's Pump Life Into Forgotten Americans Empty Now That Bin Laden Is Dead, Let's Pump Life Into Forgotten Americans

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 10:27 am

In the midst of international turmoil and instability, sadly, many
Americans have become displaced within their own country and forgotten
in the influx of seemingly endless challenges and complexities. The
struggling mother working multiple jobs, the retiree wondering how he
will afford prescription medication, the young high school grad figuring
out how to pay for college, the inner city child frustrated with a
failing school and all of the forgotten ones deserve much better than
this. Proving once again that we are arguably still the most powerful
nation around, it's time we begin treating all of our citizens with
dignity and respect. The quickest way to do that is to level the
playing field, provide the most disenfranchised with opportunities and
re-commit ourselves to improving in the areas where we lack the most.
I'm confident that Obama will deliver on this much as he delivered on a
vital promise made to us prior to winning the coveted position of the


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Now That Bin Laden Is Dead, Let's Pump Life Into Forgotten Americans Empty Re: Now That Bin Laden Is Dead, Let's Pump Life Into Forgotten Americans

Post by exhaustedandtired/1208 Sat May 07, 2011 11:07 am

WE ARE NOT DEAD! Bin Laden will be a short memory and then the President will have to focus on the problems at hand, and also he MUST once again remember there are millions out of work and have no income and are soon to be homeless and more... I am totally amazed how members of congress are treating the unemployed as drunks and bums who don't want to work and there is absolutely NO ONE to counter and shove this in their faces to humiliate them into shame. I guess with todays politicians its pocket money by taking care of your rich friends after all what does the poor middle class and homeless have that could benefit them. And the president well, he needs to be re-elected and if he lowers himself to acknowledge us then he will expose a hugh dent in his record that reflects unemployment is a great problem and many are suffering and this would be embarrassing to him let alone hurt his reelection chances. This is why when vital unemployment statistics come out weekly they are refined and altered until they look good! And once again here we are in the middle with no resolve! The dems. and president ignore us to do nothing to fight for us also to let the ire and anger reflect on the repubs and the anger is justified because they want to kill the hurting and poor and elderly on SS and medicare and treat them like animals . however when the weekly reports are doctored and all the presidents speeches that deny our existence. Well its a very sad day and never before has the unemployed been called names and put in such a low life class. The unions want to take care of the working. the immigrants want the low paying jobs and get them and the unemployed are denied jobs because A; unemployment is our fault
B: we don't want to work
C: we have used the system to collect all those weeks and sit back and not looked for jobs
D:we have been unemployed too long and are untrainable (those who are 50 and older (64 me))
Where is the American dream now???? Now its a bad memory!


Posts : 863
Join date : 2011-02-17
Age : 77

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Now That Bin Laden Is Dead, Let's Pump Life Into Forgotten Americans Empty Re: Now That Bin Laden Is Dead, Let's Pump Life Into Forgotten Americans

Post by AbusedWorker Tue May 10, 2011 8:01 am

There's no way they can afford to "pump life" into the USA because they spent their last dollar on war. It's that simple.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-05-06

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