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99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report

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99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report Empty 99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report

Post by Guest Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:19 am

Yet what was most striking about the March jobs report was the continuing increase in the number of long-term unemployed. March showed 1,899,000 workers who have been out of work for 99 weeks or more, an increase of 127,000 from February. The real 99er population is growing quickly.

NELP estimates that “throughout 2010, 3.9 million unemployed workers exhausted all of their unemployment benefits without finding new work.” Exhausting unemployment benefits also includes those unemployed that exhausted benefits after 60, 73, 79, or 93 weeks, so NELP’s estimate is larger than the BLS estimate for those out of work 99 weeks or more.

99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report Ribbon18


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99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report Empty Re: 99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report

Post by carlch Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:50 am

Desperate - I'm still checking in on this site -- There are 26 million people in this country that are unemployed, underemployed and those who have given up looking (from the April 5 PBS Nightly Business Report). They say Obama has shown no leadership, that Washington does not know what they are doing regarding the economy (proposed cuts), and everyday --- the demand for goods is shrinking. The more folks that become unemployed the further we sink. We are fast becoming a third world nation with both parties to blame.


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99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report Empty Re: 99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report

Post by Guest Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:22 pm

carlch wrote:Desperate - I'm still checking in on this site -- There are 26 million people in this country that are unemployed, underemployed and those who have given up looking (from the April 5 PBS Nightly Business Report). They say Obama has shown no leadership, that Washington does not know what they are doing regarding the economy (proposed cuts), and everyday --- the demand for goods is shrinking. The more folks that become unemployed the further we sink. We are fast becoming a third world nation with both parties to blame.

I have been saying this for 2 years.

when people fall off the unemployment radar, the unemployment rate falls.
when that happens the people with no money buy nothing.
The people who are on unemployment buy LESS than they did before they were unemployed.
People who are working spend less or look for deals, not like they would if everything was good.
Even the people who have money are spending less.

so no matter what demand is DOWN across the board.

not good for a recovery.

Now if the companies were to hire and everyone goes back to work then we would have a sustainable recovery B/C everyone knows if the long term unemployed, the unemployed and people who are working feel good and have jobs then everyone will buy goods and services.

It is not rocket science.....


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99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report Empty Re: 99er population rises dramatically by 127,000. The long-term unemployment report

Post by CLO Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:24 pm

I have felt for some time now that HR 589 or any other kind of help for the long-term unemployed will never get passed unless a miracle occurs. If we were to start receiving benefits again, we will all show up in the UE numbers- and that would blow a BIG hole in the so-called "recovery". Even the Dems don't want this becoming a "real" number before the elections. I sincerely believe there will be a public uprising such as we have seen in Egypt and other countries- it is already happening in China as well...


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Location : Ioway

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