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Post by mistermunster Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:01 am

...on 99ers in the news, there isn't squat from legitimate sources and all you get now are a slew of hits from "Trenches". Now I can agree with them on some points now and again but it is somewhat rabid ranting 7/24 to get top hits in the search engines ALL the time. Now can people be seeing this are it's become a TURN off to the plight of the unemployed??? Add to the attacks between sites and trolls all over with the same radical agenda to put us all down. Governors in many hick states turning their backs on UI benefits and ALL the HATE that is out there against us. The bully tactics in Wisconsin etc. Has all that propaganda done it's evil work???? All the world upheavals elsewhere has taken MUCH of the focus OFF the economic issues here. GOPers in DC have just LOST their frigging minds ignoring the USA problems. All I can say what is happening????

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Post by Hunterforjobs Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:32 am

NOt just the Gop, the pres too. You would think he would stand up for us but he seems scared of the Gop.

And they're trying tactics to make sure they remain in power by limiting college voting because they vote too "liberal." I know whats going to happen well at least I think I do, next Nov everyone will go back to Dems, then when they fail the following Nov we'll be back to Gop.

Anyone check for pods under their beds.

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Post by Guest Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:25 pm

Great post, mm! I wish I knew what was happening. I find it so disheartening when even the unemployed Americans can't get along. The biggest reason for this is the constant bullying by trolls, whose main focus is to divide and conquer. The only way we can fight back is to ignore, but sometimes it is so hard to hold back. We are "unemployed", not lepers!

As far as the GOP, Governors, and all of our politicians as a matter of fact, it is a power struggle to boost their own ego, in my opinion. "Status" is everything to them, to hell with the American people. Out of this thinking, the hatred is born.

How do we stop all this and work together as a united country again? Sad


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Post by Guest Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:55 pm

We are going to have to figure out a way. I have said before, do we need a complete meltdown and I mean meltdown, financial, environmental, financial and humans turning on humans, before we learn. So many people are doing their best to incite and invite violence against humans it's scary. The blog comments are so sickening, that anyone could write these things about human beings they don't know, it's completely disgusting. Have to agree with mistermunster, people aren't helping each other and we as a group are not helping ourselves. We should be united as one voice for benefits, jobs and lack of discrimination for the unemployed, instead a small number continue to incite and invite the violence of words that is ongoing almost daily now.

We are 99ers, we should be the family we profess to be and we should be united in helping each other and lobbying, advocating, writing and calling to finally put an end to three years of hight unemployment and additional benefits for ourselves.

We should be thankful to the people who are working to help us get them and not second guessing them every single day. We should be greatful for the forums that give us the opporunity to have a "home" during this crisis and not using them to ruin one another.

I agree with Desperate, as I usually do, How Do We Stop This, How Do We Join Forces to end Unemployment, Hiring Discrimination, Lack of Benefits and Create Jobs. One way is to work together and continue as we have been for a year, tired and hungry, but keep advocating, no matter how we feel, keep advocating together. We have to, it's what we CAN do right now.
If you have a computer, fax connection, phone or pen, paper and stamps, we can continue every day, even if it's just for an hour, get your voices heard. If we all have the same message, how can we be on opposite sides of an issue.

I just noticed this in searches.... 34243 We have to be!!!!


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Post by Guest Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:50 pm

I just noticed this in searches.... Animal10


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Post by lendmeflight2 Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:53 pm

Well, I do agree with all of you. I am on the same side as all members of the working class. Unemployment is a working class issue. I do have a few (a bunch?) issues "trenches" though. Those guys are just fascists who are trying to start a government take over movement. This is the same song that was sung in the 20's and 30's and they are playing it the same way. They are picking your issue as one where they think they can get a foothold on your mind. They assume that 99er's are weak and will fall in line. In some cases they are right but I don't think that most Americans want to live that way. Why do I say this you ask? Simply because they do not allow any kind of alternate opinion on their board. I was banned my first day their because I tried to explain to Mr. Shrively that Nazi were not actually socialists. He called me a traitor to my nation and told me I should be "exterminated". He can bring that all day if wants. However, all he could really do is ban my IP address.

But I really don't get why we can't all get along. I think that the majority of us do but a very loud minority makes it seem like we don't. I have been on a forum recently where they try and scream you down if you disagree. I am glad not to have that here.

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Post by mistermunster Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:33 pm

lendmeflight2 wrote:Well, I do agree with all of you. I am on the same side as all members of the working class. Unemployment is a working class issue. I do have a few (a bunch?) issues "trenches" though. Those guys are just fascists who are trying to start a government take over movement. This is the same song that was sung in the 20's and 30's and they are playing it the same way. They are picking your issue as one where they think they can get a foothold on your mind. They assume that 99er's are weak and will fall in line. In some cases they are right but I don't think that most Americans want to live that way. Why do I say this you ask? Simply because they do not allow any kind of alternate opinion on their board. I was banned my first day their because I tried to explain to Mr. Shrively that Nazi were not actually socialists. He called me a traitor to my nation and told me I should be "exterminated". He can bring that all day if wants. However, all he could really do is ban my IP address.

But I really don't get why we can't all get along. I think that the majority of us do but a very loud minority makes it seem like we don't. I have been on a forum recently where they try and scream you down if you disagree. I am glad not to have that here.

Well, it is bad. Lots of fascists are IN THIS COUNTRY and wave the "I'm a Patriot" flag while wanting to curb or eliminate OTHERS freedoms. It's all over from forums to news comments. This nation is so full OF HATE. Just like Nazis were, and we know how that turned out. The days of having a different opinion while disagreeing is no longer OK. We are now in a situation where one side is just PLAIN weak while the other just BULLIES everybody and everything to get their way. And no one likes a bully. Mad

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Post by Really? Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:57 am

by mistermunster Yesterday at 3:01 am
...on 99ers in the news, there isn't squat from legitimate sources and all you get now are a slew of hits from "Trenches". Now I can agree with them on some points now and again but it is somewhat rabid ranting 7/24 to get top hits in the search engines ALL the time. Now can people be seeing this are it's become a TURN off to the plight of the unemployed??? Add to the attacks between sites and trolls all over with the same radical agenda to put us all down. Governors in many hick states turning their backs on UI benefits and ALL the HATE that is out there against us. The bully tactics in Wisconsin etc. Has all that propaganda done it's evil work???? All the world upheavals elsewhere has taken MUCH of the focus OFF the economic issues here. GOPers in DC have just LOST their frigging minds ignoring the USA problems. All I can say what is happening????

I agree with what you are saying. curious to know which states are the "hick states" and what is the criteria for them to be determined hick states?

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Post by mistermunster Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:45 am

Really? wrote:by mistermunster Yesterday at 3:01 am
...on 99ers in the news, there isn't squat from legitimate sources and all you get now are a slew of hits from "Trenches". Now I can agree with them on some points now and again but it is somewhat rabid ranting 7/24 to get top hits in the search engines ALL the time. Now can people be seeing this are it's become a TURN off to the plight of the unemployed??? Add to the attacks between sites and trolls all over with the same radical agenda to put us all down. Governors in many hick states turning their backs on UI benefits and ALL the HATE that is out there against us. The bully tactics in Wisconsin etc. Has all that propaganda done it's evil work???? All the world upheavals elsewhere has taken MUCH of the focus OFF the economic issues here. GOPers in DC have just LOST their frigging minds ignoring the USA problems. All I can say what is happening????

I agree with what you are saying. curious to know which states are the "hick states" and what is the criteria for them to be determined hick states?

Lots of Southern States all through the cornfed Bible belt and then some. As I lived in Oklahoma for MANY years, I know the mentality within these rural regions. God (heavly on So. Baptist where I was), Guns and Flag waving with not much in the area of critical thinking, I can take only so much "It's Gods will" as an answer to every question. As a Former (CONSERVATIVE) I've been there, I KNOW. Thumpers put TOO much emphasis on the MAGIC and Apocalyptic parts of the Bible and kind of dismiss the actual "common sense" teachings of living life thats within. Unless it's convenient to use it to justify their Apocalyptic part. "You'll burn in Hell" argument just goes only so far. Now with that said...Look at the States with GOPers in Congress. Mostly "Southern" states who have been all the troublemakers. Mitch McConnell...Kentucky, Need I say more. Hell he sold his states unemployed down the river. Eric Cantor, right out of Mayberry. The list goes on, TN, MS, GA, TX, AZ, UT (Zealots there) etc. Now that the elections that has spread to middle and Northern states but it's movement is in the south. But to be's uninformed or misguided rural folk that get the body of making BAD voting choices. Thus the problem we have. IMO

Just look at the fool Rep in Kansas with his dumb comments. I think I made my point.

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Post by lendmeflight2 Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:06 pm

The south is a very complicated place. I was born here and lived here most of my life. Generally what Munster is saying is true and I can't disagree. However, there are plenty of people up north who make decisions for illogical and stupid reason. I ran into tons of people who were northern Catholics on the original uff that were very open about not supporting democratic candidates who were voting for unemployment extensions simply because these same democrats didn't want to make abortion illegal. To me, this makes no sense whatsoever.

The southern people are really hard for outsiders to understand. We are generally pretty honest and simple people. They don't like to be told what to do even if it's something they would do anyway. If they passed a law that said you had breath everyday your typical southerner would say "I can't believe they are trying to control my life". If you are southern you know what I am saying is true. This is why there so much opposition to the health care law. No southerner wants to be made to buy health insurance even though most of them would buy it anyway. Southerners are afraid that Obama will take away their guns. It's obvious this is not true by now but they take no chances. Most southerners see a long history of being bossed around and abused by the north. I feel this way too. To your typical northerner, a southerner could never make it in their world. We just are not smart enough to compete with the more socially and technologically advanced northern people. Most southerners don't understand political games and don't really care to. The down side is that this makes them very easy to fool. Most southerners think unions are bad and would never belong to one. They want to believe their bosses have their best interests at heart. They want to believe that their churches don't have a political agenda. They want to believe that republicans believe in Jesus and that democrats are godless commies and this is a very easy thing for southerners to believe.

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Post by gettheminNOVEMBER Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:23 pm

The only thing people are concerned with is what drug Charlie Sheen is on. Rolling Eyes Until they walk a day in your shoes they will never understand.

Boehner said it all if we lose jobs "SO BE IT"

He needs to be thrown out on his PRISSY little A$$! Twisted Evil

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Post by mistermunster Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:35 pm

lendmeflight2 wrote:They want to believe their bosses have their best interests at heart. They want to believe that their churches don't have a political agenda. They want to believe that republicans believe in Jesus and that democrats are godless commies and this is a very easy thing for southerners to believe.
This is at the CORE of the problem. Yeah Northerners got issues too but I stand by what I said based on my own experiences and THOSE in Congress WHO have yelled for the last 2 years against the best interest of the unemployed and the welfare of this nation. They come from the south or "RURAL" areas. And gullible is a word I would use with misinformed or misguided southerns. Seems to be there are far too many "gullible" people there. Being "gullible" and holding on to it IS NOT how this country is going to move forward or fix it's problems. Gullible people are easily swayed and manipulated. Just look at the baggers or Limbaugh listeners.

I got my beer, my flag, my gun and my dog, the world is OK with me mentality isn't going to cut it in these times. And I wonder if the "CORPS" are putting something in the beer to get these results. affraid

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