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Post by Dazed&Confused Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:31 am

I have a feeling, once again, the REPUBLICANS are trying to punish us, it will only get worse if Obama rescinds on the tax cuts to the rich, and I think he will soooo can anyone check what state went to a 3-year look back by affiliation? I am just too tired to check it out. Dazed&Confused

Posts : 346
Join date : 2011-02-22
Location : Philadelphia

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Post by Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:16 am

Even though unemployment remains high in most states, rates haven't risen in such a way over the past two years that states can continue to meet the second condition for EB eligibility. That's why Congress, when it reauthorized the federal benefits programs in December, included a provision allowing states to modify their laws so the EB "look back" encompasses the previous three years instead of just two.

"In general, unemployment rates three years ago were low enough to meet the look-back requirements for the EB 'on' indicators," advised a December Labor Department memo to state workforce agencies. The Labor Department publishes a monthly "trigger notice report."

Some advocates for continuing the benefits worry the problem of outdated EB "look back requirements" and "on indicators" is so abstruse that state lawmakers are either unaware or ignorant of the problem.

"Too many misguided and/or uninformed state legislators are either choosing to deny their state's unemployed workers UI benefits they so desperately need, or are simply neglecting to deal with the issue that will come into play after they adjourn," Judy Conti, a lobbyist for the National Employment Law Project, wrote in an email. "There is an easy legislative fix for all of this, the money has been appropriated, and it is of the utmost importance to very vulnerable citizens in their states."

Lawmakers and governors' offices in Wisconsin, Tennessee, and North Carolina either had no comment or did not respond to requests for comment from HuffPost.

California, Colorado, and Michigan have changed their laws to maintain eligibility for the benefits, according to the Labor Department. (Though Michigan curtailed future state benefits at the same time it changed its EB trigger.)

In Missouri, a Republican state senator who filibustered a bill that would maintain the state's eligibility for EB relented on Tuesday, deciding to focus his anti-spending efforts on federal stimulus measures instead of federal unemployment benefits.

The National Employment Law Project expects Alaska, Alabama, Kentucky, and Virginia to trigger off EB benefits after the Labor Department releases state unemployment rates later this month.


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Post by Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:18 am

Effective April 3, 2011


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Post by Dazed&Confused Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:06 pm

DesperateInRI wrote:
Effective April 3, 2011

Thanks Desperate,

Here is some interesting info on the 3-years of look back per state, I think everyone, under the 3-year criteria, would be able to collect EB if it were not for those mean spirited Governors. Not one word out of Pennsylvania from Gov. Corbett. The PADOL&I is very unsure, telling one person the state has until July to pass the fix, even thought we will likely run out by May 20th. I'd have to say they don't understand what we are asking, or something. But I wouldn't expect anything, last July when he (Corbett) was running for Governor, he said the stupidest thing about Philadelphians - he said they will sit at home, saving their benefits to go to the movies & dinner, and then sit on the couch, if we extend unemployment benefits. He said, carpenter are trying to hire but can't seem to find any carpenters wanting work, I haven't seen any construction around here in years and it ain't because people don't want to work, they are not building (these are my words, as I forget the exact wording). This was said when Philadelphia had a 10.7% unemployment rate, it is now 10.2%, the state is now 7.8%. I remain, Dazed&Confused

Here is the 3-year look back by percentage:


Your state will be in the left hand side see Browse All States.Click your state and you will see regular data>in second column it says back data>click that>you will be able to see data ((TUR,etc.) going back to 2001, to date. Dazed

Posts : 346
Join date : 2011-02-22
Location : Philadelphia

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