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Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now

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Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now  Empty Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now

Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Fri May 06, 2011 9:29 pm,b=facebook

Hello Washington?

Even for Americans with jobs, wages are going nowhere. Basically, the only employers hiring are paying peanuts. McDonalds just announced it would start hiring big time.

Waiting Waiting Waiting

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Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now  Empty Re: Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now

Post by mistermunster Sat May 07, 2011 2:02 am

gettheminNOVEMBER wrote:,b=facebook

Hello Washington?

Even for Americans with jobs, wages are going nowhere. Basically, the only employers hiring are paying peanuts. McDonalds just announced it would start hiring big time.

Waiting Waiting Waiting

What good is it when people HAVE NO MONEY to buy their NEWLY INCREASED PRICED toxic food? let alone anything else. This whole Fast Food jobs will save America is a FALLACY of the first order. We are all being herded like sheep to ACCEPT this strategic manipulation by the corporate villains.

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Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now  Empty Re: Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Sat May 07, 2011 4:41 pm

It seems clear to me we are headed towards another recession. All indicators are pointing in that direction. Less demand for gasoline is driving gas prices up, and its also making people think twice about certain trips and it gets compounded at that point. Add those not working, so not driving to work, not driving to buy anything other than absolute necessities.

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Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now  Empty Re: Why Washington Should Pay Attention to the Economy Here and Now

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 9:16 pm

I just heard of two family members laid off last week. Yes, we are heading backwards for sure.


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