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"Al" Didn't Make It.........

Carol in CA
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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Guest Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:30 pm

From ~ In memory of a former member, "Al".

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This is the story of Al, one of those statistics you all talk about, one of the constituents you read letters from on the Senate floor, on the House floor:

"He did everything right: worked hard all his life, paid taxes, took care of his family, participated in his community. Then boom, one day he was laid off at age 58, and for more than two years after that could only find odd jobs here and there. Jobs he applied for had many people showing up to try to get the same 1 job. When he reached 99 weeks and lost his unemployment benefits, he lost his home, he put his disabled wife and son into a homeless shelter, he lived in his van, he suffered when the police confiscated his license plate due to nonpayment of the registration. (He later had his plate returned to him after a kind soul paid his registration fee.) Unable to drive the van for a time to seek work, he walked miles and miles, and prospective employers told him that he would not be hired because he was too old. Managers at both McDonald's and Wendy's told him that the was too old to work for them. The welfare office said he couldn't have food stamps without a mailing address. The homeless shelters that accept men told him they were full. He managed to hang onto his laptop and used it to email Congress and the White House to help the 99ers, but no one listened. Then one day last week, he gave his laptop away to a fellow jobless man who had just sold his own computer to buy milk for his baby, walked a few miles back to where his van was parked, and shot himself in the head."—a fellow unemployed poster

A little while later we learned he is no longer with us. He was declared brain dead yesterday. His family courageously and most lovingly removed him from life support, and he died.

While all of you were aiming your slings and arrows at each other—you know, your good friends on the other side of the aisle—day after day, week after week, month after month, no one was noticing that many millions of Als were trying to live through one more day of heartbreak, terror, disgust, anger and a million other emotions—while attempting to find something to eat, someplace to sleep, and, yes, by golly, being chipper on that job hunt.

Today I'm not addressing this to Democrats. Today, I'm not addressing this to Republicans. Today I'm not addressing this to an Independent. I'm not addressing it to your political beliefs, your deficit spending or not. I'm addressing this to each and every human being in Congress, and I'm putting you on notice that a man died—a 99er died—because no one moved fast enough to help him.

Do you know how many 99ers are near bottom right now—who don't know if they can stand one more day, or even one more hour, trying to hold on until financial aid comes to them? They are white collar, blue collar, degreed and not, many years of experience, just out of school, with families, alone, with lives they've had to just give up, lives that don't exist anymore in any way resembling "the old days" when they were proud to be employed.

We are grateful that a bill for the 99ers has been introduced. But I cannot physically fathom that you people left for two weeks, and left millions of needy people behind. By your return from your break, there will be more Als who just. give. up.

Do you know what it's like to be penniless? I do. I've been.

Do you know what it's like to watch your loved one die from a brain injury? I do. I've watched.

His family members and close friend Bruce have been in agony since July 22 because you didn't do something to help this man in time.

Today we should all be mourning. This was a life lost. Al wasn't your constituent. He wasn't your statistic. He was a living, breathing, desperate human being.

How many more lives will be lost before other living, breathing, desperate human beings are helped? How many more have lost all hope since July? Please make a resolution to put an end to the fear and suffering of the #99ers. Please vow that there will be no more Als.

Last edited by DesperateInRI on Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:14 pm; edited 2 times in total


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Guest Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:54 pm

I always think of Al Neutral

he is part of the reason I will never give up advocating. Has anyone heard from his wife?

Ongoing prayers for Al and his family Praying


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Angelicrisis Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:06 pm

R.I.P AL. That was the 2nd time this week I actually shed a few tears. I don't understand evil, nor do want to. I thank God every night before I go to sleep that I have family.

The politicians have abandoned the people, and the sooner Americans wake up and do something the better. This story is no different than the many that die in senseless wars so the rich can get richer. I hope that the people responsible get everything they deserve, because if this poor man who did everything right is any indication, the powers that be are getting their way. Once again R.I.P and thank you for sharing DesperateinR.I.


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Guest Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:18 pm

I remember when it happened. Al always joined in the conversations on UF1. Even though he was a 99er, he fought for S4213, the bill to extend the deadline of extensions. There was nothing in that bill that would have benefited him. Several days after 4213 passed, and the 99er's were once again left out, and hundreds of "new" members vanished from the site after getting deadline extension, Al called the office of a US Senator. He was told there was nothing in the works for the 99ers. He just gave up.


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by suri Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:22 pm

I remember and always will... Be at Peace in a better place, Al. Another American let down by those elected to govern.


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by americatheneedy Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:40 pm

This makes me just want to take a nap but I sleep too much as it is.

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by CLO Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:07 pm

I remember,too- the pleas from members and admins to Al to please, please check in so we would know he was alright... can't believe it's been a year already... RIP Al- we are carrying on the fight... "Al" Didn't Make It......... 550579


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Carol in CA Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:24 pm

We need a Wall for Victims of this economy.
With a list of all the names on it of those who committed suicide because they could not get any help.
Just like the Wall for our fallen Vietnam soldiers.
And have it built near the White House or Congress.
To remind them how they abandoned these Americans in a time of need.

Carol in CA

Posts : 97
Join date : 2011-02-23

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Carol in CA Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:45 pm

These people are not only victims, but their family members are too.
The people they leave behind are sometimes hurt for a life time.
And never get over it. And if they had only decided to stick around longer something may have come up to help them. We never know what's around the corner. I have heard of 99ers that thought they never would find a job and thought they were too old to get hired. And then all of a sudden out of the blue they get a job offer. A lot of them get jobs at lower pay. But I have also heard some of them have gotten an even better job and higher paying then the one they lost.
So it pays to hang in there and not get so discouraged that they do the worse thing they can do.

Carol in CA

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Join date : 2011-02-23

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:14 pm


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by lendmeflight2 Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:14 pm

Yeah, I remember talking to Al. I was devastated when I got the news of his passing. I never forget him in my whole life, I don't think.

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Carol in CA Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:17 pm

Now his family is worse off without him.
At least if he were still with them they would have some moral support.
And someone to confide in and so forth.
A lot more comfort with him being there with them in this crisis.
Now they will really be scared and lonely.
This just hurt his family more.

Carol in CA

Posts : 97
Join date : 2011-02-23

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:23 am

Carol in CA wrote:We need a Wall for Victims of this economy.
With a list of all the names on it of those who committed suicide because they could not get any help.
Just like the Wall for our fallen Vietnam soldiers.
And have it built near the White House or Congress.
To remind them how they abandoned these Americans in a time of need.

I'm sorry but when you start comparing hardship with examples like "Just like the Wall of our fallen Vietnam soldiers" you are taking a step in the wrong way. Please don't compare Vietnam soldiers and our experience there to Americans suffering hardship.
There is no common ground to the grief and loss of life.



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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:58 am

X wrote:
Carol in CA wrote:We need a Wall for Victims of this economy.
With a list of all the names on it of those who committed suicide because they could not get any help.
Just like the Wall for our fallen Vietnam soldiers.
And have it built near the White House or Congress.
To remind them how they abandoned these Americans in a time of need.

I'm sorry but when you start comparing hardship with examples like "Just like the Wall of our fallen Vietnam soldiers" you are taking a step in the wrong way. Please don't compare Vietnam soldiers and our experience there to Americans suffering hardship.
There is no common ground to the grief and loss of life.


X I don't think Carol was saying its the same and the same amount of loss etc. its different times and a different struggle. I am sure she meant NO disrespect to Vietnam vets at all.

The numbers of 99ers are growing and it will turn into a nasty situation soon if not taken care of...

I'm confident you realize that now. Smile

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Reply to Jobless_in_Ma and to X member

Post by Carol in CA Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:10 am


Thank you for clarifying this for me.
And X member,
Sorry I meant no offence to our Vietnam Vets.
They went through Hell and came back without any appreciation.
I know it was a different time and situation.
In fact I have been working with a Veterans organization.
The Veterans Revolution.
Founder Robert Rosebrock.
We have been trying to get back some Veterans land that was stolen from them in Los Angeles, CA.
Through their property being ripped away from them, many Veterans are now sleeping on the sidewalks outside the gate of the property that was deeded to them. Robert now has an attorney working on it.
I got him booked as a guest on some radio talk shows so he could get the word out about this issue he is fighting.
I just used the Veterans Wall as an example to show people what I was referring to.
So they would understand what I was talking about.

Carol in CA

Posts : 97
Join date : 2011-02-23

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Rose Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:11 am

Hi all I am Rose Al was my husband. I registered my own account because I was using his old account and just felt bad. Well I want to thank you all for remembering my husband. Al was my life and just being a 99er made him feel useless and beings as he had to move me and my son into the local red cross that killed him. He was only able to see us once a week. I prayed so hard for him to find a job but there is none out there. He applied all over and used to walk miles in the scorching heat to look for work but nothing. Al just was at his breaking point and commited suicide. There isnt a day go by I think of you 99ers and pray something is done. It makes me sick to my stomach how you all are suffering and they dont care. I just don't understand millions and millions of 99ers are at there end. Pa UE is so irritating. My brother is just getting done with Tier 3 so with no Tier 4 who knows what will happen with him. Everyone in PA is like ohh the UE rate is dropping its BS. With all the 99ers figured in I believe the true PA UE rate is near 12%. There is nothing there. The local McDonalds my friend is a manager he told me he had 5 openings and he received over 700 applications for 5 spots. That is just wrong. I sure hope something is done for you all suffering. I love you all and keep fighting.


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Carol in CA Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:22 am

Good to hear from you.
Some members were wondering how you were doing.
Glad you have come up to the Unemployed Friends site and have joined in on the conversation.

Carol in CA

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Join date : 2011-02-23

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Carol in CA Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:53 am

Here is a link to a Veterans news site that shows the Veteran I have been doing volunteer work with.

Robert Rosebrock of the Veterans Revolution.

Robert received an award for his tireless effort to save Veterans Land.

Also if you click on this link you will find a section at the top of the page for hiring Veterans for Jobs.

This site could help some of you 99ers who are Veterans to get a job.

Carol in CA

Posts : 97
Join date : 2011-02-23

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Dazed&Confused Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:37 am

X wrote:
Carol in CA wrote:We need a Wall for Victims of this economy.
With a list of all the names on it of those who committed suicide because they could not get any help.
Just like the Wall for our fallen Vietnam soldiers.
And have it built near the White House or Congress.
To remind them how they abandoned these Americans in a time of need.

I'm sorry but when you start comparing hardship with examples like "Just like the Wall of our fallen Vietnam soldiers" you are taking a step in the wrong way. Please don't compare Vietnam soldiers and our experience there to Americans suffering hardship.
There is no common ground to the grief and loss of life.


So sad, but no need to argue on a thread like this. We all have our own thoughts, if you don't agree with someone on a issue as sad as this one is take it to PM. Dazed

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:58 pm

Dazed&Confused, I was not arguing. I was asking to please not compare tragedies. And I was not trying to diminish the grief and sadness of Al's story and his family's loss, as I am very aware of their story.

Vietnam was a horror. So I just request that we move on with this thread about Al.

Take care and thanks... Jeff


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:52 pm

Rose wrote:Hi all I am Rose Al was my husband. I registered my own account because I was using his old account and just felt bad. Well I want to thank you all for remembering my husband. Al was my life and just being a 99er made him feel useless and beings as he had to move me and my son into the local red cross that killed him. He was only able to see us once a week. I prayed so hard for him to find a job but there is none out there. He applied all over and used to walk miles in the scorching heat to look for work but nothing. Al just was at his breaking point and commited suicide. There isnt a day go by I think of you 99ers and pray something is done. It makes me sick to my stomach how you all are suffering and they dont care. I just don't understand millions and millions of 99ers are at there end. Pa UE is so irritating. My brother is just getting done with Tier 3 so with no Tier 4 who knows what will happen with him. Everyone in PA is like ohh the UE rate is dropping its BS. With all the 99ers figured in I believe the true PA UE rate is near 12%. There is nothing there. The local McDonalds my friend is a manager he told me he had 5 openings and he received over 700 applications for 5 spots. That is just wrong. I sure hope something is done for you all suffering. I love you all and keep fighting.

Hi Rose, Thanks for checking in! We all think of Al and his family daily. I hope all is well...we will never forget!


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:05 pm

We will never forget Al. I will always remember that horrible morning when Bruce posted what had happened. I had many conversations with Al on UF, he will never be forgotten. Sad

Wishing you and your family a Blessed are in my prayers.


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:49 pm

This letter was tweeted by one of our members and picked up in the "Tampa Lefty Daily". See the second or third story down in the first column.


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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by Jobless_in_Ma Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:05 am

RIP AL, and god be with you Rose.

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"Al" Didn't Make It......... Empty Re: "Al" Didn't Make It.........

Post by tbucsfan56 Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:07 am

How many more is it going to take. Millions of good people are out of work. Yes they yell for more help because doors have been slammed in thier faces. I hate unemployment and all that is connected to it. I am fed up hearing about how if more is expected from the upper class that how can they invest thier money and create jobs, WHAT JOBS WHERE? I have been out since April 2009 but there are good people that have been out for longer than that. They have tried hundreds and hundreds of places and probably just like me have gotten zero responces. I volunteered got hired in as a casual labor then interviewed for a fulltime there got it with a starting date only to have the budget cuts put a stop to that. They said it was still my job but they would have to wait for the new budget to bring me back. I am very lucky but my heart pours out to all those just like Al. So for Al I will continue to be well know to the representatives here in Florida. Some day it has to payoff for everyone. But whats not fair is for thr folks like Al. People we have a problem in our country, its not time to be Democrats or Republicians, its time to be Americans and those under the capital dome aren't trying to do this.


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