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Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured?

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Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured? Empty Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured?

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:23 am

Using the conservative BLS unemployment numbers there are 24.7 million unemployed/underemployed.

Where are the protests and media carnivals for those 24.7 million Americans?

How many Americans live in poverty? 39,829,000

A family of four earning less than $21,954 and a household of two earning less than $14,439 would be considered living in poverty.

Who’s making the protest signs and setting up the media tents for those nearly 40 million impoverished Americans?

Nearly all public union protestors and media mavens have one thing that 50.7 million other Americans can only wish they had; health insurance.
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Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured? Empty Re: Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured?

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:32 am

Sadly, there won't be coverage until many are living in the tents or marching in the streets in mass numbers. It's not sensational enough to cover this story on it's merit alone.

If every 99er in this country could afford to meet in Washington DC on one day, we wouldn't need to open our mouths, our numbers would say it all. Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured? 34243

But sadly, although rightfully so, we have to make a choice of paying bills, feeding families with what little we have making that statement impossible for most. However, we are making the right choice for ourselves and our families, wish we could say the same about our legislators and the media as a whole.

So, please let them hear your voices over the next two days Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured? 562135


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Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured? Empty Re: Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured?

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:33 am

That's a very good question. I had heard there were quite a few unemployed at the Madison protests. They were working to get the word out about the plight of the 99ers.


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Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured? Empty Re: Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured?

Post by Judi58 Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:13 pm

Dont get me wrong I am a 99er... but the one thing I see as i am sure many others.. if about 25% real numbers are unemployed .. leaving 75% employed and not caring...
I have called and written but I think or believe that the congress is more intrested in that 75% not us.. it is shown over and over when Charlie Sheen gets more press then tent cities and homeless we are swept under the rug.

Posts : 148
Join date : 2011-03-08

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Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured? Empty Re: Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured?

Post by troycomic Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:42 pm

I'll tell you where they are.... They're at home dealing with it like and addiction, or unplanned pregnancy. We have an undeserving cloud of shame over us and don't want to air out our dirty laundry.

We also have a double edge sword when it comes to protests.

Many will say "Instead of protesting why aren't they out looking for a job" and how much will it cost to get to a protest.

What we should do is pick a date ant all unemployed hold 1,000's of mini protest at each town's city hall.

But not all unemployed are on this site to read this.

Now What?????????

Posts : 144
Join date : 2011-03-13

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Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured? Empty Re: Where are the protests and media events for the poor, unemployed and uninsured?

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:24 pm

troycomic wrote:I'll tell you where they are.... They're at home dealing with it like and addiction, or unplanned pregnancy. We have an undeserving cloud of shame over us and don't want to air out our dirty laundry.

We also have a double edge sword when it comes to protests.

Many will say "Instead of protesting why aren't they out looking for a job" and how much will it cost to get to a protest.

What we should do is pick a date ant all unemployed hold 1,000's of mini protest at each town's city hall.

But not all unemployed are on this site to read this.

Now What?????????

Add your name to the 99er Database. There is an ongoing movement to organize locally. See this thread:


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